The world of Vana'diel, a vast tapestry woven of myriad tales...
Yet many are the stitches that have remained hidden from the plain sight of mortals.
At a long struggle's conclusion, the heretofore untold ending to a history-shaping event will finally be revealed!
Come what may, you must ever keep faith in the future that you wish to be. The world whose survival you desire.
Upon a routine visit to Grauberg, you find yourself confronted by an evidently flustered Cait Sith. What could possibly have occasioned her distress?

You've made a habit o' questionin' our motives, cat, but what o' your own?

The time is come to settle the score with the Four Spitewardens. With both factions resolute in their conviction, a clash of epic proportions must ensue...
I shall cast aside the shackles of your false goddess and preside over the world as its rightful ruler!
The Walk of Echoes—the crossroads of reality and time—is where the final battle between futures will be waged. And when the dust settles, only one reality will remain...

The will of mankind, tempered in the forge of death and suffering...
The hope of the Goddess, nursed in the cradle of Her love and benevolence...
In their bid for continued existence, two unyielding sides will lock horns and drench the pages of history with blood and tears!
Yet many are the stitches that have remained hidden from the plain sight of mortals.
At a long struggle's conclusion, the heretofore untold ending to a history-shaping event will finally be revealed!
Come what may, you must ever keep faith in the future that you wish to be. The world whose survival you desire.
Upon a routine visit to Grauberg, you find yourself confronted by an evidently flustered Cait Sith. What could possibly have occasioned her distress?

You've made a habit o' questionin' our motives, cat, but what o' your own?

The time is come to settle the score with the Four Spitewardens. With both factions resolute in their conviction, a clash of epic proportions must ensue...
I shall cast aside the shackles of your false goddess and preside over the world as its rightful ruler!
The Walk of Echoes—the crossroads of reality and time—is where the final battle between futures will be waged. And when the dust settles, only one reality will remain...

The will of mankind, tempered in the forge of death and suffering...
The hope of the Goddess, nursed in the cradle of Her love and benevolence...
In their bid for continued existence, two unyielding sides will lock horns and drench the pages of history with blood and tears!