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FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

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  • Re: FFXI sequal (Edit: NOT) in the works

    might i kindly request that WoW vs FFXI discussions be kept out of this thread. thank you.

    heh, np aelathir

    Thanks Yyg!


    • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

      Originally posted by ImpactionActionHero
      It seems like their choice of platforms shouldn't hinder them like the PS2. The Xbox360's HDD is 40gigs if I remember correctly, and the PS3's should rival that. Graphics should be acceptable on all consoles even with room for improvement if they find the time.
      360's is 20Gig and of that only 13 are available for use. The other 7 are used for backwards compat, cahcing and system stuff.

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      Oi may be from the West Coutry but i'm not a hobbit, a pirate or a farmer me old shagger


      • Re: FFXI sequal (Edit: NOT) in the works

        Originally posted by neighbortaru
        might i kindly request that WoW vs FFXI discussions be kept out of this thread. thank you.
        Sorry NT, was trying to show the difference in focussing on one platform as opposed to spreading yourself over numerous ones and chaining the development of your game to the most inferior of the bunch. FFXI and WoW were the most obvious examples although I could have used EQ at its peak, or Lineage, DAoC, etc.

        Originally posted by Yoko
        Huh, havent you read the news for like 2 years? 500k was a WHILE ago, i have no clue what its at now, but its certainly not 500k.

        You might want to bring yourself up to speed.

        I won't comment on the other posts because as I said I don't want to turn this into a WoW vs FFXI thread.


        • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

          Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
          Not meaning to turn this into a WoW vs FFXI debate but your point fails when you compare almost 7 million subscribers for a PC only game to FFXI with 500k subscribers spread over PC, PS2 and Xbox 360.
          Actually FFXI probably more around 700k users, I think SE just being reserved on those numbers.

          You also have to realise that SE NEVER released it's game to China or Korea, thats where the majority of WOW's players come from. Before Korean Release wow had about roughly 700-1.5mil In subscribers, Again check mmogchart.

          Japan has bad history with Korea, AND Korea and China both wanted ALL game servers set up inside their own countries for monitoring.
          So it's not just my game is better(I know you didnt say that), It's more bad blood thananything. I 100% believe that if SE had marketed FFXI to China and Korea, We'd need at least 15-20 new servers.
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          • Re: FFXI sequal (Edit: NOT) in the works

            Originally posted by neighbortaru
            might i kindly request that WoW vs FFXI discussions be kept out of this thread. thank you.

            heh, np aelathir
            Well it helps the stress level and off topic-ness, but honestly speaking, it has quite a lot to do with FFxi-"sequel"

            Look at everquest to everquest II. In a sequel, that tried to be "hip and modern" and also took the direction of WoW, casualness. Of course it ended up alienating a lot of the people who came from Everquest.

            Whether it be a sequel or not, there is much hope epecially in FFxi-themed boards, that it doesn't "Copy" fore mentoned mmo, and basically "loose its lineage".

            Altough to SE's credit, they are pretty good at taking popular ideas and giving it enough twist and make it a worthy part of their own.

            Hopefully they finally ditch dial-up support, and have a lots more bandwith to play with it. I would like a lot more "action" to play with...though like busy rdms's hard to mentality keep that up for hours...


            • Re: FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

              Only 3 million or so are Asian customers which leaves nearly 4 million for the rest of the planet. Seriously though, there is always some FFXI player who regardless of the published figures will say something like, "S-E is just understating it's numbers" Why would any corporation do this?

              And people, stop making uneducated posts about WoW being casual. At endgame you either raid hard or roll a new toon. And by raiding hard I mean 5 hours a night, 5 days a week, longer on weekends. As for PvP, read this and see if you think those requirements are what you'd call casual or easy mode.

              Anyway, we can take this to a new thread or PMs but let's keep this topic on track before NT starts waving the banstick.
              Last edited by Grizzlebeard; 07-18-2006, 09:30 AM.


              • Re: FFXI sequal (Edit: NOT) in the works

                Originally posted by kuu
                Well it helps the stress level and off topic-ness, but honestly speaking, it has quite a lot to do with FFxi-"sequel"
                A) A FFXI sequel would still have nothing to do with WoW or FFXI vs WoW
                B) There is no sequel.
                C) There is no spoon.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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                • Re: FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

                  The problem a lot of old school EQ players had with EQ2 is that it wasn't basically EQ with updated graphics and a slightly new setting. Which - why would it be? But people are going to want what they want, I guess.


                  • Re: FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

                    i fully understand that at certain points, comparisons will inevitably be made. however, i really would like it if we don't force this into a which one is better arguement as a result of said comparisons.

                    that being said (and as mhurron put it), there is no ffxi sequel. maybe a spiritual successor, but it would be interesting to see what elements of gameplay SE will retain from their first MMOG.
                    Last edited by neighbortaru; 07-18-2006, 09:37 AM.

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                      Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                      Not meaning to turn this into a WoW vs FFXI debate but your point fails when you compare almost 7 million subscribers for a PC only game to FFXI with 500k subscribers spread over PC, PS2 and Xbox 360.
                      You conveniently ignore the fact that WoW *is* cross-platform. PC and Mac. This does not appear to have crippled it noticeably.


                      Now that we know that it *isn't* FFXI-2, I think we might want to pay a little attention to the fact that the company is Square-Enix now. The new game in development might well be Dragon Warrior Online, or even Star Ocean Online (which would be tremendously cool if lag didn't screw up the action-based combat too badly).

                      Star Ocean: Eternal Sphere, anyone? Just be careful not to delete any galaxies. :D
                      Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                      RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                      All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                      • Re: FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

                        Originally posted by Aelathir
                        The problem a lot of old school EQ players had with EQ2 is that it wasn't basically EQ with updated graphics and a slightly new setting. Which - why would it be? But people are going to want what they want, I guess.
                        EQ endgame players were the original "second job" gamers. Anything that didn't involve stupid amounts of questing, farming, keying, flagging, etc was insulting to their skill. I know, in all the time I played FFXI I was always suppressing a sneer at the supposed difficulty level of it and only on one or two occasions was I really challenged. Then I started playing WoW and, yes, it was even easier to level until I hit 60 and then I realised I was faced with a game corrupted by the EQ die hards. In so much as you either raid like a slave for months on end for one drop or you're classified as a noob casual and you're left to roll a new toon. It's strange because after raiding hard in EQ for nearly four years I find myself refusing to do so in WoW now because I recognise the piss poor character development and loathe the gear mudflation that brought EQ to its knees. I did for a time think Vanguard was going to be the saviour but now I see that game has even more of the old EQ die hards trying their best to turn it into a, "Excrutiatingly painful yet mildly rewarding" gaming experience.


                        • Re: FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

                          i dunno if i should be happy or scared about a dragon warrior online game...

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • Re: FFXI sequal (Edit: NOT) in the works

                            Originally posted by Mhurron
                            A) A FFXI sequel would still have nothing to do with WoW or FFXI vs WoW
                            B) There is no sequel.
                            C) There is no spoon.
                            At current point it's looks like ffxi v2. Until they flesh it out more, it shares way too much lineage. So "a sequel" tag applies even if it ends up being call FantasyFinal. Just like FF8 wasn't Summons but GFs.

                            And when you talk of sequels, there's always talk of "who to copy from" this case, the #1 mmo in the news.

                            Originally posted by Karinya
                            Now that we know that it *isn't* FFXI-2, I think we might want to pay a little attention to the fact that the company is Square-Enix now. The new game in development might well be Dragon Warrior Online, or even Star Ocean Online (which would be tremendously cool if lag didn't screw up the action-based combat too badly).

                            Star Ocean: Eternal Sphere, anyone? Just be careful not to delete any galaxies. :D
                            We know some of the details, and it sure does look like FFxi v2 right now =D .


                            • Re: FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

                              Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                              EQ endgame players were the original "second job" gamers. Anything that didn't involve stupid amounts of questing, farming, keying, flagging, etc was insulting to their skill. I know, in all the time I played FFXI I was always suppressing a sneer at the supposed difficulty level of it and only on one or two occasions was I really challenged. Then I started playing WoW and, yes, it was even easier to level until I hit 60 and then I realised I was faced with a game corrupted by the EQ die hards. In so much as you either raid like a slave for months on end for one drop or you're classified as a noob casual and you're left to roll a new toon. It's strange because after raiding hard in EQ for nearly four years I find myself refusing to do so in WoW now because I recognise the piss poor character development and loathe the gear mudflation that brought EQ to its knees. I did for a time think Vanguard was going to be the saviour but now I see that game has even more of the old EQ die hards trying their best to turn it into a, "Excrutiatingly painful yet mildly rewarding" gaming experience.
                              That's much the same reason I eventually stopped playing WoW. I just didn't have an entire lifetime to devote to raiding endlessly to collect marginally better gear than what I was currently wearing.

                              I played EQ2 when it launched, and it was amazing how hardcore some of the players were that joined the game from EQ. Eventually most of them grew tired of the fact that the game was so casual, and many went back to EQ. I imagine several also headed to WoW.


                              • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                                Originally posted by Balfree
                                means more than not
                                No offense, but isn't this the same thing that was said of the PS3 FF7 show? Or the FF6 FMV/screenshots from the Nintendo 64? I see it as the same, personally. Just a way for them to show off their new capabilities. We never got FF6 for the N64, and I doubt that we will get an updated FF7 in the next few years, so I don't see why people expect FFXI-2. I think it has to do with how SE has reciently realized how much of a market there is in the continuation of their most popular stories (AC, Compiation of FF7, the FFXIII trilogy we've heard of).

                                I am just banking on FFVI-2. Mog+Songstress Dress Sphere FTW!

