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Final Fantasy Unlimited

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  • Final Fantasy Unlimited

    Has anybody here seen or heard of this anime? I got to watch the first episode on this free dvd I got. It seemed pretty interesting enough to continue on watching. What do you all think? Think it might be good?
    If people went threw life without question and did as destiny layed before them, the single thought of one being in control of one's life would be lost to all.

  • #2
    It's pretty awful. The original series was slated to be 52 episodes but due to record breeaking bad ratings, it was cut in half to 26. After several more weeks of bad ratings, they decided again to cut their losses and cut it to 25. There are a few brief moment where the anime was nice. Overall it's very tiresome. They only bothered to render the animation for about 5 summons, and they use them over and over again. Add to that the 5 minutes of recap in each episode and the "new" footage comes down to about 15 minutes. Of course, that's not including flashbacks. The show lacked focus, so all of the epsidoes from about 12-20 feel like an old man rambling.

    High points of the show:
    Chobi. the Ciel-Chocobo is pretty cool, albeit extrememly silly.
    Moogle. He's pretty cool, but doesn't show up until the 3rd to last episode or so.
    Some ok animation effects. nothing up to what square was capable of. (It doesn't look as good as the ff9 summons.
    Noble Self-sacrifice.

    Low points of the show:
    Extrememly painful difference between CG and animated scenes.
    Unfocused plot. With a little more work, the plot may have been worthy of being a FF.
    Rediculous amount of reused material.

    Really, i'm not sure what made me watch it to the end. Probably just because i'm a square whore.


    • #3
      i dont really know what to think of this series
      the only and first time i spent more than 30 bux at a time for anime was for this one, 70 bux
      i was real excited because of the name (final fantasy) and the guy said it was new
      its ok if u know all and i mean all final fantasy terms and character types, but i wasnt really understanding the story
      animation is pretty ok except for the way the "summons" looked, all blocky and some i couldnt understand what they looked like i.e. ifrit.
      i am glad that i saw it though because it had some interesting characters
      all in all a 7/10
      "no matter where you go you are what you are playa
      and you can try to change but that's just the top layer was who you was when you got here"


      • #4
        You pretty much speak the truth Mithrael, but the show was a bit interresting. I took it as a japanese version of Alice in Wonder Land. The show has very exotic locales, no two areas of the "Inner World" as it's called in the show are the same. I really enjoyed character design, although a little cliche, they looked pretty cool, and actually develop niceley (for the most part).
        The episodes were a little redundant, but no more than some other popular animes that I can easily think of (Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, pretty much any American releases...). I watched the whole series, or I guess half, and wasn't entirely dissapointed. I would only suggest it to the die hard Final Fantasy fan, or the anime addict though. If you have a really good internet connection, go ahead and download some fansubs, it can't hurt, only 25 episodes.


        • #5
          it was aweful in my opinion
          the same damn animation for summoning EVERY episode, wait.... I think one episode he didn't summon. Taking up 5 minutes of the episode.
          And because they cut it short, there are tons of things left unexplained and gaps and holes, which even though it sucked, I would have liked to know the entire story.
          I thought it was cool at first....despite the low quality animation, but after the third episode I got bored.
          I only watched the rest to see what the summons would look like (not that you could actualy tell what they were when they showed them)
          Although, it finally got intersting on the LAST episode. I was like, damn, and wished they made it longer so I knew what the hell was going on.

          Although, my mule character is named after the coolest character in the series, Crux
          .....the little flying doll that only says 1 thing :sweat:

          go ahead and watch it cuz it's FF, then slap yourself for wasting your time

          ......damn..... now I feel like watching the last episode again...
          Bastok Missions completed
          Zilart Missions completed


          • #6


            • #7
              i also agree with Mithrael, it had some good points that i found interesting( i wish mog was in it more), but also had its downsides.
              you are here alone again, in your sweet insanity
              all to calm, you hide yourself from reality
              do you call it solitude? do you call it liberty?
              when all the world turns away to leave you lonely


              • #8
                I was so cofused/dissapointed with it's ending
                Since I dig ff and anime, I thought this one would be better than the last ff anime I've seen. It was kinda wierd and short, but decent.
                It was about a kid w/a long murasame style sword, this girl that had the spirit of a legendary white mage in her, and it had somethn to do w/the crystals.
                I forgot what it was called tho

                Back to the topic:spin:
                FFUnlimited can only really be appreciated by FF fans and anime my oppinion. Shame it didnt get the time to ratify it's funky plot.


                • #9
                  I was so cofused/dissapointed with it's ending
                  Since I dig ff and anime, I thought this one would be better than the last ff anime I've seen. It was kinda wierd and short, but decent.
                  It was about a kid w/a long murasame style sword, this girl that had the spirit of a legendary white mage in her, and it had somethn to do w/the crystals.
                  I forgot what it was called tho

                  Back to the topic:spin:
                  FFUnlimited can only really be appreciated by FF fans and anime my oppinion. Shame it didnt get the time to ratify it's funky plot.

                  Shiroi Kumo's brother was awemazing...

