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Star Ocean EX

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  • Star Ocean EX

    Well I just saw the entire first and only season of this anime. And i give it 2 thumbs up. If anyone else has seen it i would like to hear what you have to think.
    If knowledge is power, then to be
    unknown is to be unconquerable.

  • #2
    Well, it's an awesome anime, especially since it is based on one of my favorite games ^_^.

    I sincerely hope they decide to make a second season. (It is fairly new, so they might.)


    • #3
      Yes, the star ocean series happens to be one of my favourite rpg series along with FF and DQ. And yeah i agree they need a second season soon, that ending was cliffhanger (although i have beaten the game)
      If knowledge is power, then to be
      unknown is to be unconquerable.


      • #4
        Where do you guyz get all this, Geez, Kazaa takes for EVER, there HAS to be another source you're getting all these from, PLZ enlighten me I'm going CRAZY


        • #5
          You can get them from bit torrent. But i'm not sure if posting the info on how to do so is against board tos.
          If knowledge is power, then to be
          unknown is to be unconquerable.


          • #6
            Despite the fact that they kept changing the way the characters names were spelled and that the english dubing was done very badly, I liked it very much. *sigh* But alas, my favorite character Ashton is neglected by his dream girl throughout the whole series. Poor Ashton...


            • #7
              This is an excellent site to download anime's off of.
     i believe its perfectly legal, becuase if any series' get licensed they do not allow you to download. Well click on the link, then on the top look for the link that is called torrents. About halfway down the page is links to the entire series subbed by stoldat's or soldat's (dont remember the group). To use these links you need to download bittorrent to use it. There should be a link to download it somewhere


              • #8
                I...hated the anime. Star Ocean 2 is my favorite game, and it didn't do it any justice. Great characters were left out, huge events were left out, new, stupid ones were made, and the last few episodes were the most horrible excuse for anything ever. ESPECIALLY the final episode (Where the hell did those ideas come from?). Actually, EX was based of the manga (Fan-freaking-tastic manga, it is.) and even a lot of IT got changed. And there WAS no animation. Battles were just paper cutouts hitting each other e.e Except for that scene in episode..15 when Claude was training. e.e

                As to whether its going to continue, no, its not. It wasn't popular, and the manga (Which is incredible, GO READ IT) was too. They had a bunch of story recorded which they released as drama CDs, which is the second season.

                They began a new manga based on Star Ocean: Blue Sphere, the Gameboy Color sequel to SO2, and SAID they'd make an anime, but I've seen no evidence of that since the initial announcement. The art is good, but I liked the SO2 manga much better.

                Sorry for the negativity, a lot of pent up anger about the anime XD I did like some things though, like Dias' voice actor (Ironically, my favorite voice actor, Koyasu Takehito) and a lot of the added Ashton humor.
                "In just refusing to retreat from something one gains the strength of two men" -Shungaku
                Sig by Tsuko~


                • #9
                  yeah I hated this show aswell, for the same resons above, (sept I aint read the manga) the only thing I like was the fact (and I may be incorrect, as I haven seen all of em, only a few) that 4 charecters would attack and the rest would hang back for no aperant reson whatsoever.... hahahaha thats just funny stuff.

                  (I never did understand the "your 3-4 selected chars out of 10 are ko'd... gameover" what about the others? what r they just like, "well Cloud, Tifa, and Red XIII are down (or any other rpg ever) we beter get the fudge outa here, screw saveing the world! Phonex Downs cost too much gil."...
                  worlds most whoreable


                  • #10
                    LMFAO!!! Thank you. Finally someone had the balls to say why all (ok most) rpg's are retarded. Granted I %$*@ing love RPG's but still... You just made my day.


                    • #11
             many episodes is the first season of star ocean ex? 14 or 26? Cuz I have both part 1 and part 2 of the series, (granted i've never watched em) and that's 26 episodes.


                      • #12
                        26 Episodes.

                        Also, if I recall, you could replace dead characters in FFX. Realistically you can't have too many people fighting a group of monsters at once, you'd all hit each other. 3 or 4 makes it easier and safer, even though it might not be the strongest.

                        EDIT: Oops, misread point of post. Well, in FFVII you must remember your other party members aren't with you, you travel in separate groups. For any other idea. XD

                        In the original Star Ocean you could switch characters if one wasn't doing well. Kinda nifty :p
                        "In just refusing to retreat from something one gains the strength of two men" -Shungaku
                        Sig by Tsuko~


                        • #13
                          For those who dont know already who like this series and have watched it:

                          There is no second season. The production company dropped this series for another one. I learned this from the people who subbed this series, soldats. If you want to know what happens after the end of the series, play the game on playstaion 1. The end of the series end basically at the end of disk one. This is one of my favorite games and i hope the fans of this anime play this game. If you want to read this for yourself go to
                 . This was dissappointed in hearing this as well.

                          <EDIT: Oops... i have way too many grammatical errors.... i should read posts over once in a while>


                          • #14
                            well I finally got around to watching the first 13 episodes of the series and i must say i kind of agree with you Shiyume but kind of don't. First off Rena is just crazy cute. Far more cute then she was in the game (not that she wasn't cute in the game). That alone make me want to watch more of it. Although i also hate it cuz i now have the undeniable urge to replay so2 (for the gazillion time) and i swore i wounld never play that game again. (Once you lvl your characters up past lvl 500 something you wouldn't want to play the game again either) But back to the anime...its got its crappy moments but it's still fun to see one of your favorite rpg's made into an anime. However seeing as how i have the dvd, not some file off the internet, i had to get it imported and its fan subbed...oh give you an idea of how bad it is...when claude say "what in the world?" They sub it as "in the world what?" and ashton's name is spelled Ausixilion. Were the subbers on crack? Yes they were. The spelling is atrocious and there are parts where the characters are saying stuff and there is no subbing. Oh well i guess the lesson here is "there are some good fan subbing out there and then there is star ocean ex" If i had not played the game i'd have no clue what's going on. All in all i'd say it's pretty good but it does seem like the anime was a bit rushed. ~no i'm not going to check my spelling cuz i'm lazy, so deal with it~

