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New SE MMORPG in the works

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  • #46
    Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

    Yeah, that's the thing about FFXI- it's an MMORPG, but it has a really 'console' feel to it.
    Also, I've notice that the setting in that trailer looks a lot like FFVIII's Balamb Garden...
    This interests me, because VIII was one of my favorite FF games ^^


    • #47
      Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

      Originally posted by Neptune
      You do realize that this picture has absolutely nothing to do with any future MMORPG from Square Enix? This is the very first image of what Squaresoft revealed of an early version of Final Fantasy XI at the Millennium Conference back in January of 2000.
      You have to check full Post, Yeah I knew that. What Im saying is they may be using concepts from that and bringing them into another MMO.
      Also Graphically speaking FFXI is a great looking game but notice the jump in graphics quality/lighting and such in the aht urghan screenies.

      SE i always ahead of the curve and are likely prepping something big down the line.
      It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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      • #48
        Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

        Originally posted by tazirai
        SE i always ahead of the curve and are likely prepping something big down the line.
        All companies are like that. The bigger the company the more projects in the works.

        Not all projects will become reality, and some get grouped and mixed into others in the end. This is what managers and analysts are for usually. Betting on which project will become reality.


        • #49
          Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

          I personally would love to see the game get a nice face lift in the near future, the graphics are good, but are so limited on what they could be able to do. I'd like to see less recolor armors/mobs and more original things in the game. And I'd love to see what the game would look like in next gen graphics, number one being the Avatars. I discussed this a while back w/ a friend of mine about SE using this tech demo as an example of what's to come for Vana'Diel, imo I think we might be seeing changes with in a year - 2 years at max, I say a year mainly cause it seems a new expansion comes out once every year, and when else to upgrade the game then with a major update from an expansion pack.

          PS - if you look in the back ground of that picture w/ the girl, I think I can see a familiar character model, the blonde hume male with long hair.


          • #50
            Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

            I hope it comes to PS3 aswell.. wouldnt be the same without a FF on a PS..


            • #51
              Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

              Originally posted by Sammonoske
              I hope it comes to PS3 aswell.. wouldnt be the same without a FF on a PS..
              It remains to be seen whether the PS3 is all hype and no substance or it really does have staying power enough to stay abreast of technological changes during a console's normal life cycle (Purported to be between 4.5 years and 6 years)

              PS2 got walloped by the advancement in PC technology and I'm not sure if PS3 will fare any better. Because of this, FFXI could not mature gracefully due to the "limitations of the PS2."

              I think the next SE MMORPG should be based on a platform that can maintain itself, not be stuck with something static and inflexible. In other words, base it on a PC platform and make plans to scale the maturity of the game, since we're talking years here, not just a few months...


              • #52
                Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                i just MIGHT have a reason to buy a xbox 360 now.. but til then ill sit idley by waiting to see if ffxi comes out for ps3


                • #53
                  Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                  Originally posted by Aeni
                  It remains to be seen whether the PS3 is all hype and no substance or it really does have staying power enough to stay abreast of technological changes during a console's normal life cycle (Purported to be between 4.5 years and 6 years)

                  PS2 got walloped by the advancement in PC technology and I'm not sure if PS3 will fare any better. Because of this, FFXI could not mature gracefully due to the "limitations of the PS2."

                  I think the next SE MMORPG should be based on a platform that can maintain itself, not be stuck with something static and inflexible. In other words, base it on a PC platform and make plans to scale the maturity of the game, since we're talking years here, not just a few months...
                  Ultimatly they want you to buy new games though ^^

                  Companies want you to get bored of their games so you buy new ones, kinda. Even if there's a monthly fee, would simply be better if they made a sequel to FFXI, people would chip in for about 50-60 bucks, and then the monthly fee again >;P

                  FFXI is humongous, it's unberably huge, it's GIGANTIC, yet still pressioned by the PS2's capabilities. The PS3 is (theoretically) exponentially greater than the PS2, which means whatever theyre working on will only be as big or bigger than FFXI, which is ... like whoa. FFXI while being aimed for hardcore players, can be a bit harsh even to those people due to it's complexity and time consuming environment and gameplay, if the new MMO theyre working on goes even further, i'm sort of scared of what it can become, excited at the same time. Unless what were talking about here is based on the graphics or how much resources things will consume. I'm sure however that the PS3 will have such an ability to wow us with what can be done in regards to the new MMO.
                  signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                  • #54
                    Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                    I totally agree a new SE MMO should be for PC only or possibly a console with an upgradeable hard drive, not so much for graphics sake but for content sake; FFXI lost players to City of Heros & Wow for several reasons, some of them valid some not. The one that should not be valid but was; was lack of character custimization with a non gimped hard drive you can have more character models, more armor, more spells, more music, more effects, more enemy models, more emotes, more everything basiclly... gone would be the party where 3 people have your face, gone would be the feeling you get from leveling of crabs in the dunes only to find next you're leveling off crabs in qufim, gone would be the feeling of I have to get that set of armor its but ugly but there is nothing better or equal to it. Hopefully my concerns will be unwarrented when SE stops supporting FFXI on the ps2 in favor or a larger HD on the PS3 (to answer a previos poster's concern FFXI will be on the ps3 by default due to backwards compatability unless somthing goes awry, seriously awry). Thats the problem with consoles currently; Finite space. SE is doing something right thats obvious we're talking on a forum dedicated to the game, content levels are high, story line gets my approval, gameplay is fun and condusive to making steadfast freindships. The one problem: due to the ps2 being in the mix the life of the game seems short.... how long can SE ad content on a finite space? think about it thats why we are being spoon fed new things a bit at a time, trying to milk the hardware for all its worth... don't add too much we're runnig out of space we need 20 gigs to last us 5 years, leaves us PC players to compare to other games: Wow's characters have insane emotes, armor, and face variety, too bad the game looks like a d&d playing pothead's shroom induced nightmare. (seriously i hate blizzards art direction are the level designers and the character designers in the same universe?!) I at least find the situation in need of attention

                    that was my rant for the yearly quarter, <please forgive> spelling and gramatical errs (i know it looks like a 7 year old wrote this)

                    good night and good luck


                    • #55
                      Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                      Ok... that teh demo, somethings weird, the music is from FFX...

                      I can tell... Disk 2 of FFX soundtrack Nobuo Uematsu 09 - The splendid performance

                      Altho it "was" a tech demo.. a new back ground associated with FFXi music while the ps3 tech demo was all about FF7... I am lost


                      • #56
                        Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                        Whelp E3 is next week so I'm guessing any info on this would be either submitted there or at TGS at the latest, figure E3 they'll give us a bit more info but leave us clingy for more and anticipating TGS like they did with COP and KH2 and several other games :X evil bastards.

                        But I do hope this is FFXI, but either way i'll probably end up playing it look soooo juicy :X


                        • #57
                          Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                          I just hope SE looks at some current games on the market including RFonline, been playing that some and it's gorgeous. Almost like what PSO shoulda been. But it ultimately falls into the kill this trap. and it's extremely Potion heavy but easy on Current PC's
                          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                          • #58
                            Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                            I'm pretty sure this isn't part of their E3 line up, and I doubt there will be anything at the next TGS. It sounds like this is still in the very early stages, and if they don't have anything big to show, they'll wait. The most they would do is show the tech demo again.

                            I will say though, a new MMORPG in the same spirit of FFXI, but with some much needed improvements, sounds fantastic. Even if it's still a few years away.


                            • #59
                              Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                              like most people have said I believe they're at a decent point in developing the game at least 30% done from the looks of the tech demo, and it came out at last years E3 so they're probably further. I'm gonna bet they'll show it at this E3.


                              • #60
                                Re: New SE MMORPG in the works

                                "Chrono: Twilight of Time" coming to Windows, Mac, Linux, PS3, and Wii in 2007.

                                Man can wish can't he >.>
                                Freyr - Not Started

                                Websites: FFXI Atlas | FFXI Wiki

