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Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

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  • Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

    Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)
    The upcoming version update, featuring the next stage in the level cap increase, fast approaches, and the development team is feverishly preparing a veritable banquet of new job abilities and spells especially for this momentous occasion. With select jobs also set to welcome existing traits to their arsenal, there is bound to be something to satisfy every adventurer palate.

    So what manner of delectable delights will be served at this sumptuous feast?
    Read on for the appetite-whetting details.


    FINAL FANTASY XI Official Web Site

    The upcoming version update, featuring the next stage in the level cap increase, fast approaches, and the development team is feverishly preparing a veritable banquet of new job abilities and spells especially for this momentous occasion. With select jobs also set to welcome existing traits to their arsenal, there is bound to be something to satisfy every adventurer palate.

    The following new job abilities will be added:
    Divine Caress (WHM Lv.83 Ability Delay: 1 min. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    If the next spell you cast cures a status ailment, your target will gain enhanced resistance to that ailment.

    Saboteur (RDM Lv.83 Ability Delay: 5 min. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    If the next spell you cast is enfeeblement magic, its effect and duration will be enhanced.

    Spur (BST Lv.83 Ability Delay: 3 min. Effect Duration: 90 sec.)
    Grants "Store TP" effect to pets.

    Tenuto (BRD Lv.83 Ability Delay: 15 sec. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    If the next song you cast affects yourself, it will not subsequently be overwritten by other songs.

    Soul Jump (DRG Lv.85 Effect Duration: 3 min.)
    Delivers a high jumping attack on a targeted enemy which suppresses enmity. Effect enhanced when wyvern is present.
    *The recast timer for Soul Jump is shared with High Jump.

    Blood Pact: Ward "Earthen Armor" (SMN Lv.82 Ability Delay: 1 min.)
    Mitigates the impact of severely damaging attacks for party members within area of effect.

    Blood Pact: Ward "Tidal Roar" (SMN Lv.84 Ability Delay: 1 min.)
    Lowers attack for enemies within area of effect.

    Efflux (BLU Lv.83 Ability Delay: 3 min. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    If the next spell you cast is a "physical" blue magic spell, a TP bonus will be granted.

    Courser's Roll (COR Lv.81)
    Enhances "Snapshot" effect for party members within area of effect. Lucky number: 3. Unlucky number: 9.

    Blitzer's Roll (COR Lv.83)
    Reduces melee attack delay for party members within area of effect. Lucky number: 4. Unlucky number: 9.

    Feather Step (DNC Lv.83 Ability Delay: 15 sec.)
    Lowers a target's critical hit evasion. If successful, will earn you a finishing move.
    *The recast timer for Feather Step is shared with Steps.

    Job Traits
    The jobs listed below will each welcome an existing trait to their arsenal upon reaching the specified level, beyond which the degree of mastery will increase in stages.

    Job...................Level....................Job Trait
    MNK..................Lv.85..............Skillchain Bonus
    WHM.................Lv.85..............Shield Def. Bonus
    RDM..................Lv.85..............Mag. Burst Bonus
    THF..................Lv.83...............Dual Wield
    DRK..................Lv.85...............Crit. Atk. Bonus
    NIN..................Lv.85...............Skillchain Bonus
    COR.................Lv.85...............True Shot
    PUP..................Lv.85..............Crit. Def. Bonus

    The following new spells will be added:

    - White Magic
    Enlight: PLD Lv.85
    Addle: RDM Lv.83
    Refresh II: RDM Lv.82
    Cura II: WHM Lv.83
    Gain-VIT: RDM Lv.81
    Gain-MND: RDM Lv.84
    Boost-VIT: WHM Lv.81
    Boost-MND: WHM Lv.84
    Animus Augeo: SCH Lv.85
    Animus Minuo: SCH Lv.85

    - Black Magic
    Endark: DRK Lv.85
    Aero V: BLM Lv.83
    Break: BLM Lv.85
    Stoneja: BLM Lv.81
    Waterja: BLM Lv.84

    - Songs
    Mage's Ballad III: BRD Lv.85
    Earth Carol II: BRD Lv.81
    Water Carol II: BRD Lv.84
    Sentinel's Scherzo: BRD Lv.82
    Foe Lullaby II: BRD Lv.83

    - Ninjutsu
    Myoshu: Ichi: NIN Lv.85
    *Uses the ninja tool, "kabenro."
    Yurin: Ichi: NIN Lv.83
    *Uses the ninja tool, "jinko."

    More jobs will be able to learn the following spells:
    - White Magic
    Regen III: SCH Lv.83 (Addendum: Black)

    - Black Magic
    Aero III: DRK Lv.84
    Aero IV: RDM Lv.83
    Water V: SCH Lv.83 (Addendum: Black)
    Aspir II: BLM Lv.83

    Several new blue magic spells will be added.

    In addition to the above, performance-enhancing tweaks are also in the pipes for numerous existing job abilities. The exciting details will be announced in the very near future, so keep watching this space!


    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 08-27-2010, 09:28 AM.


  • #2
    Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

    Break: BLM Lv.85
    Stoneja: BLM Lv.81
    Waterja: BLM Lv.84


    Break? :0

    And -ja spells? ... wattt?

    ---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 PM ----------

    Refresh II: RDM Lv.82

    The world is over?
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

      Two Ichi spells...


      • #4
        Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        Refresh II: RDM Lv.82
        Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
        There goes whatever faith I had in S-E . . .
        Last edited by Yellow Mage; 08-27-2010, 06:33 AM. Reason: Addle and Saboteur do interest me, of course, but 5 min ability delay? Really? I guess that's better than 10 . . .
        Originally posted by Armando
        No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
        Originally posted by Armando
        Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
        Originally posted by Taskmage



        Originally posted by Taskmage
        However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
        Matthew 16:15


        • #5
          Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

          The new tools for RDM look cool, curious as to what addle is, and if the gain spells are AoE. If they are not AoE than (see above picture), then again maybe they are self cast only like barspells, which would be nice, Id gladly throw on a few (STR/DEX frontline INT/MND backline). But either AoE or self only if its a single target buff, I will not be using them, ever no matter how much the little retard DD cry. Am very upset BLM is getting break, I mean WTF you give RDM a tool to better enfeebles than give BLM an enfeeble we don't have, like furrrrrrreal. (granted we will probably get it before 90 like sleeps, poisons, and shit), and ENDARK on fucking DRK wtf is that shit. Fuck you SE fuck you. Refresh II as long as its twice the MP return I R happy, if not I R sad

          BLM made out like a bandit, teir 4 AGA, and ASPIR II (fuck yeah)
          WHM got some nice utility stuff, the bar on -na's is cool
          SCH stuff, no idea, but probably broken if the rest of the job is an example
          BRD ballad III (sweet 5 MP/tick with III/II plus 4-6 with refresh 2 = delicious) + a third sleep drool
          lolNIN no idea what these are but if the last was any clue, look for -DEF, -ACC or the like
          COR haste wow, as long as it is haste and not delay reduction, otherwise bye bye 5 hit builds or it aint getting used

          Now DRG i wanted to separate because of the incoming WTF it shares a timer shit.
          High Jump
          Spirit Jump (1.5x TP multiplier)
          Soul Jump.

          This is important to tie them together for this reason. Sekanoki. 200TP + 16*3 + 24 (if jumps were seperate) + Meditate + Store TP + current 5 hit builds = non stop WS machine. They don't hate you, they just don't want you to become gods of the WS (that is SAM's dept) However yet another awesome ability (especially if it contains a 1.5 TP multiplier too.)

          All in all I am mixed on this so far, seems like some neat stuff, but Endark and Break going to others and not RDM kind of has me pissed off. granted we will see Break probably around 90, but Enspells are a RDM thing, fuck you SE, fuck you.

          sig courtesy tgm
          retired -08


          • #6
            Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

            Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
            if the gain spells are AoE
            They're not. White Mage got Boost (stat) spells that are the AoE counterparts similar to how barspells were distributed. Personally I'm happy ours are self-use only. Means I won't get nagged to keep up another 6 cycles, though I do wonder how Summoners are gonna take that as it muscles in on Fenrir's territory.

            Yay for new enfeeble Addle. Can't wait to see what it does. Probably something negligible but I've still got hope it will be worthwhile. Gonna need to redo my macro palettes again to make room for all these incoming goodies.

            Refresh II is not something I'm terribly thrilled since it'll probably come with a cost hike to go with increased MP returns. Ideally it'd be the exactly the same as Refresh, except they'd up the mp per tick, but I doubt they'd be that considerate.

            Why does Black Mage get enfeebling goodies when Red Mages are supposed to have the enfeebling focus? If we don't get it later on I will be unhappy. Or maybe it'll be so impotent that it'll amount to little more than an earth-based stun spell.

            I'm waiting for people to start complaining about the new Corsair Roll lowering their TP per hit. All those precious six-hit builds ruined with a single roll. Oh it'll be hilarious.
            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
            Name: Drjones
            Blog: Mediocre Mage


            • #7
              Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

              addle :
              confuse, bewilder, mix up, muddle, perplex, fluster, stupefy, befuddle, fuddle


              ---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

              Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
              Refresh II is not something I'm terribly thrilled since it'll probably come with a cost hike to go with increased MP returns. Ideally it'd be the exactly the same as Refresh, except they'd up the mp per tick, but I doubt they'd be that considerate.
              consider the fact that it might cost just a tad more or that the duration might be longer allowing RDM to nail a couple more spells between refresh cycles
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #8
                Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                addle :
                confuse, bewilder, mix up, muddle, perplex, fluster, stupefy, befuddle, fuddle

                It may be a confuse spell. Ooooh! How nice that would be if a BLM could use confuse!


                • #9
                  Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                  Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                  Personally I'm happy ours are self-use only. Means I won't get nagged to keep up another 6 cycles
                  ^ Effin' this.

                  You hear that, S-E? We want to be less busy, remember? Take a hint!

                  Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                  Ideally it'd be the exactly the same as Refresh, except they'd up the mp per tick, but I doubt they'd be that considerate.
                  Actually, "ideally" would be it having a massively increased duration and shortened re/cast times, but yeah, I agree on the consideration thing . . .

                  Also, concerning Break . . . I wouldn't hold it against S-E if they gave us something like Stop in the future, since the functions of the two spells would be incredibly similar, just with one being Earth-based Black Magic and one being Ice-based White Magic.

                  I would hold it against S-E if Break ends up bringing in some ridiculous level of hate. In addition to the Sleepga line of spells being unaffected from the last update, that'd just be even more insult to injury (or perhaps Ensalt to the wound . . . ).

                  Even then, though, I wouldn't hold it against S-E nearly as much as I would them teasing us by making a Fencer job trait and then continually distinctly not giving it to us. Major CB, right there.

                  Heck, what with them giving us Magic Burst Bonus and freaking Refresh II, I'm starting to doubt that S-E ever really intended to change our status quo . . . when you consider the opportunities that were presented by the level cap increase, that only further infuriates me. Are they now pandering to all the pink mages that do not care to level a job that's supposed to be more appropriate for their desired role?

                  I mad. I very, very mad.

                  ---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

                  Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                  It may be a confuse spell. Ooooh! How nice that would be if a BLM could use confuse!
                  There's already a different spell called "Confuse" in the .DATs. My wild guess would be that Addle would provide more of an Amnesia effect, really. Either way, I'm just glad that we're finally starting to see one of our promised new Enfeebling spells.

                  Also, Addle is White Magic.
                  Last edited by Yellow Mage; 08-27-2010, 08:43 AM.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                  Matthew 16:15


                  • #10
                    Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                    Actually, "ideally" would be it having a massively increased duration and shortened re/cast times, but yeah, I agree on the consideration thing . . .
                    Because a 7:30 refresh on your self is not enough right. Also, I doubt people will care about us not cycling this as much. Every mage pretty well will /RDM. This means they get their own refresh and convert, no longer requiring Refresh to be cast on them. Most likely it will be 5 MP/tic (considering BRDs will be able to do 5/tic with ballad 2/3) 2MP refresh is not going to be an issue should it be cast or not on anything other than a PLD. Considering again, /RDM is going to be the mandatory sub for anything that slings spells (see SMN,WHM,BLM,SCH).

                    Heck, what with them giving us Magic Burst Bonus and freaking Refresh II, I'm starting to doubt that S-E really ever intended to change our status quo . . . when you consider the opportunities that were presented by the level cap increase, that only further infuriates me. Are they now catering to all the pink mages that do not care to level a job that's supposed to be more appropriate for their desired role?
                    The status quo is what you make of it. You can either A. Bend over and take what others tell you, or B. Tell people to fuck off and do what you want.

                    Break will most likely be given to RDM at a later level (see poison, sleep etc). As for job direction, See Composure, see magic burst bonus. These things speak louder volumes than refresh II cycles (if you choose to cycle see above on the need to cycle).

                    The only thing SE needs to do is put us on gear that is par with the jobs we try to emulate. They did a decent job with a few teal items the body is a poor mans Morigan, and the legs are the best nuking pants we can wear. From these updates SE i clearly trying to put RDM back into the filler role, which means no definite job definition. It simply means they are working us into a position to function as a gap filler.

                    This string of updates we have seems lackluster in comparison to dedicated jobs like BLM, or SAM, or the like, but they can only do one thing. Look at it this way.

                    Fighting a mob weak to Ice, you have your buffs on with composure this gives you 9 minutes if not having to cast on yourself. You have 15 seconds between haste casts, and curing is minimal due to the WHM in your group, who is refresing themselves. You put an enaero II on your joyeuese in prep for your upcoming skillchains and MB's. As a /DNC you know you can lower mob Magic resistance even more, so now you are ready to go. Using your Death Blossom WS you open a darkness chain which is closed by the same, at the same time you are now casting blizzard 3 (4 soon) on the mob in your full MAB set, you have lowered resistance by 20% with your enspells, death blossom and stutter step. Bang your Magic Burst bonus kicks in and you deal great damage to the mob, and you can do this NON-stop.

                    Or you are in a healing role, because the group couldnt get a WHM or SCH
                    Or you are in a nuking role because we have t4's and the gear to make them hit hard

                    These updates add to the versatility of RDM, and that is the jobs defining quality, it always has been, most people just got the idea in their heads it was only a healer, but that was because SE never gave us the tools to expand on that, Composure, and post 75 updates have done a lot for us so far.

                    So I d not know why you are mad. We have no specific job role until discussed in party/ally, we should never be as good as a DD, a WHM, or a BLM. But we sure as hell are the only class in the game that can melee,buff,heal,nuke,debuff all at the same time, without changing a sub job, and with moderate success and dam nearfor evr (see BLU on the MP issues).

                    If you play RDM to just perform 1 task well, than it is time to move to a new job, because SCH's and WHM's out do us in healing, BLM and SCH out nuke us, and any 2 handed DD will kill us damage wise (some 1 handers too). If you want to be a unique snow flake than RDM is a job for you, I have played 3 different roles today already and its not even noon yet. Ive nuked, meleed and healed. Tell me another job that can do that simply by hitting a gear swap macro.....


                    Why you mad brah?

                    As to the Addle ability, I rekon it adds an amnesia effect
                    Last edited by MrMageo; 08-27-2010, 08:53 AM.

                    sig courtesy tgm
                    retired -08


                    • #11
                      Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                      Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                      BLM made out like a bandit, teir 4 AGA, and ASPIR II (fuck yeah)
                      It's not aga 4, aga 4 is already in the game and used by mobs (AV uses Aeroga IV IIRC) these spells are something new entirely. They could be AoE Ancient Magic, or maybe have some kind of status effect paired with it.

                      ---------- Post added at 08:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 AM ----------

                      Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                      They're not. White Mage got Boost (stat) spells that are the AoE counterparts similar to how barspells were distributed. Personally I'm happy ours are self-use only. Means I won't get nagged to keep up another 6 cycles, though I do wonder how Summoners are gonna take that as it muscles in on Fenrir's territory.
                      Hi2u Accession. What will piss me off is if for some ridiculous reason SE cockblocks Accession + Refresh II, but I just don't see that happening since it's a party only spell.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                        he new tools for RDM look cool, curious as to what addle is
                        In the Tactics Advance series, Addle was an ability that caused the target to forget any of their abilities and have to resort only to physical attacks. Hmmm...sounds familiar...


                        • #13
                          Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                          Hi2u Accession.
                          Stratagem timers say "hi".
                          Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                          Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                          Name: Drjones
                          Blog: Mediocre Mage


                          • #14
                            Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                            Hi2u Accession. What will piss me off is if for some ridiculous reason SE cockblocks Accession + Refresh II, but I just don't see that happening since it's a party only spell.
                            How often are you seriously needing to AoE refresh. I mean seriously.... Ive been in maybe 10 parties that required AoE refresh, and most of them were in dynamis.

                            COR in a BLM group > RDM COR + SMN in a BLM group > RDM

                            That is the only time you would need to AoE refresh. So why waste a strategem on it? Especially since everyone will have refresh and the likely 2MP/tick difference is not going to be the bane of mages anymore since every one of them will have convert.

                            This screams self buff, and PLD buff. Otherwise it is nigh useless to cast in a cycle, let alone waste a strategem on when you can use it on something uefull like AoE Skin or Phalanx, or Enspells, or Cures, or Sleeps, or Pro/Shell, etc etc etc.

                            sig courtesy tgm
                            retired -08


                            • #15
                              Re: Job Adjustments Part I (08/27/2010)

                              - White Magic
                              Addle: RDM Lv.83
                              Refresh II: RDM Lv.82
                              Gain-VIT: RDM Lv.81
                              Gain-MND: RDM Lv.84

                              That is all.

                              Waterja: BLM Lv.84

                              YES! YES! YES!

                              ...I think I need a cigarette...

                              - Songs
                              Mage's Ballad III: BRD Lv.85
                              Earth Carol II: BRD Lv.81
                              Water Carol II: BRD Lv.84
                              Foe Lullaby II: BRD Lv.83
                              FU SE....FU

                              - White Magic
                              Regen III: SCH Lv.83 (Addendum: Black)
                              Um, that's white magic...Addendum: Black? And FU for giving it to SCH and not RDM.

                              Aspir II: BLM Lv.83
                              Oh ya, I'm a hate machine!

                              Soul Jump (DRG Lv.85 Effect Duration: 3 min.)
                              SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUL JUMP!


                              Comin' to ya on a dusty road
                              Good lovin' I got a truck load
                              And when you get it you got something
                              So don't worry cause I'm coming

                              I'm a Soul Jump! <insert horn section here>
                              Last edited by TheGrandMom; 08-27-2010, 11:35 AM.
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

