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Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona & Hawaii)

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  • Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona & Hawaii)

    UPDATE: It is Saturday night, Sunday Morning! The date is corrected.

    This is an important reminder that Daylight Savings Time has changed in 2007 for all United States players (except Arizona and Hawaii which does not observe DST). Thank you to the U.S. Congress , daylight savings will start three weeks earlier and end one week later this year and for the foreseeable future. Please be aware that Daylight Savings Time starts this coming Saturday night, March 10, 2007 (technically Sunday morning, March 11)! This daylight savings is earlier than the previous daylight savings and may affect the operation of your computer.

    Please make sure that you have your computer is updated to the latest updates to accommodate this change in when DST starts and ends.
    • Windows Vista users are already updated and does not need to do anything.
    • Windows 2003 and XP users must download the latest patches from Windows Update or from here:
    • Windows 2000 users are a bit more hosed and need to follow the long long instructions here:
    • And I give condolences to Windows 98 and ME users as their OS is not supported and must hack their system or find a third-party patch on their own. Though you probably should upgrade to a new version of Windows anyways.
    • Xbox 360 or PS2 or PS3 users must check to make sure that their Daylight Savings Time turned on correctly on Monday morning, a patch or update may be available for the PS3 or Xbox 360 (though I believe that it is already set for the change).
    If you do not update your computer, the post times shown on this site will be wrong for you when it kicks in, as this site's Daylight Savings adjustment detection is read off your computer browser via JavaScript.

    Furthermore, some network functions may be affected if your time is off, depending on the tolerance and other issues. Those with Vana'diel Clocks may also need to make appropriate changes to compensate for the reading of local time.

    The FFXI Servers should not be affected (as the servers are likely Japan Time which does not observe daylight savings), but your reading of your time relative to Japan Time maybe affected and you should compensate for this.

    Note: "Spring forward and Fall back". You move the clock one hour ahead this Saturday night/Sunday morning.
    Last edited by KamuroIshigami; 03-09-2007, 05:02 PM. Reason: Including Hawaii
    Signature was intentionally left blank.

  • #2
    Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

    Gahlksdjfaiuhaoiubdsf - UK doesn't go forward till the 25th. This is gonna get confusing fast...

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


    • #3
      Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

      What's so special about Arizona?


      • #4
        Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

        Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
        What's so special about Arizona?
        Arizona is the only state in the United States that does not observe Daylight Savings Time. While the country move forward and backwards one hour depending on time of year, Arizona stays on one standard time. Like Japan, and China, and many other nations.

        Daylight savings used to make sense back in the days, but now with electricity and people staying up late, pointless.
        Signature was intentionally left blank.


        • #5
          Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

          Originally posted by AKosygin View Post
          Daylight savings used to make sense back in the days, but now with electricity and people staying up late, pointless.
          Agreed. I really wish they would get rid of it.
          FFXIV Balmung Server
          Tenro Matashi


          • #6
            Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

            Originally posted by AKosygin View Post
            Daylight savings used to make sense back in the days, but now with electricity and people staying up late, pointless.
            The justification they use over here for daylight savings is the accident rates they always quote. I dunno what it is like in winter over in the states, but over here, especially in Scotland, during winter it gets light at like 9am, dark at 3.30pm. School entering/kicking out time - more accidents. They want to put us on GMT+1 permanantly. Sod off, I'm British, I want to be on GMT.

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #7
              Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

              Not only that Kristena but the mental asylam * cough* sorry *cough* government are considering screwing around wih ours or abolishing it alltogether in a bid to improove road safety. (Don't know quite how that works)


              You snuck that last psot in quickly Kristena


              • #8
                Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                Didn't Canada get dragged along with U.S.'s latest fondness for time madness?

                MacOS X: Run Software Update, and install everything suggested/on by default (including anything that looks like "Daylight Savings Update"). You'll be fine.

                Additional info on 2007 Daylight Savings Time from Apple:
                Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 03-09-2007, 04:32 AM. Reason: More info, from Apple
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • #9
                  Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                  Out of all the things to change they should change to Metric instead of using English/Imperial measurements. Geez, even the English uses Metric.
                  Signature was intentionally left blank.


                  • #10
                    Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                    Originally posted by AKosygin View Post
                    Out of all the things to change they should change to Metric instead of using English/Imperial measurements. Geez, even the English uses Metric.
                    Not entirely.... We still hold out on a few things

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi
                    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                    • #11
                      Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                      There have been a number of studies done on the effects the Sun has on people. How it effects your mood and productivity, and all that other stuff most of us vampiric gamers don't bother to care about.

                      Now I agree that at one point Daylight Savings Time made sense, and I even think to a point it makes sense now, but this is retarded. But there is no law in the U.S.A. that requires a state or city to participate in DST. At one point there were a few cities in Utah (If I recall correctly) that didn't participate in DST either. The reason why the time zone lines you see on most maps aren't straight lines are because cities wanted to be lumped in with with other cities. City B wanted to be in the same time zone as City A for business or travel purposes, so the line zig-zags across the nation. I once even heard that parts of Canada started participating in this due to the same reasons. I have no real knowledge of Canadian history, and that could just be the hubris of the U.S to think we came up with everything. (I mean c'mon, we all ourselves Americans as if there aren't other North Americans, Central Americans, and South Americans. We alone seem to think that title belongs to us.)
                      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
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                      • #12
                        Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                        Thanks for the heads up, AKosygin. I hadn't really been paying attention to when Daylight Savings started this year.

                        Daylight Savings should go the way of the dodo bird. There are far more accidents caused by sleep debt than darkness. Changing times makes insomnia worse.
                        They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                        • #13
                          Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                          Damn the government!
                          PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                          Rockman - Fairy

                          WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                          Currently Playing:
                          FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                          • #14
                            Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                            Don't forget about Hawaii.


                            • #15
                              Re: Daylight Saving changes for United States users (except Arizona)

                              Hawaii and Arizona are the two states that don't observe DST.

                              Also if your part of the Navajo Nation, they do observe DST like the rest of the U.S.

                              So if your a Navajo Indian, living in Arizona, you still observe DST.
                              Hacked on 9/9/09
                              FFXIAH - Omniblast

