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(spoilers) Read Or Die T.V. Episode 18 Question (spoilers)

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  • (spoilers) Read Or Die T.V. Episode 18 Question (spoilers)

    In the scene were they are view the contents of the "All seeing Eye" book, and Yoriko is talking to Joker. He states that Yoriko's husband *or at least lover* is still alive and shows her a picture of him. It dosent clearly state what he looks like on the moniture screen that they show but i was wondering if it has something to do with the "All Seeing Eye" book or if they turned him into that Yes/No thing that was found in the Deinshishu(SP?) building. If not, does anyone know what he is now ? Does it say/show it in the manga (if its out) or are we going to have to wait TT .

    Also i hope the sub comes out today for ROD TV 19+20 ^_^.

  • #2
    19 is out, nothing really important is said though.... though you get to see anita's true first use of paper (shield)

    Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
    Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


    • #3
      yeah, and it also drops a hint as to what yoriko's lover was turned into *if you pay attention* that sheild thing was cool. at first it seemed as if yoriko did it to protect her through her madness but i realize she did it. i think anita was being trained to become the next paper user to preceed yoriko readmen, in other words, anita was to become the next "The Paper" to serve greate britans yadayadayada =p


      • #4
        not a bad idea there....

        well, anime-station (the best R.O.D-TV subber group), has released episode 20.
        ~~~spoiler past this point~~~~






        it does seem to prove both your points (woo+anita ^_~), but it also leaves a cliff hanger at the end (anita returns to school, no one remembers). also, the question of did junior save the kidnapped members of the party or did he blow up the helicopter himself still remains...





        ~~~end spoilers~~~

        Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
        Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.

