Re: Job Adjustments Part II (09/03/2010)
Could someone throw me a towel...........?
- Summoners level 76 and above will see a decrease in the amount of MP required to sustain summoned avatars.
- The following blood pacts will have their effect duration lengthened commensurate with summoning magic skill, regardless of whether or not the skill has been increased to its maximum:
Shining Ruby / Glittering Ruby / Hastega / Crimson Howl / Frost Armor / Rolling Thunder / Lightning Armor / Ecliptic Growl / Ecliptic Howl / Noctoshield / Dream Shroud
- The maximum amount of MP drainable using the summoner ability "Elemental Siphon" will be increased.
- The following blood pacts will have their effect duration lengthened commensurate with summoning magic skill, regardless of whether or not the skill has been increased to its maximum:
Shining Ruby / Glittering Ruby / Hastega / Crimson Howl / Frost Armor / Rolling Thunder / Lightning Armor / Ecliptic Growl / Ecliptic Howl / Noctoshield / Dream Shroud
- The maximum amount of MP drainable using the summoner ability "Elemental Siphon" will be increased.