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56k sux for Downlaoding...

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  • 56k sux for Downlaoding...

    hey does anyone know of a way i can download anime at a reasonable speed on a 56k?i tried kazaa and it didnt work. if anyone has any suggestions help me out.

    Have a nice day!

  • #2
    there's really no solution to this.... the best thing is to get BB...

    but u can try the accelerater programs which increase your connection a bit.... i personally never use them.... but i've heard they help somewhat...
    [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
    [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


    • #3
      I have a 56k and even worse AOL. And now whenever I open Kazaa it lags my computer down 90% of the time so I just am forced to close it. Do you think that AOL BB will work better? Also, I know it wouldn't be ideal, but would AOL's BB work at least resonably for FFXI?
      RDM 75/ NIN 70/ SMN 39/ WHM 38/ WAR 37/ BLM 37/ THF 15/ SAM 11/ BRD 8/ RNG 2

      HNMLS: Ex- Assassin
      Dynamis: Ex- DynamisBums, Ex-HydraCorps
      LS: Densetsu, OrdoDraconis


      • #4
        i've heard AOL BB had some problem w/ PS2 online gaming (not sure if it's still is.... ....sorry i've been away from setting up NA for a while)

        but for the PC.... i think AOL BB should do it... since the min requirement is just 56k.... AOL BB is surely faster than any 56k
        [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
        [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


        • #5
          haveing 56k is just always going to suck and there is little you can really do about it. the accelerater programs help a little bit on the speed, but its really the pausing that helps the most. pretty much just suck it up are get ready for some fun waiting, or leave your comp on at night while downloading.


          • #6
            well thanx for yur suggestions but i think there is only one thing to do..... get cable! yes, i must embark down the road to get high speed internet.woo hoo! AOL does suck especially with ps2 online games cuz i have to tie up the phone line (which i only have one of )but i guess it has gotten unmistakenly clear, high speed is the path for me. Should i get Cox at home? or what do you guys have?
            Have a nice day!


            • #7
              Try and look, look and look for good BB deals.
              I got SBC Yahoo! DSL for $30 a month (speed is 600k-1mb) :spin:
              56k really does suck. Especially since most connections don't even run at 56k, mostly 28.8k, but the companies don't tell you that. I remember when i had dial-up and i tried to download some anime. LOL 100hours and when i was downloading RO it took me 5 days while leaving the connection on when i was at school and tieing up the phone line big time. Not to mention the EEERRRRRR IIIISSSSHHHHH BUUUUUUUZZZZZ GGRRRR, in other words, that horrible modem sound.
              Name: Zedro
              Race: Elvaan/Male
              Job: PLD/WAR
              Level: 50/25
              Server: Ramuh
              Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

              Status of import: Cancelled!!~
              Status of NA : Active

