Hello everyone,
This is a request call for contribution to the article section of the site. If you have a guide that you have made that you have find particularly informative (like a partying guide or a crafting guide) for a particular topic and you wish to cover in greater detail than just a post on the forums, you can submit a guide for the Administration and Moderation Team for review.
You can go to our Articles section here: http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/articles.php
And click on the submit an article link to submit a new article. Once submitted, we will review it and consider it for posting.
Please make sure that you have run it through a grammar and spelling check before submitting it. Poorly written guides will be rejected immediately without further consideration.
Thank you for your support,
FFXIOnline.com Moderation and Administration Team.
This is a request call for contribution to the article section of the site. If you have a guide that you have made that you have find particularly informative (like a partying guide or a crafting guide) for a particular topic and you wish to cover in greater detail than just a post on the forums, you can submit a guide for the Administration and Moderation Team for review.
You can go to our Articles section here: http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/articles.php
And click on the submit an article link to submit a new article. Once submitted, we will review it and consider it for posting.
Please make sure that you have run it through a grammar and spelling check before submitting it. Poorly written guides will be rejected immediately without further consideration.
Thank you for your support,
FFXIOnline.com Moderation and Administration Team.