Version Update Preview (09/07/2010)
Besides the plethora of job-related adjustments and additions already announced, the upcoming version update will usher in a broad spectrum of other refinements. Players can look forward to improvements in areas such as search comments, Walk of Echoes, Abyssea, and the quest Inside the Belly.
Search Comment

Trial of the Magians will be added as a new search comment category, allowing Magian trial parties to be formed with greater ease.
Walk of Echoes

Considerable changes will be applied to the Walk of Echoes, making it more accessible and rewarding than before.
- The time limit for battlefields will be extended, and monster behavior adjusted.
- The method of performance evaluation will be revised.
- The conditions for receiving the right to cast lots on victory spoils will be alleviated.
Inside the Belly

The variety of fishes applicable to the Inside the Belly quest will be expanded, allowing for new items to be obtained.

Abyssean monsters will yield greater amounts of cruor, a phenomenon theorized by scientists as a potential side effect of the perpetually crimson sky. Adventurers will also be given the option to place items obtained from pyxides into the pool of lot spoils.
The new NPC "Horst" will be posted in Port Jeuno. Adventurers may request Horst to instantaneously teleport them to any Cavernous Maw leading to an Abyssea area they have previously visited.
*"Vision of Abyssea" and "Scars of Abyssea" require the "Rise of the Zilart" and "Wings of the Goddess" expansions to be installed and registered.
*The game data for "Scars of Abyssea" will be distributed via the FINAL FANTASY XI version update scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 2010.
Besides the above, many more additions and refinements are in the works. All the juicy details can be perused upon the release of the September version update!