spoilers if you havnet seen all 12 eps
O.Twins was a pretty good series. the ending was pretty much self explanitory except for after the credits when he talks to miina and tells her that she was in the picture as well but taking an after noon nap. So my question is, if he knew that, why did he give the example of marriage at teh train station and kiss her (passionately) as well ??. unless he didnt know till after some time as passed (time showed by the pics in teh credits)
otherwise, its one good anime. the intro song is very good to.
O.Twins was a pretty good series. the ending was pretty much self explanitory except for after the credits when he talks to miina and tells her that she was in the picture as well but taking an after noon nap. So my question is, if he knew that, why did he give the example of marriage at teh train station and kiss her (passionately) as well ??. unless he didnt know till after some time as passed (time showed by the pics in teh credits)
otherwise, its one good anime. the intro song is very good to.