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Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

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  • Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

    Dear members,

    It has come to the attention of the administration of that a new step needs to be taken to enforce our rules against the posting of RMT activities. As such, new membership registration from the following regions will be prohibited, blocked, and subsequently banned. Existing members will be exempt from this specific prohibition.

    However, members in the mentioned areas must Private Message me as soon as possible to be excluded from being banned if you are posting using an ISP from the listed regions (excluded or included):

    Area being banned:
    • People's Republic of China
    • Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
    Areas of the above that are EXCLUDED from the ban:
    • Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region
    • Macau, Special Administrative Region
    • Republic of China (Taiwan / Formosa)
    • Republic of Korea (South Korea)
    This ban will be implemented on a ban-on-sight basis, any new registrations that contains an IP from the embargoed areas will be banned without notice, warning, at any time, by any moderator or administrator without further recourse except directly to me or PiNG via Email. Once an IP is identified, the entire block of the associated IP (excluding any sanctioned IPs or ranges from existing members and the above excluded areas) will be immediately blocked and banned without any further appeals except to me or PiNG.

    The use by violators using proxies or other measures to circumvent this policy will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Existing members posting in any of the listed areas, excluded or not, must PM me as soon as possible to avoid getting caught in the ban!

    What to do if you have complaints regarding this policy:
    If you have a problem with this policy, you have 15 days from the date of this post to Private Message me to voice your complaints or opposition. Your complaints will be heard, and considered before the actual FULL implementation of this policy in 25 days from the date of this post.

    If you have a problem with this policy or with the resulting embargo/prohibition after 20 days from the date of this post, you can email me at akosygin AT ffxionline DOT com for further assistance.

    If you think I am a racists to do this, please PM or Email me and I will explain to you why it is not. It runs along the lines similar to accusing a Jewish persion for being anti-semetic.

    Thank you all for your support and understanding,
    AKosygin Moderation and Administration Team
    Last edited by KamuroIshigami; 04-14-2007, 04:36 PM. Reason: Spelling and Grammar
    Signature was intentionally left blank.

  • #2
    Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

    If you think I am a racists to do this, please PM or Email me and I will explain to you why it is not. It runs along the lines similar to accusing a Jewish persion for being anti-semetic.
    I don't see how anyone could think this to be racist. Sounds like you must have some sort of proof showing that most RMT annoyances are coming from these now banned areas. Or not. /shrug

    In any case, I applaud your efforts at further hindering RMT.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #3
      Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

      Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
      I don't see how anyone could think this to be racist. Sounds like you must have some sort of proof showing that most RMT annoyances are coming from these now banned areas. Or not. /shrug

      In any case, I applaud your efforts at further hindering RMT.

      Well, that line was added to:
      A.) Cover my butt to those that might be a bit sensitive to how I am defining the areas.
      B.) I have proof, but the problem lies in that I am not allowed to disclose it, for privacy reasons and an NDA.
      Signature was intentionally left blank.


      • #4
        Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

        Nah, I wouldn't think you are racist about this, I am a little surprised that you are doing this, but that is only because I have not seen any RMT adds on this site, and I haven't heard much in the way of other people having RMT adds emailed to them.

        Interesting regions you are blocking out though, reminds me of those RMT can't possibly be from China and all those arguements I used to see, but nah, a goodly amount of RMT can't possibly come from China where they ignore copyright laws anyway...

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • #5
          Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

          Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
          Nah, I wouldn't think you are racist about this, I am a little surprised that you are doing this, but that is only because I have not seen any RMT adds on this site, and I haven't heard much in the way of other people having RMT adds emailed to them.
          There's some old adage about this. The exact verbage escapes me right now, but it involves a swimming duck ...
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

            in before the lockdown!


            • #7
              Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

              I don't think you're racist but it does seem a bit extreme blocking out entire countries. I would be annoyed to say the least if I lived in one of those places and wanted to legitimately access the site.


              • #8
                Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                Originally posted by Feenicks View Post
                I don't think you're racist but it does seem a bit extreme blocking out entire countries. I would be annoyed to say the least if I lived in one of those places and wanted to legitimately access the site.

                well thats life, sometimes you have to do something extreme when a rule is broken constantly and you know where they are coming from, in a general since
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • #9
                  Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                  Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                  Nah, I wouldn't think you are racist about this, I am a little surprised that you are doing this, but that is only because I have not seen any RMT adds on this site, and I haven't heard much in the way of other people having RMT adds emailed to them.
                  I've seen them from time to time, but the moderators here are really quite good. This is one of the best maintained forums I've ever posted on.

                  Also I do enjoy clicking on the "report" button when I see them.

                  Thanks for this measure AK. I hate RMT, and anything we can do, no matter how small, is making it harder for them to do what they do.
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
                  ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                    There's plenty of Japanese forums that ban American IPs, and it's extremely obvious that most RMT are in China/Korea, not American. This is nowhere near racist.


                    • #11
                      Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                      This is hardcore!


                      • #12
                        Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                        Originally posted by Feenicks View Post
                        I don't think you're racist but it does seem a bit extreme blocking out entire countries. I would be annoyed to say the least if I lived in one of those places and wanted to legitimately access the site.
                        And that's exactly why he said...

                        Originally posted by AKosygin View Post
                        However, members in the mentioned areas must Private Message me as soon as possible to be excluded from being banned if you are posting using an ISP from the listed regions (excluded or included):


                        • #13
                          Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                          Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                          Nah, I wouldn't think you are racist about this, I am a little surprised that you are doing this, but that is only because I have not seen any RMT adds on this site, and I haven't heard much in the way of other people having RMT adds emailed to them.
                          Thats because you may not have been here that long. I have had 7 emails and 32 pm spams by RMT sicne I joined, each oner has been reported to mods etc and dealt with accordingly. The fact you don't see much RMT on teh forum is due to the mods and admins doing their best to pre-empt and deal with them when they first join. Members reporting RMT spams via the report post or by pm'ing a mod also help get rid of them quick.


                          • #14
                            Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                            Slightly pedantic perhaps but South Korea is neither part of North Korea nor China and I don't think they'd be too happy with the inference that they were.

                            Might it also be a good idea to stop board guests being able to see member's AIM etc handles? Or is there a way to do this in settings already?


                            • #15
                              Re: Enactment of Regional Access Prohibition

                              There was no inference, just clarity.

