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Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

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  • Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

    This Topics post will examine in detail two unique elements of the battle system which lend to its depth and variety—Battle Regimens and the incapacitation of body parts.

    Read more about these features.


    Battle Regimens and the Incapacitation system allow players to enjoy different ways to fight battles in combination with others. They are easy to use and can provide a variety of beneficial effects.

    Battle Regimens
    Battle Regimens are combat tactics which party members may employ against a single enemy. By coordinating and executing battle commands in a precise order, players may cause certain additional beneficial effects to occur. A Battle Regimen begins with the stacking of battle commands. All party members who wish to take part in the Battle Regimen must stack their actions in the correct order against the desired target. One of the members then initiates the Battle Regimen, and the stacked actions will be executed automatically.

    Executing a Battle Regimen
    1. Consult with other party members to determine the best Battle Regimen to use against a specific target. The battle commands and the order in which they are to be executed should all be decided.

    2. Wait until your position in the queue comes around to switch to Battle Regimen mode and select the battle command you wish to stack.
    * One party member cannot perform more than one action during a Battle Regimen.

    3. After all participating party members have stacked their battle commands, one of the party members selects to initiate the Battle Regimen.

    4. Once the Battle Regimen is initiated, the stacked battle commands will all be executed automatically, chaining together to create additional effects.
    * Please note that factors such as distance from the enemy may prevent stacked battle commands from being executed once the Battle Regimen is initiated. In these cases, the Battle Regimen will not end, but will instead proceed on to the next command in the queue.

    Additional Effects
    The additional effects produced by successfully executed Battle Regimens, and the combinations that yield them, are listed below.

    Additional Effect_________________________Combination___________________Example
    Lowers a target’s physical defense:......Normal attack ⇒ Normal attack......Light Slash ⇒ Heavy Strike

    Lowers a target’s magic defense:........Normal attack ⇒ Magic attack.........Light Slash ⇒ Phantom Dart

    Increases a target’s casting time/raises.......Normal attack ⇒ Magic spell..........Light Slash ⇒ Fire
    MP costs:

    Lowers a target’s TP progression/raises........Normal attack ⇒ Weaponskill.........Light Slash ⇒ Red Lotus
    TP costs:

    Maintains the effectiveness of class............Magic spell ⇒ Magic spell...............Trunksplitter ⇒ Brandish
    abilities when used by different classes:.......(both from same class)
    ...........................................................Weaponskill ⇒ Weaponskill
    ........................................................... (both from same class)

    Increases player damage:..............Weaponskill ⇒ Weaponskill ⇒ Magic spell........Blizzard ⇒ Scourge ⇒ Puncture
    ...........................................................(weaponskills from different classes,
    ..................................................................finishing spell is optional)
    .......................................................Magic spell ⇒ Magic spell ⇒ Weaponskill
    ............................................................(spells from different classes, finishing
    .......................................................................weaponskill is optional)

    Damage to Body Parts
    Among the enemies found throughout Eorzea, there are those with body parts susceptible to damage. Sustaining a certain amount of damage will result in those body parts becoming incapacitated. For example, an aldgoat’s horns may be broken, or a diremite’s stinger lopped off. This is achieved through the use of specific weaponskills that automatically target these body parts whenever they are present. When the body part of an enemy is incapacitated, it will suffer the following effects:

    -Weaken the monster
    -Prevent the monster from using its special attacks
    -Influence the type of loot dropped

    The Art of Incapacitation
    This portion will introduce some of the weaponskills capable of causing incapacitation, as well as the body parts those weaponskills target. Beyond those listed below, there are additional enemies with body parts capable of being incapacitated.


    I'm not even gonna try to add the Incapacitation charts, someone else can feel free to post em if they want. Otherwise you can just check out the official site.

    Nice to know just how much depth this new battles system can have though. With the way things are, it's entirely possible for SE to add new bonuses to Battle Regimens over time and Incapacitation could really alter the way some endgame fights go off.
    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 10-06-2010, 05:53 PM.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

  • #2
    Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

    Shame it doesn't mention how long Battle Regimens last, or for that matter, if they stack. Still glad to see they brought back the "spirit" of Skill Chains. Maybe this time people won't be so damn lazy about it.
    Originally posted by Yygdrasil
    Originally posted by Nandito

    You make me want to hurt things.


    • #3
      Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

      Thanks for the heads up on this Z^ ^
      This system does have some pretty wicked potential. I personally never saw ixions horn broken in the hundreds of times I fought him, so it will be nice to fuck up some monsters in 14 with these abilities.

      There are so many negatives that I want to mention right now, however, but fortunately they don't have to really do with this.

      You could have some bad ass intricate NM fights with this though.
      Last edited by ShepardG; 10-06-2010, 11:42 AM. Reason: phone doesnt like cuss words


      • #4
        Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

        I still contend that this method is very cumbersome and the whole group is basically in control of one individual (whoever has the button to "go" with the queued attacks) It's much too much trouble to deal with in its current form and I hope they'll review this and make the necessary adjustments to make it ... palpable. In the meantime, knowing our lovely community, you'll have individuals that are putting their effort into exploitations of mechanics and not bother dealing with this overly-complicated system.


        • #5
          Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

          Originally posted by Aeni View Post
          I still contend that this method is very cumbersome and the whole group is basically in control of one individual (whoever has the button to "go" with the queued attacks) It's much too much trouble to deal with in its current form and I hope they'll review this and make the necessary adjustments to make it ... palpable. In the meantime, knowing our lovely community, you'll have individuals that are putting their effort into exploitations of mechanics and not bother dealing with this overly-complicated system.
          Seems to me like you just have to communicate with other people to get this to work.

          Crazy idea, I know, given this is online multiplayer game. Who wants to talk to other people, right?


          • #6
            Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

            Am I the only one seeing that you can lob off heads with the incapacitation system? Wouldn't that just be an instant KO?


            • #7
              Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              Seems to me like you just have to communicate with other people to get this to work.

              Crazy idea, I know, given this is online multiplayer game. Who wants to talk to other people, right?
              Have you played with this? I don't remember if you were in beta or not. The level of communication required is not much different from that required for a skillchain, but it really is weird and cumbersome. Everyone involved in the regimen has to essentially stop combat and enter a setup phase where each person in turn says what they're going to do in the regime. During the time that actions are being queued and waiting, everyone's character is essentially slaved to the regime starter and no other actions can be taken by the participating players. So depending on lag and the speed of your party mates, this is several seconds in which none of the DDs are attacking and nobody involved in the chain can use healing or enmity abilities. The whole system was pretty buggy during beta so I'm not 100% sure on this part, but I'm pretty sure this setup process has to be done for each regime and each new mob.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                The whole system was pretty buggy during beta so I'm not 100% sure on this part, but I'm pretty sure this setup process has to be done for each regime and each new mob.
                They should make it so that you can make a "basic" regime that you can initiate at the beginning of each fight with the press of a button.

                Can't be that hard, can it?


                • #9
                  Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  Seems to me like you just have to communicate with other people to get this to work.

                  Crazy idea, I know, given this is online multiplayer game. Who wants to talk to other people, right?

                  Your condescending tone reminds me of this self-righteous and indignant prick irl who I've on numerous occasions wanted to send him to the ER. But I digress.

                  First of all, the UI looked like it was patched and patched upon each other and therefore is laggy and buggy to all hell. What's the UI got to do with this? Everything. You can macro this stuff, but the macro is bugged. You can manually click things, but oops!, laggy mouse support. It's a cumbersome system and really needs to be sent back to the drawing board. You could do something right and someone could do something wrong EVEN WITH communication. The mere fact that there is no indication that everyone has queued up and therefore you can go ahead and fire off your queued list to the regimen system makes it difficult for "split timing". And then there's also the issue with communication itself. The chat is a problem altogether itself.

                  This system begs the need for Vent or other similar VOIP solutions and since it doesn't come built-in to the game, good luck trying to get players to use it (especially if this is a random PUG, yeah, throwing it back at you, an online game means PUGs too)


                  • #10
                    Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                    Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                    They should make it so that you can make a "basic" regime that you can initiate at the beginning of each fight with the press of a button.

                    Can't be that hard, can it?
                    When I first heard about the system I had the impression that you would be able to set up a few different combinations before you started fighting. That would be a pretty cool feature. >_>
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #11
                      Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                      Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                      When I first heard about the system I had the impression that you would be able to set up a few different combinations before you started fighting. That would be a pretty cool feature. >_>
                      Well, if SE is smart, they would do that. Even if it was just one...


                      • #12
                        Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                        First of all, the UI looked like it was patched and patched upon each other and therefore is laggy and buggy to all hell. What's the UI got to do with this? Everything. You can macro this stuff, but the macro is bugged. You can manually click things, but oops!, laggy mouse support. It's a cumbersome system and really needs to be sent back to the drawing board. You could do something right and someone could do something wrong EVEN WITH communication. The mere fact that there is no indication that everyone has queued up and therefore you can go ahead and fire off your queued list to the regimen system makes it difficult for "split timing". And then there's also the issue with communication itself. The chat is a problem altogether itself.
                        In the meantime, you work around it. I know that as a party leader I could request everyone make a macro to signal they are ready to participate in the Battle Regimen and request that they use it as it becomes available. I know we can designate people to execute them. Help create a community standard.


                        • #13
                          Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          In the meantime, you work around it. I know that as a party leader I could request everyone make a macro to signal they are ready to participate in the Battle Regimen and request that they use it as it becomes available. I know we can designate people to execute them. Help create a community standard.
                          ROFL, because macro's function 100% of the time in the current state of 14...

                          Also when you initiate this, you can't do anything else (i.e. raise your shield, heal, attack, cast) until everyone has "joined in". Which is great when your Gld starts the action....and then goes into red because he can't defend himself....

                          Also it is really easy to communicate when everytime you take an action it destroy's anything you were about to type. I wanted to refrain from focusing on the negatives because i think this system has awesome potential, but, again, like most of the aspects of this game (currently) it's implemented in a shitty way. Wait for SE to fix things and give this a shot in a month or so, or when something regarding this aspect comes down saying it's been altered.

                          This should be it's own little window where you que up actions outside of your regular combat system, and when the activater/initiator see's everyone has "que'd" up, he can "hold" or "initiate" the actions of everyone in the party.
                          Mean while, the other players can continue to function normally (i.e. healing, casting, Weaponskilling, etc.)

                          Again, the "Concept" is quite awesome, and lends itself to a very thoughtful strategy, along with a certain skill from the entire party's players. However this isn't going to be something that people will use until some major problems are fixed with the way communications are handled and the UI itself is addressed.


                          • #14
                            Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            In the meantime, you work around it. I know that as a party leader I could request everyone make a macro to signal they are ready to participate in the Battle Regimen and request that they use it as it becomes available. I know we can designate people to execute them. Help create a community standard.
                            Ok, get fraps and take a video of your party doing this efficiently. I've yet to see it work well without being a total pos.
                            Originally posted by Feba
                            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                            Originally posted by DakAttack
                            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                            • #15
                              Re: Battle Regimens and Incapacitation (10/06/2010)

                              I sense a strong Goon aura on this system.

                              Have the mpk videos started flowing yet?
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


