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Anyone out there like DragonBall-Z?

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  • Anyone out there like DragonBall-Z?

    This is my favorite anime show. I have seen ever episode to date in America. And i know pretty much everthing that happens in GT. My favorite character is Goku. The best episodes are his lvl1 and lvl3 transformations. You?
    What I have shown you is the reality,
    what you choose to remember is the illusion.

  • #2
    If DBZ is your favorite anime, you obviously have never seen a real anime before. Arc the Lad and Evangelion come to mind.

    This is my favorite anime series, and ive seen a lot so its saying a lot:


    • #3
      I've heard of Arc The Lad and Evangelion. Im going to buy the Evangelion series on DVD when I get the money to do so. And i bought all Arc The Lad Collection game and it was excellent. I do want to see the anime series of Arc The Lad very badly also.
      What I have shown you is the reality,
      what you choose to remember is the illusion.


      • #4
        You wont be disapointed. i dunno its not the story or the characters that i dislike about dbz...its mainly the animation style. i dont dig it. I have also noticed the use the same landscape backdrops and cloud patterns for different areas where the characters are...thats just WEIRD. everyone has huge impossible muscles and really freaky noses, the same hair style is for every guy, a talking pig, the hell? lol but thats me.


        • #5
          Man the fighting in DBZ is the best man. I mean you acnt beat Kamehameha. It also has a really great stori line yo it. But tell me are the Arc the lad movies as good as I think they are?
          What I have shown you is the reality,
          what you choose to remember is the illusion.


          • #6
            Yeah very good story, good annimation, good music, likable characters, and a very distinct japanese feel to it. Some people dont like that. some parts are not for children though. >_<


            • #7
              Yeh the game was awsome. I went to the website you told me and i was wondering, Are the only Arc The Lad DVD's about Elc? I mean thats cool but i thought that they would have every character. Like arc and Alec. Oh well.
              What I have shown you is the reality,
              what you choose to remember is the illusion.


              • #8
                The Arc the Lad anime is based on Arc the Lad, and Arc the Lad 2. Tosh, and Arc, and all them are in it. remember in arc the lad 2, the game when you eventually meet up with em and stuff? Yeah like that. But the anime is not a direct port of the game, a lot of it has been changed. Arc is in it and stuff though dont worry. Alec was like 100 years after ATL and ATL2 so hes not in em.


                • #9
                  I'll move this to the porper place but it's only you guys talking in this forum why don't you guys talk it about aim just thinking
                  Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                  Merits - 98
                  Goldsmith - 85.2


                  • #10
                    Well I used to like Dragonball z alot but now I'm starting to watch alot of animes that r WAY better then that anime I have watched a CRAP load of animes man saber u should start watching more, dragonballz is basicly a taste of anime compared to ones like Naruto Shaman King Rave Groove Adventure ect....
                    "Knowledge is the key to superiority"


                    Diablos- war23/blm36/drg/27
                    Abyss- blm21/bst27
                    Clans: NeoGundan, TheConfederation, KnightsofRivendale


                    • #11
                      DBZ is just bad to me. Sure the fight scenes are nice, but that's if they even fight. They use most of the time to stand there and stare at each other while making all kinds of strange grunts and laughs before they cut to another scene which is absolutely irrelevant to anything. And I've never been fond of the whole charging thing, either. I mean, seriously. Who's going to stand there and wait for you to prepare your attack for a whole 15 minutes? Sometimes even a whole episode. And if I have enough power in one finger to destroy a whole planet, how can I not have enough power to obliterate one person with an attack from the palms of my hands?

                      If you're into fighting animes, there are a lot better ones than DBZ. In fact, two of the best are my top two favorites. The first is Hunter x Hunter. This series has so much going on in it, so many different stories, and the perfect balance between story and fighting. The other is Naruto, which a lot of people mention. It has a lot of fighting, but the characters (main and support) are amazingly developed as well as the story itself. The fighting is probably second only to Hunter x Hunter, if not equal. Their attacks (most of them, at least) are called Jutsu and are done with quick hand gestures called seals. No charging, no gasping in amazement as they gather energy (save Rock Lee's fight against Gaara, but Gaara is cocky), and 95% of them are just amazing. Even better than that, a fight is done in one or two episodes except maybe for the Zabuza fight. Maybe the Orochimaru one, too, but that hasn't been animated yet.
                      "For a long time it gave me nightmares... witnessing an injustice like that... it's a constant reminder of just how unfair this world can be... I can still hear them taunting him... silly rabbit, tricks are for kids... I mean, WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST GIVE HIM SOME CEREAL!?!" - Carlton Banks


                      • #12

                        There is know anime/manga better than dbz.
                        dbz is a master piece, the fighting and the story are not the only good things about it. The dialoges are very good, and how everything fits together. How actions take place, everything is planned.

                        And don't forget the look of the characters, a ss3 goku is so hard to draw. I can draw most anime characters, and the ss3 is so difficut.

                        *Don;t forget that AKira Toriyama also drawed for many some games (chrono cross, dragon warrior)
                        *look good at chrono, and ss4 gogeta. They look so much a like.


                        • #13
                          I agree with u on most parts but definently the story line does not fit together....I mean it's just retared I mean some new evil badguy comes out of basicly nowhere and they try their best to make it actually make sense of the story line when they add these random badguys in like other things like Majin Buu they couldn't beat him and they still never could oh and at the end they pull of a Spirit Bomb which woudn't destropy Buu normally but then they say they can with the help of the PEOPLE...:sweat: man that show is just plain cheesy.:sweat:
                          "Knowledge is the key to superiority"


                          Diablos- war23/blm36/drg/27
                          Abyss- blm21/bst27
                          Clans: NeoGundan, TheConfederation, KnightsofRivendale


                          • #14
                            I used to love DB/DBZ/DBGT, I know everything there is to know about all of them. I've seen every episode of each. but that was before I knew...... no... before I saw REAL anime. DBZ is nothing compared to what's out there. DBZ just a bunch of guys grunting and looking constipated and stuff for 30 minutes each episode. The fight scenes are great, when they actually fight. I can draw any and all DBZ character in no time flat, the animation is too easy and plain. They do use lots of the same animation over and over again in the series. If they cut out all the grunting and constipated looking scenes, the series would proboly be ALOT shorter. Something that pissed me off was when they were fighting freeza, and Goku only have like a few minutes to get off Namek. A few minutes lasted a few EPISODES. lol Well, if you like DBZ, then you've got another thing coming when you watch something better like Naruto, Evangelion, or Kenshin.

                            (sig made by raijin at


                            • #15
                              the reason for the stale animation of DragonballZ is simply that it's such a long running show, the cost would be enormous to produce it with as high quality animation as a 26 episode series.

                              in matter of personal preference, i believe Dragonball is a great "portal" anime. Nearly all anime fans of today were drawn into it through the series. personally, however, i see it as a horribly flawed series.

                              the story of Dragonball was actually quite inventive. encompassing a parody of the Saiyuki mythology, it also mixed exciting action and comedy for kids to enjoy. unfortunately, it was allowed to get a little out of hand due to it's popularity.

                              eventually, the series ended and spawned Dragonball Z, the more futuristic sequel aimed at slightly older audiences. Since Dragonball was so popular, this could only do better. Because of that, in ran for a loooong time, and pretty much overstayed its welcome by the end. the story simply became too monotonous, the animation too drab, and the action too boring. the basic premise of the series was that these new bad guys keep coming and proving themselves to be stronger than the hero, so the hero has to train hard to overcome them. it can be fun in the beginning, but after 200 episodes it can get a little repetitive.

                              and of course, since Dragonball Z was so popular, Toriyama had to go and sell the rights to the show (a move which i still don't understand), and allow the creation of Dragonball GT which, without Toriyama, lost even more of the charm and quality of the original.

                              that of course, is just my opinion.

                              if you're new to anime, Dragonball can be pretty damn good to help you understand more basic, "newbie-friendly" series, along with shows like Ranma 1/2 and Fushigi Yuugi. However, if you think of yourself as a more "mature" anime viewer, I'd suggest more complex series of similar nature such as Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, or Naruto.
                              PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                              Rockman - Fairy

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