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Vote for your favorite question! (UPDATED)

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  • #61
    Re: Vote for your favorite question!

    I voted #5 because it's the only question up there that isn't a softball. Plus in the long run, how they handle that situation will have more of any impact on the game then anything else will.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #62
      Re: Vote for your favorite question!

      I'd revote for the rephrase about ID serperation, "ID login".
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • #63
        Re: Vote for your favorite question!

        1) I have to admit that I voted for my second favorite question simply because I knew that my favorite, this one, was already going to have overwhelming support. I don't see how "are you going to make SC+MB work better?" is a softball question; indeed, what party types work best affects the entire shape of the environment.

        I will say this, though: there is more to the lack of benefit to skillchaining than the fact that people won't invite BLMs to burst off of those chains. Some of the problem is the level of resists on skillchains, especially at higher levels. The only chains 60+ that don't get many resists are Light and Darkness, and it's nearly impossible to arrange those. Another part of the problem is that while according to the New Player Guide you're supposed to choose a skillchain based on monster weaknesses for a tactical advantage, it's usually more efficient to just choose the highest-level chain you can scrape togther with the front-liners at hand. There just aren't as many options as SE seems to think.

        2) Fluff question, IMO -- and besides, I'd rather see them shore up the weaknesses in existing mini-games. Why is it that you can't customize chocobos effectively anyway, given how long the effort takes? You can either have a fast chocobo or a smart one, period, it seems -- no effective way to make, say, a chocobo that has Endurance and Discernment but not Strength or Receptivity. When compared to Pankration, where you can put together a very personalized monster in a day, it looks even more ridiculous. Ah well, at least we know they're working on Chocobo Racing...

        3) Do we really need to ask "Are we there yet?" again?

        4) Not a bad question, just not exactly a priority compared to gameplay questions -- particularly as it's been asked before. I have a bad feeling that any adjustments will be available only through the LS Community site... *shudders at the LS Community ToS*

        5) A good question to ask; this could be problematic.

        6, 7) I agree that these are essentially the same question. Also, while I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment behind them, I feel they're phrased way, way too vaguely to get any substansive answers from. Taskmage's recent question is better:

        8) This one's been talked about sufficiently in this thread. Though I note that SE seems to fail to realize that apart from 75, no one has any two jobs at the same level, ever...

        9) If you ask this one, I'd say throw in "aside from blink tanking" -- they've talked about this in the past.

        10) They talk about their feelings on this matter in the GM Policy. Basically they say they don't care as long as you're not being disruptive of other players in the process. -- Pteryx


        • #64
          Re: Vote for your favorite question!

          These are all excellent questions, I hope we get some really good answers from them.
          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
          ~I has a blog~~
          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


          • #65
            Re: Vote for your favorite question!

            10) They talk about their feelings on this matter in the GM Policy. Basically they say they don't care as long as you're not being disruptive of other players in the process. -- Pteryx
            Here's what it says:

            Is power leveling (PL) against the rules?

            We do not prohibit 3rd party players assisting other players. However, if such assists result in interfering with other players' capability of playing the game, GMs may take action


            • #66
              Re: Vote for your favorite question!

              Originally posted by Richie
              Wow this interview is going to be as hard hitting as a FEMA press conference. I'm glad we're not taking this opportunity to clear up stuff like the effectiveness of TH on HNM drops. The % difference between the levels of TH. The shunning of whms post 41. The GM's blatant bias towards Japanese players. The absence of tanks at low levels. SE's real stance on windower (if they don't allow it why don't they go after players like they were rmt). When they plan to fix spell lock and other such questions.
              Originally posted by Richie
              You're not going to ask the tough questions because you don't think they will get answered? Sad. You would have made an awesome White House reporter in 2003.
              I'm not going to ask the tough questions because I simply don't care. We're not talking about elected government officials who are answerable to their tax payers. You have no choice in paying taxes. You do have a choice in paying to play FFXI.

              When it comes to being a consumer, you talk with your wallet, not with "hard hitting questions."
              lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
              Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
              Fishing 60

              Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
              Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
              Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
              Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


              • #67
                Re: Vote for your favorite question!

                Merit spells were stupid, period.

                Slow II is a key example of this. That one spell is what will forever deny us Time Mage. Never mind that more merits = more potency (very stupid, it might have been OK if you just needed to spend 3 points on each spell instead of upgrading them...)

                SE dropped the ball on Category 2 merits over all I find. WTF does PLD need Fealty for? How about Runic...

                and Snapshot has got to be the biggest cock tease in the game

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #68
                  Re: Vote for your favorite question!

                  Originally posted by Malacite
                  Snapshot has got to be the biggest cock tease in the game
                  While your entire post rings true, consider this little snippet sig'd!

                  (Even though I'm not a Ranger . . . )

                  EDIT: Or not: apparently, I've maxed out my character limit. What to do . . .
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                  Matthew 16:15


                  • #69
                    Re: Vote for your favorite question!

                    Originally posted by Richie
                    BTW this is ask SE, not "ask random fan boy with too much anime crap all over his posts" I don't care what your replies are I want to know how they will reply to the questions. There were plenty of good questions on the forum, I don't see why this crap was chosen over them and it only goes to show how futile posting my own questions would have been.
                    You have until Thursday, November 15, 2007 12:00 Noon Pacific Standard Time to submit to me links from the Ask SE Questions section of this site of questions you think are more worthy. Please send them to me via PM and I will consider it.

                    A written statement explaining why a particular question is good will give it better chance it will be added to the list.
                    Signature was intentionally left blank.


                    • #70
                      Re: Vote for your favorite question! (UPDATED)

                      #7 has a typo. First "know" should be a "knew."

                      Just thought I'd point it out before someone stumbles on the sentence trying to say it out loud.
                      "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                      • #71
                        Re: Vote for your favorite question!

                        Originally posted by Karinya View Post
                        If they do anything it should be narrowly focused on THF, or at least daggers. The reason the 2h updates (I include Hasso/Seigan as well as grips and the new formulas for acc/atk etc.) were necessary is that other single hand weapon wielders, primarily NIN and WAR/NIN, were dominating the game too much already. Buffing them would just risk bringing that back. (Monks, on the other hand, have kicked ass all along; all they really need is monsters that aren't so pathetic so the tank can hold better hate and they can /WAR without worrying so much about their hate. Well, outside of rotating-alliance HNM fights, anyway.)
                        Actually my comments were more along the lines of that even though they may say there will be a change to a certain mechanic, we will not know if it's better or not until *after* it comes out. So questions like "will you fix XX" or "Will you change YY" can only be met by very basic answers that will most likely not satisfy anyone. When the 2 hander change was announced people scoffed at it, until they saw it in action and realized the change. And when thfs received the increase in high lvl Dagger Dmg, they all cheered...until they realized how little effect it actually had. So questions about statistical changes just never seemed all that useful to me. Similarly, questions such as this:

                        Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                        And I think the Windower question is a good one. It's not that SE didn't say they were planning on releasing the windower+DX9 update around the same time as WotG. Is just that hearing a specific date would be way better, or even a progress report in case they are delaying it.
                        Since WotG != windower mode.
                        To me, are down right pointless. Hearing an exact date, which may or may not be concrete, just seems like a waste of a question. It also seems like we're putting a rush onto things they're not ready to roll out yet. We know it's coming in WotG, and we know *why* it's coming with WotG, so I see no need to know an actual date.

                        I personally liked the question about content they wanted to add but couldn't, like that Train zone in the dats, their mention of certain creatures aggroing to different armor types in an early preview or the "mob vs mob" stuff shown in one of the early trailers before the game came out (the video actually showed a Goobue eating a Mandragora for cryin out loud).
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • #72
                          Re: Vote for your favorite question! (UPDATED)

                          #5 Do we really need to ask this again? It has been said that the PS2 HDD is no longer supported, and that he PS3 is not getting a PS3 client for FFXI.... how hard is that to understand?

                          #10 This to was answered already -.- SE said that they don't mind it, unless it starts to interfere with other players playing experience.

                          and I have to agree with the windower question... asking it now would be a waist of a question
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #73
                            Re: Vote for your favorite question! (UPDATED)

                            2) Fluff question, IMO -- and besides, I'd rather see them shore up the weaknesses in existing mini-games. Why is it that you can't customize chocobos effectively anyway, given how long the effort takes? You can either have a fast chocobo or a smart one, period, it seems -- no effective way to make, say, a chocobo that has Endurance and Discernment but not Strength or Receptivity. When compared to Pankration, where you can put together a very personalized monster in a day, it looks even more ridiculous. Ah well, at least we know they're working on Chocobo Racing..
                            Asking about the continued diversification of content is not a "fluff" question. its a question about the actual game, which is more than I can say for some of these questions.

                            Comparing Pankration to Chocobo Breeding is comparing apples and oranges. Chocobo Breeding kinda takes notes from horse racing and pet sims, Pankration takes its notes from Pokemon/Shin Megami Tensei-style games. To increase stats in either, it still takes a bit of time, the thing is with chocobos is that is a very deep simulation. Breeding chocobos was very much a time sink in the other games and that's reflected here to an extent.

                            Nyzul Isle is the 100 level dungeon of this game, that's another FF hallmark that pops up every other game, FFX-2, Final Fantasy Tactics and FFXII most notably.

                            Assault places us in several unique situations with different objections. A lot of these are unlike most of what you'd encounter in the game.

                            Some of this content brings worthwhile rewards and others just a fun way to pass the time with minimal reward. I'd like to see more or it.

                            I'm sorry if you don't find it "hard-hitting." That's not the way interviews are done, anyway. If you constantly hardball those you interview, they won't be interested in talking to you again.

                            The skillchain/MB and the support class question is the only real big "issues" that needs to be pushed. Questions about windower and PS3 are questions we will see the answers to in time. The search function question was already answered in Pikko's E3 Interview on Allakazham. They said it would be too complicated, the search function is tied into a lot of things with the game already and its difficult to alter that without mucking up things like the Auction House in the process.

                            In light of Dancer being a Dagger user, I think questions about improving THF are very worthwhile questions. Thief is the primary dagger-wielder and of all the DD jobs, THF has fallen the furthest behind. Are they going to see some exclusive DD traits, which THF lacks? Will they gain some supportive functions? How do they plan to improve THF?


                            • #74
                              Re: Vote for your favorite question! (UPDATED)

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              I'm sorry if you don't find it "hard-hitting." That's not the way interviews are done, anyway. If you constantly hardball those you interview, they won't be interested in talking to you again.
                              And if you never ask anything but puff questions, you're Tim Russert and everyone laughs at you.

                              Asking real questions is the only point of having an interview at all; otherwise you might as well look at their press release and go home.

                              Of course they might not give straight answers - they often don't, and they may not even have definite plans for what they're going to do in 6 months. But there's at least a chance of getting some more information about where the game is going, if you ask questions about the important issues. If they weasel (or the PR department has forbidden them to spoil the surprise), then they weasel; but at least you'd have tried.
                              The skillchain/MB and the support class question is the only real big "issues" that needs to be pushed.
                              Out of the ones listed, yeah. Otherwise I could probably think of a few to add. High level exp rates, camps and the devs' opinion of players fighting much weaker monsters than a few years ago, for example; it ties into the SC/MB question a bit, but without touching directly on mob level and the relative power of mobs vs. players, I think the posted question is likely to miss the point.

                              Obsolescence of some HNMs might also be worth asking about (again, the rising power of players is directly related).
                              In light of Dancer being a Dagger user, I think questions about improving THF are very worthwhile questions. Thief is the primary dagger-wielder and of all the DD jobs, THF has fallen the furthest behind. Are they going to see some exclusive DD traits, which THF lacks? Will they gain some supportive functions? How do they plan to improve THF?
                              Well, they already *have* some supportive function: hate manipulation. After 60 with Assassin, THF's hate manipulation is no longer dependent on reversing hate multiple times or having other party members line up just right; just move behind the tank and TAWS. Before then they're just the only people with TA at all.

                              Tankless parties destroy the point of putting hate on a specific other party member, which ties back into the big picture issues again. But outside of that, I think THFs definitely have their uses. (One of their old uses was SC closer - amplifying their spike damage by the SC effect. Again, they suffer from the death of team tactics.)
                              Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                              RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                              All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                              • #75
                                Re: Vote for your favorite question! (UPDATED)

                                I still think damage mitigation and armor types is a huge issue along with how most magic skill works and how utterly broken /WHM is compared to other mage subs.

                                Run-on sentence FTW!

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

