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What's your pet peeve in Anime

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  • #31
    Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    You didn't like FMA?

    Also, props to the idiots who decided to do a couple of seasons of filler for Naruto.
    Quite possibly the *smartest* thing CN has done was skip all the filler in Naruto and cut right to the real story. It was what, over a hundred episodes of pointlessness in the original series?

    Originally posted by Evion View Post
    Last time I checked, DB and DBZ were running long before Pokemon on US TV.

    "First US release
    In 1986, as the Dragon Ball anime was kicking off in Japan, a Dragon Ball video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System was produced by Bandai and exported to the US. Titled "Dragon Power" , it was a martial arts action game which loosely followed the plot of the first thirteen chapters of the manga.

    In 1989, a first attempt was made to release the Dragon Ball anime in the US in the form of a limited number of episodes (and an edited form of the first and third movie) produced and dubbed by Harmony Gold. After being test marketed in several cities (with some resulting controversy over the subject matter of the early episodes-- something that would strike again in later attempts), this version (now called the "Lost Dub") was withdrawn from the marketplace without a full season produced.

    Second US release
    In 1996, the company FUNimation Production Inc. (now known as FUNimation Entertainment) bought the rights to all the U.S. releases of the Dragon Ball series."

    Pokemon didn't arrive until 1998. Every anime fan I know started watching animes before 1998 and mostly because of DB/DBZ.

    @Malacite: I REALLY hope Naruto doesn't go DB/DBZ fight style on us.
    There were far more popular animes making their rounds in the NA markets before DBZ hit TV. And there is no one show that made Anime what it is today. It was a constant stream of popular series and profitable franchises that helped bring these shows into the mainstream over here. Both DBZ and Pokemon did their time at that 6:30 am, before school timeslot when they were new and both shows did their part to bring anime to the masses and boost it to something that wasn't *just* a sub culture of choice films subbed by fans and distributed amongst themselves.

    Though I will agree both shows have gone *way* too long. DBZ was originally supposed to end with the Cell Saga from my understanding as the creator wanted to push Gohan into the spotlight and have him take over as protector of the earth while Goku stayed dead, but fans and the execs did not want that and the show was more or les 'forced' to continue. Infact the whole 'Z' thing was supposed to represent the 'end' of the series iirc as it's the end of the Alphabet.

    And Pokemon stopped having 'new' episodes after the end of the second season and has just been rehashing it's own stories since then. But as long as the games and merchandise are selling, the show will keep going on and on and on and on....

    Originally posted by jwalton View Post
    Annoying things in anime:

    1. In a dramatic moment where the heroes are talking among themselves, they'll all be slightly hunched over with fists clenched, and just as a character finishes saying something imperative, he'll swipe the air with his dominant hand just to let everyone know that he really means it.

    2. When talking to a new enemy, the hero will say some typical line about defeating evil, the true nature of strength, or some other stupid shit. The antagonist ends his emotionless expression with a sinister smirk. Protagonist is required to make some kind of vocal noise, such as "hrrrk" or "grrrr" to indicate that the situation has suddenly become more serious.

    3. When two characters duel, the stronger fighter constantly taunts and goads the weaker one that's in the middle of an offensive frenzy while sweating profusely. When the frenzy ends, the weaker character will breathe heavily as the superior fighter starts prattling on about his superiority and show no sign of being touched a single time. In a later duel, this same calm, collected warrior will suddenly become a similarly mindless attacker and sweat profusely against a stronger opponent. The words "impossible" and "strength" will be used frequently.
    You just described *EVERY* fight from DBZ/GT.

    The original Dragon Ball was much better imo.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #32
      Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

      "classic japanese ending" which by defination to me is killing off the main or secondary main character at the end of the series. Nothing pisses me off more than investing my time and emotions in a series only to have the characters I care about die. Im an American dammit, I like my happy endings!

      edit: Also, when things are cut or censored. Sure, some things need to be for television releases, but if you are gonig to buy it on dvd, no thanks. I like to see a flick how it was originally intended.
      Last edited by Brayden; 02-14-2008, 09:58 AM.


      • #33
        Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

        Originally posted by jwalton View Post
        3. When two characters duel, the stronger fighter constantly taunts and goads the weaker one that's in the middle of an offensive frenzy while sweating profusely. When the frenzy ends, the weaker character will breathe heavily as the superior fighter starts prattling on about his superiority and show no sign of being touched a single time. In a later duel, this same calm, collected warrior will suddenly become a similarly mindless attacker and sweat profusely against a stronger opponent. The words "impossible", "strength", and "nine-thousand" will be used frequently.

