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FLCL on Cartoon Network?

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  • #16
    I love this series! It is not really meant to be fully understandable the first time you watch it. In my eyes, its almost as crazy as Excel Saga. MmMmMmm Excel Saga....
    Poor Pedro......
    Back to the subject, i wish that the series was longer, excel saga is around 26 episodes. Anime's like this are a riot. I wish there were more that i knew of. Anyone else know of any?


    • #17
      Well, thx for spoiling Excel Saga for me, Beaufort.

      You can write whatever you want but please have the courtesy to write "Spoiler Warning". I chose not to read any FLCL posts until I finished seeing it all. Who knew an entirely different series was going to be spoiled in the FLCL posts.

      Well, after seeing all 6 episodes, I'm still not sure if I liked FLCL or not lol. It was definately unique... I'm just not sure if it really had that much substance to it...

      I like stuff that's confusing... as long as it makes sense in the end or after additional viewings... maybe this does and I just couldn't figure some stuff out... well anyway I have some questions for you experts.

      MAJOR SPOILER WARNING!!! You have been warned...

      1) Ok, It is finally revealed that Medical Mechanica has the major space being captured and the alien girl wants to bust him free. If that is the case than why did she help destroy the giant hand monster. Wasn't the hand monster on his way to destroy medical mechanica? If so, why would aliengirl stop it if that was her goal?

      2)What was the whole deal with the kid's father being dead and coming back to life in the bathtub? Ok, I realize that aliengirl realized the dad's head was not good enough for her... but what was the need for hiding him away and making a replacement robot of him? What purpose did that serve?

      3) What exactly was Medical Mechanica's goal. I guess it was to iron out the way people think or something? And they needed the stuff from the kid's head to activate it? Ok... so even if they knew that they could capture the space being to cause the aliengirl to rescue him to cause her to pull out the items needed to activate the iron... why would aliengirl need to activate it? Why not just destroy it? Was the only way to free the space being to activate the iron? This didnt make a lot of sense to me.

      Well I thought Lain was great after seeing it... and I thought it was spectacular once my questions about it were answered... so hopefully someone can explain all of this to me.

      Like I said, I think it is great if something is really confusing but makes sense in the end (even if there are multiple possibilities for something like in Lain). But I don't think something is that special if it just throws out a lot of weird stuff and leaves plotholes behind. WEll, thx in advance for answering any of my questions


      • #18
        The translation of FLCL actually surprised me. I was expecting them to take out every pun that could have been remotely confusing (in a cultural sense) and replace it with something that English speakers could relate to (they did do that for a few of the jokes but those couldn't be helped). Anyway, did a pretty decent job. They even kept all the Japanese onomatopoeias and name titles (-san, -kun, -chan).

        As for Kosh's questions, I have bits and pieces of answers that can sort of elucidate things, but obviously it'll spoil the series so yeah. Correct me if I'm wrong. I've seen the series several times through, yet I still have questions unanswered but I'm content with what I know already.

        For question 1, I'm also going to warn that the answer is going to spoil a bit of Evangelion (after all, GAINAX made both FLCL and Evangelion so it's not surprising that they borrowed themes, but when you think about it FLCL is a huge parody of a ton of popular animes anyway so I guess it's surprising and not surprising at the same time).

        1)The hand-shaped monsters weren't there to destroy Medical Mechanica, they were there to activate the plant. As you can see, the plant is basically a huge iron, and once activated it destroys the entire planet by flattening it out. The robot hands that Naota transported out of his head by using N.O. happened to be the thing that could activate the plant by making contact, which is similar to how the angels in Evangelion tried to make contact with Lilith in order for the world to be theirs. For reasons I can't explain, Haruko assisted the planet by destroying every robot hand (until the last episode). Haruko's only objective was to get Atomsk's (space pirate) power, and in the last episode she mentions that she doesn't care what happens to the planet as long as she gets what she wants.

        2) I don't know, mostly because I don't remember it being too significant. I think the only reason why GAINAX put that scene in was to show that not everybody has the ability to transport things through space using the N.O. in their brain. Perhaps I should watch episode four once more.

        3) Medical Mechanica's goal is to flatten out entire planets, and they do it for absolutely no reason at all (Commander Amaro states this in the last episode right after Naota fused with the Terminal Core and revived the hand). I don't know why Haruko waited until the last minute to free Atomsk. I suppose destroying the plant would have destoryed the space pirate in the process as well. In fact, I don't think the plant even activated fully since it never even moved an inch -- I guess it stayed dormant the entire time.

        Naota was the one that received Atomsk's power, right after he got out of the red Canti (by the way, red Canti = Atomsk, which Amaro said in episode 5), but where the red Canti came from is beyond me. Canti fused with the Terminal Core, and the Terminal Core fused with the robot hand, and the robot hand tried activating Medical Mechanica, but if Atomsk was trapped inside the iron then it couldn't have been at two places at once, and they never once mentioned that there were two entities of Atomsk either. Thinking about it only creates more questions. Whee.
        WAR20 MNK12 WHM28 BLM31 RDM60 THF21 PLD14 DRK20 BST6 BRD42 RNG16 SAM11 NIN40 DRG10 SMN10


        • #19
          Being only 6 episodes this anime was made to create alot of questions,but at the same time gave us an awesome unique kind of entertainment. i wish there were more

          P.S. i like the way you guys hid the spoilers
          you are here alone again, in your sweet insanity
          all to calm, you hide yourself from reality
          do you call it solitude? do you call it liberty?
          when all the world turns away to leave you lonely


          • #20
            FLCL is my favorite anime( besides bebop) and the funny thing is that they are both better dubbed. I saw FLCl when it came out in japan and when it came to america i bought all the dvds and the dubbing was great, they left every pun in. I hate dubbing for all series besides FLCL and bebop too. Im kinda mad tho i was like the FLCL master around my area, no one knew what it was and know the whole effin world will watch it and say wtf is this, its so bad, i dont get it, it was a mistake on cartoon networks part for airing a japanese pun filled anime that barely makes sense on TV n america. I mean come on just air Excel Saga and leave furi kuri alone..... i hate cartoon network
            Redmage 43- Blackmage 23- Thief 15 -Warrior 20 -Dragoon 21-Dark Knight 10 -Bard 8


            • #21
              whoa theres a straight edger on a final fantasy board talking about FLCL.... do you like AFI?...or just hXc
              Redmage 43- Blackmage 23- Thief 15 -Warrior 20 -Dragoon 21-Dark Knight 10 -Bard 8


              • #22
                just hardcore, older AFI music is alright but never got into it

                stuff like that

                im suprised your the second one to know what that means and i have been here since February
                you are here alone again, in your sweet insanity
                all to calm, you hide yourself from reality
                do you call it solitude? do you call it liberty?
                when all the world turns away to leave you lonely


                • #23
                  Well someone in an earlier post asked what all was dubbed in FLCL on Adult Swim. AS only dubbed something in eps. 6, although I don't know what it is, I've only seen 2 eps.


                  • #24
                    Yeah I missed the airing of ep.6 but I saw the sub'd vr. and I KNOW what the edit is, lol and if you DL it you will know aswell
                    (trust me, it's REALY aperant)
                    worlds most whoreable


                    • #25
                      That show is kinda strange. I kinda get the idea but whats up with the main characters brother's girl friend?
                      If people went threw life without question and did as destiny layed before them, the single thought of one being in control of one's life would be lost to all.


                      • #26
                        slut... I bet she does it like a weasle

                        btw: I just saw the adult swim ep.6 and I wasn't wrong!
                        worlds most whoreable


                        • #27
                          Hey Maxim, thanks for... attempting... to answer my questions but I'm still really confused. I'm starting to just think the show (as enjoyable as it was) is just chock full of plotholeyiss goodness.

                          Well, I just finished watching the series a second time and I'm still confused. This will be my last post because I don't want to beat a dead horse and maybe nobody can answer these questions since they are unanswerable and actually just plot holes.

                          major spoilers! do not read unless you've watched all six episodes.

                          Ok, eyebrow man said that red canti is atomsk. He also said Medical mechanica captured atomsk. Isn't this a contradiction? I mean we have seen red conti more than once (whenever he fuses with the kid). So how is red conti atomsk if atomsk is captured inside medical mechanica? And since conti only becomes red (hence becomes atomsk) when the kid goes inside, it seems like the kid has atomsk inside of him from the start? Is this the case? Is it maybe that medical mechanica has captured atomsk by putting him inside thje kid from the very beginning? Like before episode 1? This leads to my next question...

                          We learn in Ep. 4 that the brain can be used as an interdimensional gateway. That's cool. But who exactly is using this gateway and summoning the items from the kid's head? At first I thought it was alien girl... but it makes absolutely no sense for her to summon the items from the kid's head only to destroy them when they are released. Is it possible that Atomsk (who is possibly inside the kid's head) is sending out the items from the kid's head in an attempt to free himself by activating medical mechanica? Even if this is the case, why would aliengirl destroy such an item since her primary goal is to free atomsk (so she can take his power). I just can't make any sense of it.

                          Those are my only two main concerns but as long as I'm writing, I'll ask a few more things. Why in episode 2 did all those people vanish into thin air when they passed by the kid's house (with the robot outside). And what exactly caused the kid's brother's girlfriend to go psycho towards the end (her red eyes and revenge list).

                          My final question is did the show have some kind of hidden, inner meaning to it? You know, with lots of symbolism and messages? I can't help thinking at the end, "well what's the point?" But maybe it's just supposed to be pure craziness and that's it. I don't know, it seemed like it was trying to be deeper at times. It kind of seemed to me like it was about the kid being stuck between remaining a kid or becoming an adult. The eyebrow man represented adulthood (seriouseness, responsibility) and the aliengirl represented childhood (carefree, living in the moment). In the final episode, it kind of seemed like the part where the kid was in between aliengirl and eyebrow man represented the kid's choice to become an adult or remain a child. He chose to remain a child by walking to aliengirl. Has anyone else seen any other kind of "messages" in the show?

                          Well, I guess those were my thoughts of the show asa well as my questions. Take them for what they are and if you could answer any questions, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

                          EDIT: And Stryker, I doubt I will bother downloading the episode and im not planning on buying it. Why don't you just tell us what was edited? Thanks.


                          • #28
                            SPOILAZ, FOO! BEWARE!

                            ok, ill tells ya what I seen Boy-O, in the manga segment in ep.6 after you see Ta-Kun's beatin the seal, you see cock in pussy henti style, well not realy it was still manga style, but you get it. I wonder why they left the jacking off part in there?:confused: but, oh well, whatever
                            worlds most whoreable


                            • #29

                              well thx for the info I think I can pass on seeing that lol.


                              • #30
                                A couple times I went to all-day anime showings, and saw a subtitles episode of this. The CRAZY-assedest thing I've ever seen. btw what does FLCL stand for?

                                Chocobos smell like crap!
                                Attached Files
                                Chocobos smell like crap!

