FINAL FANTASY XI Official Web Site
May 16, 2011 will mark a very special occasion--the ninth anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XI. We'll be celebrating this momentous day with a wide range of events to be held in both Vana'diel and the real world. Read on for a preview of just a few of the things you can look forward to!
9th Vana'versary Fan Art Contest
An annual tradition continues, as artistically inclined players are invited to fashion masterpieces commemorating the occasion. Entries will be accepted from Thursday, April 7, with the winning submissions set to be announced on May 16. Check out the contest page to find out how to enter!
Vana'diel Census 2011
After a one-year hiatus, the census is back and better than ever! Our tireless statisticians are scouring the realm, collecting data that promises entertain and inform even the most inquiring adventurer. How many of your peers possess that most prized weapon of legend? The answers to this and other fascinating bits of Vana'dielian trivia will be revealed in mid-June!
9th Anniversary Mog Bonanza
The Moggy New Year Bonanza seems like it was just yesterday, you say? It matters not to your moogle friends, who are preparing a veritable hoard of lavish prizes to commemorate this special day. Marble sales are scheduled to commence in late May after the version update. Are you feeling lucky, kupo?
Adventurer Appreciation Campaign
We simply couldn't let another year go by without showing due gratitude to all of you who have stood strong for Vana'diel through the years. Set to run for two weeks starting May 16, this year's campaign will feature a special present sure to appeal to the fashion-minded adventurer!
And that's only the start of it! Seasonal delights, including the Egg Hunt next week and Festival of Swords to follow, promise mirth and merriment, while the forthcoming major version update in May will usher in exciting new challenges. Numerous refinements to existing content are also in the works, including new limit break quests for adventuring fellows and more. We think you'll agree that Vana'diel's ninth year will be a grand one indeed.
Stay tuned for further details, and in the meantime, we look forward to your fan art submissions!