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Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

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  • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

    Dungeon crawling is Metal Gear. FFXI is stealth camo.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

      I'm not even going to lie. There was a time in this game when I thought it was this cool expansive free world where the possibilities were endless. I could join up with other cool people to kill monsters and learn spells and go to exciting new places.

      Do you know when I started hating parties? Around the Crawlers Nest when people started going down hard on me about not meleeing on RDM...


      • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

        Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
        Do you know when I started hating parties? Around the Crawlers Nest when people started going down hard on me about not meleeing on RDM...

        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

          Confusing wording I guess. They were telling me NOT to.


          • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

            I got it a few times in CN, too. But I didn't put away the sword for good until I dinged 51. Elemental staves. I knew I was going to ding from 50 to 51, so I enjoyed my last fight with my sword. I dinged, I swapped into a staff, I adjusted my macros, and I stepped to the back.

            But I didn't give that fucking sword up a minute before I dinged into staves. Lol.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

              Yeah, before staves there really is little reason not to melee. Plus after you get them is around the same time your skill rating and crappy melee gear choices start hurting anyway, so the transition is pretty easy.

              Unless you were main healer of course, then you just stepped back and /heal'd like a good magey mage.
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                They said "Stop meleeing as Rdm and I'll go down on you!" because that's how bad Rdm is at melee.


                • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                  Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                  They said "Stop meleeing as Rdm and I'll go down on you!" because that's how bad Rdm is at melee.

                  mmmm I will say that is the one thing I liked about level RDM...... ^.^
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                    I was young and I was naive. I've wised up and I am pure backline RDM for my LS. And I still hate EXP parties and spent months doing Magian trials for a Khanda+2 but haven't even started a Magian staff yet.


                    • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                      Unless you were main healer of course, then you just stepped back and /heal'd like a good magey mage
                      Oh, this was back in like 2005 or 2006. WHMs and RDMs still partied together back then. And that was also before I converted into a pink mage when the situation called for it. Up until about 2008, I never main healed on RDM. Ever.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                        Well...there have been some more replies in the thread I vented in. They run along the lines of "Maybe damage dealers weren't supposed to deal so much damage so the PLD can tank easier."

                        I don't even know where to begin. All well, I tried...

                        Returning balance to the game


                        • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                          After I cap level and skills I think I'm going to start working on a Khanda+Almace combo.

                          It's probably going to take a few years though...
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                            I think that boat has long since sailed for me. It's all about Sanguine Blade spam now. On a couple of occasions, I've soloed in Abyssea for 6+ hours this way. So many people have me to thank for AF boots and key item triggers and crap like that.

                            EDIT: Wow. Maybe those Official Forums do work...sort of. This is the most I've talked about Final Fantasy XI in a long time.


                            • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                              Welcome back to XI.

                              I've yet to use SB though already have the skill.

                              How much damage does it do at 100TP?
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • Re: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Forums Launch! (03/08/2011)

                                Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                                EDIT: Wow. Maybe those Official Forums do work...sort of. This is the most I've talked about Final Fantasy XI in a long time.
                                Lol, truth. I'm even talking about it and I quit like two years ago.
                                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                                ~I has a blog~~
                                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

