The team is proud to announce the immediate availability and launch of Dreams in Vana'diel Version 4. Thanks for your patience during our update. Additionally, DNS records have been updated for the domain; please make sure that your friends can access the site, too.
With the site update, we've made significant changes to how the backend works. One of the more significant changes is the removal of the "Vana'diel Adventurer" usergroup. Instead, you will be prompted upon logging-in to select your FFXI server in your user profile. You can change your selection up to 5 times. If you want to access more than one server board at once, please contact PiNG.
We hope you enjoy the new site. Please contact me with any bugs that you encounter. I'm still performing some cleanup tasks around the site, so you may notice a few things changing. Otherwise, enjoy!
With the site update, we've made significant changes to how the backend works. One of the more significant changes is the removal of the "Vana'diel Adventurer" usergroup. Instead, you will be prompted upon logging-in to select your FFXI server in your user profile. You can change your selection up to 5 times. If you want to access more than one server board at once, please contact PiNG.
We hope you enjoy the new site. Please contact me with any bugs that you encounter. I'm still performing some cleanup tasks around the site, so you may notice a few things changing. Otherwise, enjoy!