This Topics post will examine in detail two unique elements of the battle system which lend to its depth and variety—Battle Regimens and the incapacitation of body parts.
Read more about these features.
Battle Regimens and the Incapacitation system allow players to enjoy different ways to fight battles in combination with others. They are easy to use and can provide a variety of beneficial effects.
Battle Regimens
Battle Regimens are combat tactics which party members may employ against a single enemy. By coordinating and executing battle commands in a precise order, players may cause certain additional beneficial effects to occur. A Battle Regimen begins with the stacking of battle commands. All party members who wish to take part in the Battle Regimen must stack their actions in the correct order against the desired target. One of the members then initiates the Battle Regimen, and the stacked actions will be executed automatically.
Executing a Battle Regimen
1. Consult with other party members to determine the best Battle Regimen to use against a specific target. The battle commands and the order in which they are to be executed should all be decided.
2. Wait until your position in the queue comes around to switch to Battle Regimen mode and select the battle command you wish to stack.
* One party member cannot perform more than one action during a Battle Regimen.
3. After all participating party members have stacked their battle commands, one of the party members selects to initiate the Battle Regimen.
4. Once the Battle Regimen is initiated, the stacked battle commands will all be executed automatically, chaining together to create additional effects.
* Please note that factors such as distance from the enemy may prevent stacked battle commands from being executed once the Battle Regimen is initiated. In these cases, the Battle Regimen will not end, but will instead proceed on to the next command in the queue.
Additional Effects
The additional effects produced by successfully executed Battle Regimens, and the combinations that yield them, are listed below.
Additional Effect_________________________Combination___________________Example
Lowers a target’s physical defense:......Normal attack ⇒ Normal attack......Light Slash ⇒ Heavy Strike
Lowers a target’s magic defense:........Normal attack ⇒ Magic attack.........Light Slash ⇒ Phantom Dart
Increases a target’s casting time/raises.......Normal attack ⇒ Magic spell..........Light Slash ⇒ Fire
MP costs:
Lowers a target’s TP progression/raises........Normal attack ⇒ Weaponskill.........Light Slash ⇒ Red Lotus
TP costs:
Maintains the effectiveness of class............Magic spell ⇒ Magic spell...............Trunksplitter ⇒ Brandish
abilities when used by different classes:.......(both from same class)
...........................................................Weaponskill ⇒ Weaponskill
........................................................... (both from same class)
Increases player damage:..............Weaponskill ⇒ Weaponskill ⇒ Magic spell........Blizzard ⇒ Scourge ⇒ Puncture
...........................................................(weaponskills from different classes,
..................................................................finishing spell is optional)
.......................................................Magic spell ⇒ Magic spell ⇒ Weaponskill
............................................................(spells from different classes, finishing
.......................................................................weaponskill is optional)
Damage to Body Parts
Among the enemies found throughout Eorzea, there are those with body parts susceptible to damage. Sustaining a certain amount of damage will result in those body parts becoming incapacitated. For example, an aldgoat’s horns may be broken, or a diremite’s stinger lopped off. This is achieved through the use of specific weaponskills that automatically target these body parts whenever they are present. When the body part of an enemy is incapacitated, it will suffer the following effects:
-Weaken the monster
-Prevent the monster from using its special attacks
-Influence the type of loot dropped
The Art of Incapacitation
This portion will introduce some of the weaponskills capable of causing incapacitation, as well as the body parts those weaponskills target. Beyond those listed below, there are additional enemies with body parts capable of being incapacitated.
I'm not even gonna try to add the Incapacitation charts, someone else can feel free to post em if they want. Otherwise you can just check out the official site.
Nice to know just how much depth this new battles system can have though. With the way things are, it's entirely possible for SE to add new bonuses to Battle Regimens over time and Incapacitation could really alter the way some endgame fights go off.