Are you one of the many adventurers testing your limits through Trial of the Magians? If so, you'll be pleased to know that a host of additions and improvements are on the way, promising to make this system more rewarding than ever!
Read on for the details!
Are you one of the many adventurers testing your limits through Trial of the Magians? If so, you'll be pleased to know that a host of additions and improvements are on the way, promising to make this system more rewarding than ever!
Introduction of Armor Trials

Additional Weapon Trials

The Marvelous Magian Spectacles
Is there anything these stylish and practical specs can't do? With the next version update, the tome summoned forth by this item will provide you with a two-day weather forecast for your current area.
Objective Adjustments
The objectives of certain trials, including monster types, weather/weekday conditions and finishing blows are scheduled to receive refinements.
I totally saw this coming. AF3 = magian trials (so maybe there will be multiple versions of each AF3? That'd be awesome) and new Empyreal WS! I didn't expect them to adjust the difficulty of trials again though. Good thing they did the killshots thing because the trials for Relic & Mythics are unbearable (1k+ killshots with the WS...)