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A Somewhat-Random Thought

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  • A Somewhat-Random Thought

    I was watching Macross today, and I realized something. In the episode where one of the pilots marries an alien while the ship slowly makes its way back to Earth, the captain said something which I find very true, in the status of the world and America today.

    "We do not forgive blindly, or out of ignorance, but because we are a strong and willing nation….Each and every citizen must develop a responsible attitude toward the prospect of peace. We must learn from our mistakes to live with different people, different nations."

    I just thought it was cool that something like an animated TV show can deliver such a strong and meaningful message. I believe, by all means, that our country should not be rushing into a war like this without the right reasons to support it. Thousands of innocent lives will be lost, and the outcome of this potential war can only be something much worse than we believe. In times like this, and in all times, I believe we must love rather than destroy.

    Aah, the brilliance that is anime.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta

  • #2
    Re: A Somewhat-Random Thought

    Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
    I believe, by all means, that our country should not be rushing into a war like this without the right reasons to support it.
    we have ALL the 'reasons' to go to war we'll ever need...
    justifications is a different story...
    I'm beginning to think the U in USA stands for 'unilateral '...

    Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


    • #3
      yes, i agree pai pai.

      "all we are saying, is give peace a chance!"

      yeah, we shouldnt be rushing into a war... Bush just wants to be looked upon as a great president for acting well under extreme circumstances (which arent even that extreme, but hes sure as hell gonna make em). Thats all that seems to make a president "great"...

      and i will leave you with these words, as well :spin:

      "Modern globalization,
      Coupled with condemnations,
      Unnecessary death,
      Matador corporations,
      Puppeting your frustrations,
      With a blinded flag,
      Manufacturing consent
      Is the name of the game,
      The bottom line is money,
      Nobody gives a fuck.
      4000 hungry children leave us per hour
      from starvation,
      while billions are spent on bombs,
      creating death showers."
      -System of a Down, Boom!

      :spin: :spin: :spin:
      ~Race/Gender- TaruTaru/M
      ~Server- Unicorn

      WHM-12, BLM-7, WAR-7, MNK-5, RDM-5, THF-1


      • #4
        Easy for you to say , you didn't lose anyone in 9/11. Not to mention theres a lot you don't know. Plus peace is first solved with war. Read your history. Basically theres not gonna be any peace till these guys are gone. I could see your point but , but your not fighting for peace now are you? Your just shouting over the comp. And we do have enough reasons to go to war. Iraq kills there own people... you think that we should just stand on the side lines while part of the world F's itself over? I'm in army too , so atleast i'm fighting so you can have your opinion's =)

        yeah, we shouldnt be rushing into a war... Bush just wants to be looked upon as a great president for acting well under extreme circumstances (which arent even that extreme, but hes sure as hell gonna make em). Thats all that seems to make a president "great"...
        I'd like to see you do better. And secondly what is he suppose to do just do nothing let and let Sadam keep on making biological weapons... I guess you won't understand till more people die.

        " Trust in me and fall as well."


        • #5
          well, sorry i offended you, but what i heard was that all they found in Iraq were some empty warheads that were really old and just sitting in the back of some hangar or something that they didnt even know they still had... so, it sounded to me, based on that information, that the UN had assumed that Iraq was gonna use those warheads, because they didnt state that they had them in some report of some sort... but, im probably horribly misinformed. sorry
          ~Race/Gender- TaruTaru/M
          ~Server- Unicorn

          WHM-12, BLM-7, WAR-7, MNK-5, RDM-5, THF-1


          • #6
            There won't be peace 'til we fix our 50 year old manifest, zionistic foreign policy...:sweat:
            THEN...maybe a proper forum could be brokered...

            Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


            • #7
              I don't believe there will ever be peace until we all learn that the only way solve things is with love, not violence.
              PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
              Rockman - Fairy

              WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
              Currently Playing:
              FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


              • #8
                "war is like fire, those that do not put it aside, are them themsevles consumed by it" Sun Tzu. no good has ever came from a war.


                • #9
                  unless you find death and hatred good things you are exactly right hurricain, but leaders and stuff are too power hungry to just talk it over and stuff, they MUST destroy anything that opposes them, without even thinking of the consequences of their actions...

                  i mean, its kinda scary (me being on the east coast, only a few miles from DC...) knowing that we're gonna drop a bomb on another country, cuz u know they're probably going to answer in kind (drop a bomb near DC probably... in my pessimistic mind, that is). i mean, whats the dillio with that? we kill innocent people to make the leader do as we want? sounds a bit stupid to me... if they REALLY want Hussein or whoever the face america's supposed to hate now a days dead, they should just send in some Rangers or trained Assassins... not kill thousands of innocent people...
                  ~Race/Gender- TaruTaru/M
                  ~Server- Unicorn

                  WHM-12, BLM-7, WAR-7, MNK-5, RDM-5, THF-1


                  • #10
                    Innocent people aren't bombed. Military bases are attacked. Innocent people usually aren't harmed unless it is absolutely necessary like when you're trying to attack a hiding enemy.
                    "For a long time it gave me nightmares... witnessing an injustice like that... it's a constant reminder of just how unfair this world can be... I can still hear them taunting him... silly rabbit, tricks are for kids... I mean, WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST GIVE HIM SOME CEREAL!?!" - Carlton Banks


                    • #11
                      assassinating him would be the easiest thing to do, but we are not supposed to. ther is a law forbiding the U.S. from assasinating a person. this isnt to say we can, we just can't be tied to it.

                      innocent people do get hurt on bombing runs, and if the supposed biological and chemcial weapons are use on the U.S. then can spread over great distances. so that posses a threat to civlians.


                      • #12
                        I know over 20 people that died on september 11th (firefighters).As pissed off as I am about it going to war with a country that had nothing to do with it isnt going to solve anything.If you still belive that Sadaam Hussein has anything to do with Al Qaeda you obviously haven't heard about or seen the Cia papers.Personally I think going after the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan was justified but Bush is just going too far with this.
                        Ray Liotta makes me want to kill myself.


                        • #13
                          Just my two cents (No offense is intended)

                          Originally posted by Shinrai Kiri
                          Basically theres not gonna be any peace till these guys are gone.
                          In some ways Iraq, and other nation's of the world, probably believe the same thing about USA. As a human species, we will never shed out ethnocentric tendencies, but we must learn to realize them and make accomodations.

                          Originally posted by Shinrai Kiri
                          I'm in army too , so atleast i'm fighting so you can have your opinion's =)
                          (not being sarcastic) I'm happy that the USA has devoted soldiers like you. If we did not, then the USA would be in a very sorry state- in terms of military power.

                          Originally posted by Shinrai Kiri
                          And secondly what is he suppose to do just do nothing let and let Sadam keep on making biological weapons... I guess you won't understand till more people die.
                          I'm glad that Bush is looking abroad to help protect citizens of the world from organized terrorism. And in the case of Iraq, I hope Bush's real plan is to play the "bad cop" in order to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

                          As the majority of us are from, or living, in Americas (that's the N. American and S. American continents, along with all the islands inbetween) we must realize that we are not the people of Iraq. We are also, most likely, of a different religion and culture. Try to see things in the enemies perspective to gain better understanding.

                          I do not know all the facts and I'm 100% sure no one else here does either.


                          • #14
                            Just to touch upon the aspect of Macross' portrayal on war, it's not a new thing. Though Macross is a story about the reality of war as well as the theme of "love", Gundam(and other manga/anime) also had some similar messages/themes. At least on the topic of war. I watched Macross when I was a kid and what struck me was that even the most light-hearted episode had a bleak backdrop of the war in progress.

                            The issue of the war with Saddam Hussein is definitely not a black and white situation. It's clear to me that the vast majority of people agree that Saddam Hussein needs to be dealt with. What is in contention is how to handle it. War is never a simple issue to address.


                            • #15
                              i feel so stupid replying in this topic because there's so many smart people reading this, but i think that sometimes u have to fight today for a peaceful tomorrow. i do believe that war is not always the answer, but there's a proper time for everything, including war.

