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Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

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  • #61
    Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

    no, SCH gets TP bonus as well which is bizzare... look at it again.

    For the record SE, next time use a fucking box chart.



    • #62
      Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

      I really don't want to see this instead of words, Mal.


      • #63
        Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
        Inevitably some RDM who already has the world at his fingertips is all "What about us!?" It's silly.
        Ya I agree...but some, like myself, who dont have all the uber gear and just a casual player was looking for something new i guess. Dont get me wrong not saying we have a gimp job, more so one of the better attention payed jobs. I happy with what I have, other than wanting Morrgans real bad, just really dissapointed theny didnt even bother with rdm. besides getting access to updated spells. Hopeing they have a nice surprise 80+.

        Originally posted by Ziero View Post
        ...dude what? Sam is currently the most popular, most overused bandwagon DD job in game since it's borderline OP with just simple AH/casual endgame gear. There is like no situation in the game where if you need a DD Sam is a bad choice, hell most of the time Sam is the best choice since it's so easy to put up the high numbers with them. Add to that the fact they're getting two different abilities that boost SC damage, something they can do entirely by themselves, and they're just getting better.
        What i was getting at was that SAM's DD is through their ability to store up TP and pump out ws so much faster than anyother DD job. I cant argue with you their, its straight fact. But if you take away ws period and just look at over dmg from regualr attacks other DD job out rank SAM easily.
        Now that other DD jobs get ahold of Sekkanoki at 80 they will be able to do just as many ws as SAM just as fast. Since other DD jobs' ws consistantly do more dmg than SAM ws they will get out DD'd left and right.


        • #64
          Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

          I'd say BLM would only use that new ability in a pinch, MP is damn precious in battles and even if you take a hit, its much better to cure yourself spending maybe 50'ish MP than lose 200~300 MP in a single hit, for example. Wonder if Stoneskin is taken into consideration when using that ability and if defenses (albeit laughable) are pretty much the same for MP as they are for HP?
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #65
            Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

            Originally posted by Laynton View Post
            Ya I agree...but some, like myself, who dont have all the uber gear and just a casual player was looking for something new i guess. Dont get me wrong not saying we have a gimp job, more so one of the better attention payed jobs. I happy with what I have, other than wanting Morrgans real bad, just really dissapointed theny didnt even bother with rdm. besides getting access to updated spells. Hopeing they have a nice surprise 80+.
            But that's an even sillier reason, because if you don't have all that stuff, then you already have stuff to look forward to, and hardly need more. It seems to me it's more like "Hey, I wanted new stuff too, no fair, guys, no fair!" which is just silly. Job updates aren't handed out like presents at Christmas.

            Unless, of course, your parents were really sadistic and liked playing power games with their children.


            • #66
              Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

              Originally posted by Laynton View Post
              What i was getting at was that SAM's DD is through their ability to store up TP and pump out ws so much faster than anyother DD job. I cant argue with you their, its straight fact. But if you take away ws period and just look at over dmg from regualr attacks other DD job out rank SAM easily.
              Now that other DD jobs get ahold of Sekkanoki at 80 they will be able to do just as many ws as SAM just as fast. Since other DD jobs' ws consistantly do more dmg than SAM ws they will get out DD'd left and right.
              I dont think sekkanoki works like that since it technically doenst help GET tp at all. basically all DD's jobs will be able to do now is skillchain easier by being able to do 2 weapon skills back to back. They still need to get to 200tp by themselves anyway. The only job that would be able to abuse this is war atm since raging rush skillchains with itself but I'm not that worried about it. I'm just wondering if the wars restrain move extends to weapon skills and if the damage bonus is greater then having a crit occur during RR.


              • #67
                Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                Lol you know what I mean.

                Geez I can do it in MS word, and they use it for almost everything else .....

                The adjustments in the far left column, with boxes to the right of the name of the adjustment with the associated job abbreviations. Not that hard to do. The point is, they could have made it a lot more legible.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #68
                  Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                  Wait, wait, wait.

                  RDM is getting access to Tier IV nukes and they are complaining? They are getting access to AoE Haste, Stoneskin, Blink as well in this update. What are they expecting, yet more melee buffs?

                  SCH still has to use Addendum: Black to get those at all and now the Tier Vs as well.

                  Not to mention by /SCH can become a very, very awesome sub for both RDM and BLM, especially since BLM was just given its own Stoneskin alternative. /SCH is already dandy for WHM. Really, when all these updates are said and done, RDM will have absolutely no excuses not to participate in nuking.


                  • #69
                    Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                    It's still not very good for BLM except in very specific cases as you do not get any defensive magic like Blink and Stoneskin from /SCH leaving you open for a whooping. This can be mitigated for people with Herald's Gaiters, but we all know how common those are.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #70
                      Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                      It's still not very good for BLM except in very specific cases as you do not get any defensive magic like Blink and Stoneskin from /SCH leaving you open for a whooping. This can be mitigated for people with Herald's Gaiters, but we all know how common those are.
                      Desert Boots are level 40
                      Sandstorm level 42

                      +12% movement speed says hello at level 82. You're talking to a SCH here, Mal.

                      BLM now also has two ways to project itself with MP and its two hour. This would negate the need for Stoneskin, not to mention SCH's cost-cutting and recast cutting stratagems, which will be useful to them more than Manifestation ever would. Cut the Stun and Aspir recasts in half? Half-price AM IIs?

                      really, /SCH all they way after the September update.


                      • #71
                        Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                        I dunno where the RDM didn't get anything stigma is coming from, directly no, indirectly yes. As a job that is heavily defined in its role baed on subjobs, I think we made out like bandits. Very very big bandits. Outside of our own gains in this update we have received:


                        Sleepga II
                        Curaga I-4
                        Prora 4
                        Shellra 4
                        Barra's (inc. bar amnesia)

                        Occult Acumen (stun = dark magic = TP per use, as well as TP on nukes to help us keep death blossom up)

                        Fencer (increase to criticals while single wielding)


                        Warp II

                        /DNC (this is why I said RDM/DNC will be awesome.)

                        Stutter step
                        Reverse flourish
                        Dual Wield

                        That is just covering the SJ's that RDM makes the most use of, SCH will most likely be our primary mage subjob (outside of niche things where stun and static sleepga's are applicable). DNC will most likely be our melee sub of choice, it offer to many tools now to pass up, and allows us to keep either sword chucks or dagger/sword.

                        Frankly as a career RDM this is the single largest update RDM has ever received. While it is indirect, oursubjobs dictate our role and as such they must be considered in the evaluation as far as RDM is concerned.

                        All I know is with the lvl cap going up and the quantity of required players going down for certain events, RDM is going to be the in demand job for lowman content. /SCH for anything but melee, /DNC for pretty well anything. Choose your poison.

                        All I hope is that this weeds out the "Flavor of the decade RDM's" which I am sure it will.

                        As for SAM being on the bad end of a cruel joke, come on. How many other 2handers can full time hasso/seigan3eye, while still having access to meditate, and any of the following depending on sub

                        anything /dnc

                        SAM's epeen isn't going anywhere.

                        Once you look under the hood, I don't think any jobs came out on the short end of the stick. 1H DD have /DNC as a viable option, 2H DD will stick with SAM or WAR with DRG being a possible. Mages /SCH or /RDM.

                        I am pleased with the over all update.

                        No just get rid of the TPburn onry mentality and ill be here rong time!

                        sig courtesy tgm
                        retired -08


                        • #72
                          Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                          Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                          No just get rid of the TPburn onry mentality...
                          If only.....if only....
                          Originally posted by Feba
                          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                          Originally posted by DakAttack
                          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                          • #73
                            Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                            That shit better have Blaster. And it damn well better be as good as the real thing!


                            • #74
                              Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                              On another entirely different note, I can not wait and see how the TP for "nuking/dark" plays out. If it is based on cast time of the spell. I can see chainspell (insert nuke here) being crazy /DRK. Unless SE has accounted for this, I can not wait to Chainspell Nuke/Self SC/MB with myself

                              le drool.

                              ---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

                              I said le drool

                              sig courtesy tgm
                              retired -08


                              • #75
                                Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                                RDM needs Refresh II and Faster Cast.

                                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

