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FFXI sequel (Edit: NOT) in the works

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  • #91
    Re: FFXI sequal in the works

    Honestly,, the first impression I got from watching the video was a futureistic Jueno, that's what it looks like to me, Ru'Lide Gardens +2.


    • #92
      Re: FFXI sequal in the works

      Originally posted by Yoko
      I dont usually skip pages in a thread, but seeing the last post id guess no one noticed this on the ffxi main site, but it is NOT a sequel:

      Read this.
      Told you so. :3

      I still think it's FFXIV though.
      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
      Rockman - Fairy

      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
      Currently Playing:
      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


      • #93
        Re: FFXI sequal in the works

        Originally posted by Rai
        well, I'd say the new game is at least 2 years from release and even then FFXI wil continue on for some time after the new game is released.

        Imagine if the new game was Vana'diel 1000 or 10,000 years in the furture? Imagine if there were a time vortex your character from FFXI could enter to transport them to the future world.
        I wouldnt mind that.

        Keep your level, your gear, all your stuff.

        DING, your AF means SQUAT in the new game, your 75 means nothing agaisnt the nearby bunnies, youre NO ONE until you reach lv 150 ^_^

        Keep all your abilities and stuff, in the end people would have countless spells and abilities at lv150 o.O;

        ... ill shut up soon.
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #94
          Re: FFXI sequal in the works

          Hm... Not a sequel.

          I still hope for a SciFi element. There are just too many "fantasy" MMOs.
          *Under Construction*


          • #95
            Re: FFXI sequal in the works

            Originally posted by tdh
            I'm curious how this "sequal" will play out. Will this be an update that we can take our characters with us when we all migrate, or will we have to start all over again?

            Now a new update to some of the style and graphics, but keep the same world and character would be very nice! Higher resolution for us PS2 players, bump up the graphics, more options available, maybe adding a member or two the party set up. From 6 to 8 people maybe..? I mean we do have 18 jobs to pick from, bump the party up to a possible 8 people, SMNs won't have to be watered down WHMs their entire career, and DRK, DRG & MNKs might get more attention in the 50's. Imagine COR, RDM, SMN, WHM all in one party at Lv.50. ^^ (Just an idea though.)

            But it will probably be a whole new world, we'll all have to start over as newbs again at Lv.1. Racing to Lv.75 all over again. I think a lot of people will probably quit. I know a couple of people in NA Beta that reached Lv.75 who didn't come play when it was released. ("I did all this work now, what's the point of coming back and doing the same stuff all over again?")
            I just started playing a few months ago and have fun with the game and is willing to lvl my characters to 75, but when they say its going to end soon it makes you wonder if its worth it now, hopefuly they will make it so you can transfer your characters over. But if it starts from scratch hopefuly they will learn from thier mistakes, like better job balence, better PvP, better support, and better graphics and do something about gil sellers from the start.

            Originally posted by neighbortaru
            all i'll say at this point, is that there better be tarutarus or someone is gonna get hurt
            If the ffxi-2 dosent include tarutarus people will riot, but i think SE would be very stupid not to include them.


            • #96
              Re: FFXI sequal in the works

              Originally posted by Aelathir
              Exactly. I mean, if you want to make a console MMO, by all means do. But cross-platform MMOs mean that at least one of the systems is going to be limited by the capabilities of the other.
              The same could be said for any type of game but game developers are in it to make money, the more platforms you offer a game for the larger the audience you can hit.


              • #97
                Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                Not meaning to turn this into a WoW vs FFXI debate but your point fails when you compare almost 7 million subscribers for a PC only game to FFXI with 500k subscribers spread over PC, PS2 and Xbox 360.


                • #98
                  Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                  Originally posted by Kafeen
                  The same could be said for any type of game but game developers are in it to make money, the more platforms you offer a game for the larger the audience you can hit.
                  Well, the same could be said for any type of game, but it's not really the same thing at all. Game companies often release across multiple platforms, and there are often minor differences in the versions. But for a game like an MMO, where everyone is playing in one persistent world, that's where you run into the problem of one platform holding the others back.


                  • #99
                    Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                    I agree with pretty much everything Maju has said but wanted to maybe give a different opinion on this statement.

                    "4. Make all high level items EX to prevent serious RMT and implement a way to attain these items fairly painlessly. Having the whole server camp Behemoth for their L70 armor piece would suck. Perhaps mimic WoW's instances, which while dull after repetition, are a somewhat working solution."

                    The first part I definitely agree with, and while you say dull after repetition, I wouldn't think camping land kings is much fun after repetition and never getting anything eh? So I think a WoW type system in place of what were originally HNMs and Kings would work good but leave everything else the same. I also like how WoW has bind on pickup and bind when equip items. Theres just so many simple things you can due to avoid massive rmt exploitation with some foresight but its alot harder to rework the whole games economy after its been live for so long. I also think they should perhaps opt for better items from quest rewards that players can choose and do at their level, and the reward items just bind to you when you get them, making it easier to get decent gear for your level while eliminating exploitation. ANyway it will be a long time before this "next gen" game comes out, but if its anything like what they've shown us graphic wise I'm sure its going to be pretty good! I was thinking about playing FFXI again but the thing that turns me away everytime is: Gil. But then again I might stop being lazy and actually farm or something I guess i just got too acclimated to being lvl 75 :0

                    Which FF Character Are You?


                    • Re: FFXI sequal in the works


                      July 18, 2006

                      To whom it may concern:

                      COMMENT ON RECENT MEDIA REPORT

                      Tokyo, Japan (July 18, 2006) - Square Enix Co., Ltd ("the Company"). wishes to comment on a specific media report, dated July 14, stating that the Company is developing a sequel to its online game title, FINAL FANTASY® XI, and plans to release the title on three platforms the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., the Xbox 360TM video game and entertainment system, and Windows Vista TM the next-generation PC operating system from Microsoft Corporation.

                      The Company did not make such an announcement and has not made any decisions resembling those detailed in the media report.

                      As the Company announced in May 2005, it is currently developing an online title for next-generation platforms including game consoles and PCs; however, this title is being developed as a completely new MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online RPG). We will disclose further details of this title, including platform compatibility, immediately after any relevant decisions are made.

                      In addition, the Company continuously plans to release expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XI, available on PlayStation®2, Xbox 360, and Windows®, as well as perform version updates.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                        just because they have the same models in a preview video doesnt mean anything , the video was for the new engine to run a game on.


                        • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                          Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                          Not meaning to turn this into a WoW vs FFXI debate but your point fails when you compare almost 7 million subscribers for a PC only game to FFXI with 500k subscribers spread over PC, PS2 and Xbox 360.
                          Fuzzy numbers. Not quite true, not quite false.

                          WoW is a drasicilly different strategy then ffxi.

                          FFxi releases a "clean and serene" strategy. It's holds everything by a certain "ideal" of standards, both in game, machinics, and law.

                          All platforms are well(if not well programed) rounded out, even down to the control scheme. It is only in established(and only resently EU) regions with clear laws, and clear boundaries in billing, support, etc.

                          Servers are also intergrated and centralize(NA,EU,JP) and much more robust server hw.

                          WoW takes a different approach, which I can generally say is the "Shove it in and it'll someow fit" approach.

                          The moblize like nothing: Unlike ffxi which stablized JP before it even came to NA, WoW on the other hand is, localize now, fix later. For every bug they fix, 3 more localized projects are in place. I like to put it as "sell-sell-sell". Some versions in regeions are really funky for a while, before it stablizes.

                          Servers are more smaller, mobile. Not quite sure of cheaper HW, but definitelly, each server is more a "box" then a "region" like ffxi.

                          This makes deployment different, just buy some space, and boom, another Localized branch. Unlike FFxi which is all in Japan(as with players all from all parts of the world).

                          WoW would bend to whatever laws or style it put on them. Blocking in China, internet cafes in Korea, etc.(Internet cafes magically increase numbers exponentially, look at lineage).

                          WoW is obviously more easy going, while FFxi is more true to the FFseries nature of a "epic" feel. "Story and mood" is not the main theme of WoW. Remake a character in WoW is a second thought, while FFxi you hold onto your character like a first born.

                          WoW is customization specialist with skill trees, chars, etc, while FFxi is theme team specialist, always restricted to the community/machanics.

                          So it's kind of like Apple and Microsoft. Both sides dispite the differetn numbers will go, "I don't really want to be in your shoes".

                          Back to topic,

                          FFxi "sequel" even if they decided to change the name, if it exist should follow most of what I mentioned. To be true to FFseries and FFxi, There will be:

                          comformity, community, concept, and compatiblity.

                          Love it, hate it, FFseries as a whole has always has a sense of adventure, companionship, and Cid...yes...Cid...

                          I would give SE a free hand in game machinics and story. They always think of funky stuff for each new FFseries, but I hope they stay true to a story, team based, community rich ideals of FFxi.

                          And they need a better programing team for Windows version...FFxi makes any acedemically trained programer get seizures guessing why it was written the way it has. I won't go as far as some, but it really is more like an emulation of PS2 FFxi on windows then it is a port of the ps2 version of FFxi.

                          P.S. I like the idea of both PC and console. You don't get 13-18yr old L33t gamers(sterotype, so not true, but you get the hint) everywhere.

                          FFxi is one of the few games due to the nature of console, where you get people that can't even navigate the web, but play in ffxi. Housewives are refreshing to talk to...if not odd.


                          • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                            Originally posted by pearlsea
                            I just started playing a few months ago and have fun with the game and is willing to lvl my characters to 75, but when they say its going to end soon it makes you wonder if its worth it now, hopefuly they will make it so you can transfer your characters over. But if it starts from scratch hopefuly they will learn from thier mistakes, like better job balence, better PvP, better support, and better graphics and do something about gil sellers from the start.

                            If the ffxi-2 dosent include tarutarus people will riot, but i think SE would be very stupid not to include them.
                            I think you missed a point here, read the link again: "In addition, the Company continuously plans to release expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XI, available on PlayStation®2, Xbox 360, and Windows®, as well as perform version updates."

                            FFXI is NOT going to end anytime soon, and am i the only one reading whats said in the page? Why would you think there would be tarus? Its not a sequel, meaning that it will probably be another world and other races. I am personally totally looking forward to a whole new world made by S-E. FFXI is great, and i cant wait to see what they came up with to make another MMO.

                            Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                            Not meaning to turn this into a WoW vs FFXI debate but your point fails when you compare almost 7 million subscribers for a PC only game to FFXI with 500k subscribers spread over PC, PS2 and Xbox 360.
                            Huh, havent you read the news for like 2 years? 500k was a WHILE ago, i have no clue what its at now, but its certainly not 500k. You also cant compare a game where everything comes rather easily to another type of game where everything is hard earned and party aimed. WoW is also meant mainly for people who play casually, since you can log on and more or less do anything without TOO much preparation, while ffxi requires a lot more preparation, but is also IMO much much more rewarding. What people like in ffxi is the stability, the challenge, and the graphics. Thats probably what Onionsoilder meant.

                            Just for the record, i have played WoW and got to 45 paladin, but thats as far as it entertained me. End game looked pretty boring, and its been now 3 years since ive started ffxi and still enjoy it without even having 1 single job at 75 XD

                            Dont get me wrong on the WoW part, i kinda like the game and will probably come back to it for a few months when the expension comes out, but thats about it.

                            EDIT: Humm.... Seems like me and Kuu posted at about the same time and almost say the same thing, sorry bout that XD
                            Only Pure Souls Can Resist The Stain Of Blood.

                            63mnk /63Blu/ ~61 Smn~ /54pld /52rng/46drk/43nin34war/35thf/29whm/18rdm/15drg
                            Former beta tester (Yoko)(drk43/mnk36/sam20/war15)

                            Which FF Character Are You?


                            • Re: FFXI sequal in the works

                              Originally posted by waniih
                              just because they have the same models in a preview video doesnt mean anything , the video was for the new engine to run a game on.
                              means more than not
                              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                              • Re: FFXI sequal (Edit: NOT) in the works

                                If you're going to edit the title, can you edit it so that "sequel" is spelled correctly?

