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PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

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  • #16
    Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

    Problem is bbq, if you start banning people for flaming about half of the people that actually post here vanish.

    Honestly, I don't even pay attention to the rules around here anymore, except signature rules. We just need a single "no fuckwittery" rule, and start banning the random idiots we get.


    • #17
      Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

      Originally posted by Feba View Post
      Problem is bbq, if you start banning people for flaming about half of the people that actually post here vanish.
      Well, not really. Not that many people do it.


      • #18
        Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        Problem is bbq, if you start banning people for flaming I would vanish.
        Fixed for correctness.


        • #19
          Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

          bbq: Yes, I would be one of them, but there would be a lot more than myself.


          • #20
            Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

            This thread should be shown to new users by default. Then there should be a quiz in order to make sure the person read it well and good.
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #21
              Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              And really, if you're going to pass out infractions in the future, then they should really mean something. My "Red Card" expires on October 1st, yet here I am, posting away. I do recognize what I did as flaming and do not disagree with the red card itself, though I make no apologizes to the tro... er.. victim in question. I'm of the impression that Sev as collected quite a few more than the one I have in the last few days and he's still posting away, too.
              Wait a second, put aside all differences. What the hell did you get red carded for? The reason we both are still posting is because they we not major violations, we crossed the line but just by a step, if you want the seriousness I got a red card for "SHUT UP" after the person told ehomer to suck a dick. I got 2 and I intentionally got both, you kind of will notice that with every red card I get. They are on purpose, tho the second one wasn't planned to be from taskmage, he was just quicker then the other mods.

              I don't report people, minus the one troll due to getting wrote up over Shut up and no action taken against his post. Atleast from this we can movbe forward and work for the community itself bbq, no personal shots between either of us. Less drama fights between me and you or me and feba, or who ever it happens to be at the time will be a positive outcome for the whole board. Something we can agree upon is always nice.

              Originally posted by Balfree View Post
              This thread should be shown to new users by default. Then there should be a quiz in order to make sure the person read it well and good.
              So I was the last person to respond to the thread before the necro (by a mod!), it seems to me I may have failed the quiz if one was given.
              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



              • #22
                Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                He said he liked to suck a little dick... o_O

                BTW I have a SEKERET to tell you Sev.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #23
                  Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                  Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                  He said he liked to suck a little dick... o_O
                  BTW I have a SEKERET to tell you Sev.

                  OMG PM ME! (+1 cool point for mod derail)
                  [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                  • #24
                    Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                    When you report a post, who does it go to?
                    Thanks Kazuki.
                    Dragoon Equipment


                    • #25
                      Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                      Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                      When you report a post, who does it go to?
                      Dunno but the cards come to me.

                      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                      • #26
                        Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                        I generally want to avoid talking about the infraction system in specifics because people tend to give less due to the devil they know than the one they don't, to mix metaphors. BRP, for example, has figured out through trial and error exactly where the line is and excels at dancing as close to it as possible without us mods being able to touch him for it by our own rules. Those of you that just know there's a line out there somewhere and something bad will happen if you cross it tend to keep your posts clearly on the safe side of the grey area, barring the odd outburst in anger when you plainly don't give a fuck. I like it that way just fine. There are of course exceptions where a new user somehow has no idea that there's a "line" anywhere, but those people tend to either wise up or shut up pretty quickly, and by shut up I mean get banned in a fire.

                        That said, I don't suppose it could possibly hurt anything to let people know what definately not to do. We do have rules threads, so scan those first of all. Assuming that, these are the warnings I usually hand out and exactly why I give them: (these are not all the warnings, just the most usual ones)

                        Insulted Other Member(s)
                        Pretty straightforward. You insulted someone. If you say "You're an idiot" or "whore" to someone and it's not blatantly obvious to me that it's just casual ribbing between friends/semi-friendly rivals then you're getting one of these straight up. Note that often you can get away with what amounts to the same thing by using an ounce or two of tact. "You're a hypocrite" standing alone is likely to get a warning. "[Behavior X] is hypocritical of you considering [behavior Y]" is fair game.

                        Flaming / Destructive criticism
                        Probably the least understood rule, but I thought AKo outlined it pretty well in the rules thread.
                        If you have problems or feel that there are weaknesses in someone else's posts, tell them in a constructive manner. Don't harshly reply to them and say, "You suck!" or "Your post is so stupid!". This is not the way criticism should be handled, and I don't want to see this. Those who resort to profanity, calling names, and/or attacking someone's character are flaming another visitor. Such actions will not be tolorated by the moderation team.
                        Simply put, it is assumed that members of this board will be respectful to their fellow posters in their posts. If a post is blatantly disrespectful (e.g. STFU, GTFO, etc) then it's probably flaming. Yes, it's somewhat nebulous, but it's pretty much a catch-all for rude or offensive behavior so that's kindof the point.

                        Signature Rule Violation
                        Your sig's too big. Please keep the images below 25 Kilobytes and no larger than 550 pixels wide and no taller than 350 pixels tall. I don't generally go around with a measuring tape, but if something catches my eye as probably being too big, these are the standards I'll refer to.

                        Inappropriate Language
                        Yes, we actually have a rule about this. Generally we're talking about 4-letter words here. I don't strictly enforce it. You've probably noticed I use a fair number of them myself. If I pull out this warning it's because someone's gone way overboard with the number of swear words they've decided to string together at once, or because they're being used in a manner that I see as clearly abusive or malicious.

                        Several off-topic posts made within a short time frame
                        and Inappropriate Off-Topic Spamming
                        SPAM stands for Senseless Pointless Annoying Messages. Please ensure that your posts are on topic of the forum indicated. Massive amounts of messages that do not pertain to the subject and are designed to annoy other board visitors maliciously, with intent to disrupt activites on the board, shall be grounds for immediate ban from these boards without warning.
                        We're talking about non-advertising spam here. Obviously that kind of spam is ban-on-sight. I don't know if I've ever actually used this warning, but if I did it was because someone was making posts consecutively in the same thread or in rapid succession across muliple threads that were one word or nonsense just to farm posts or to clutter up New Posts or for whatever stupid reason. Luckily we don't have a lot of this.

                        This does not necessarily apply to people that you find to be pointless, senseless or annoying on the whole. We don't have a rule against having a bad personality, or taking part in discussion of topics we find to be inane or stupid. Unless you really feel that the posts represent a concerted effort to do nothing but annoy people, it's probably not worth reporting as spam. As always, it's up to the discretion of the moderation team. Maybe we'll agree with you and maybe not. Even if we don't, it's possible we'll take the person aside and talk to them in an effort to help them be less annoying.

                        Insubordination against Moderators or Administrators
                        I don't like to use this one because it's so broad and easy to abuse, but basically don't give us mods crap. Generally this comes up because someone is pissed we gave them a warning and fires back some flames via PM. Don't do that. If you genuinely disagree with the basis of your warning then please do send us a PM back and explain yourself calmly and maturely. Honestly, more people have gotten banned for smacktalking the mods about some pissant warning that was gonna wear off in a week or two anyway with no consequence than have actually been banned for violating the rules ... not counting ad spammers. Just cool off and use common sense.

                        We actually don't have a warning for trolling. Basically I think of trolling as making posts that are deliberately offensive in some way in an attempt to provoke another user or group of users into a heated arguement or possibly into making a flame response. This can range from something as simple as "lolpld" or as sophisticated as thinly veiled insinuations. I don't feel that we mods should really touch this, since whether a given post is deliberate trolling is very much open to interpretation.

                        All warnings are discretionary. Very often we'll let minor infractions slide, or make mention of it in a post if someone is on the brink of a warning. If you report a post, we might not agree with you and assign an infraction all the time, but at very least the mods will take a look at it and come to a definate judgement. Even if nothing comes of it immediately, it lets us know if someone might be a problem down the road. Don't spam reported posts, but don't be afraid to use them either.
                        Last edited by Taskmage; 09-20-2007, 03:33 PM. Reason: fixed link
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #27
                          Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                          Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                          When you report a post, who does it go to?
                          When you report a post it creates a thread in a special sub-forum of the mod lounge containing your message and the text of the post. Consecutive reports of the same post are made as replies on that thread.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #28
                            Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                            Taskmage, after reading that, I think it's fair to say that you suck, and your post is so stupid. Also, DIAF.


                            • #29
                              Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                              Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                              Several off-topic posts made within a short time frame
                              and Inappropriate Off-Topic Spamming
                              Now there is a certain user I would apply this to, am I allowed to rip out their liver?
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                              • #30
                                Re: PSA - How to handle other users you do not like.

                                How many points before a ban temp and or perma?



                                also balfree didn't send me a pm /cry
                                [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


