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Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

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  • Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

    No level cap increase is complete without an accompanying arsenal of new job abilities, traits, and magic spells. Come the June version update, adventurers will find themselves empowered with myriad new ways to smite enemies and support comrades in battle. As the icing on this scrumptious cake of additions, performance-enhancing tweaks are also being whipped up for certain existing job abilities.

    Feast your eyes on the details.


    The following job abilities will be added:

    Restraint (WAR Lv.77 Ability Delay: 10 min. Effect Duration: 5 min.)
    Enhances your weapon skill power with each normal attack you land, but prevents you from dealing critical hits.

    Perfect Counter (MNK Lv.79 Ability Delay: 1 min. Effect Duration: 30 sec.)
    Allows you to counter the next attack directed at you.

    Mana Wall (BLM Lv.76 Ability Delay: 10 min. Effect Duration: 5 sec.)
    Allows you to take damage with MP.

    Despoil (THF Lv.77 Ability delay: 5 min.)
    Steals items from an enemy while inflicting a status ailment upon it.

    Divine Emblem (PLD Lv.78 Ability Delay: 10 min. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    Enhances the accuracy of your next divine magic spell and increases enmity.

    Nether Void (DRK Lv.78 Ability Delay: 5 min. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    Increases the absorption of your next dark magic spell.

    Double Shot (RNG Lv.79 Ability Delay: 3 min. Effect Duration: 90 sec.)
    Occasionally uses two units of ammunition to deal double damage.

    Sengikori (SAM Lv.77 Ability Delay: 3 min. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    Grants a bonus to skillchains and magic bursts initiated by your next weapon skill.

    Futae (NIN Lv.77 Ability Delay: 3 min. Effect Duration: 1 min.)
    Grants a bonus to your next elemental ninjutsu by expending two ninja tools.

    Spirit Jump (DRG Lv.77 Ability Delay: 90 sec.)
    Delivers a short jumping attack on a targeted enemy which suppresses enmity. Effect enhanced when wyvern is present.

    Blood Pact: Rage "Holy Mist" (SMN Lv.76)
    Deals light elemental damage to an enemy.

    Blood Pact: Rage "Lunar Bay" (SMN Lv.78)
    Deals darkness damage to an enemy.

    Blood Pact: Rage "Night Terror" (SMN Lv.80)
    Deals darkness damage to an enemy.

    Bolter's Roll (COR Lv.76)
    Increases movement speed for party members within area of effect.

    Caster's Roll (COR Lv.79)
    Enhances "Fast Cast" effect for party members within area of effect.

    Tactical Switch (PUP Lv.79 Ability Delay: 3 min.)
    Swaps TP of master and automaton.

    Presto (DNC Lv.77 Ability Delay: 15 sec. Effect Duration: 30 sec.)
    Enhances the effect of your next step and grants you an additional finishing move.

    Divine Waltz II (DNC Lv.78 Ability Delay: 20 sec.)
    Restores the HP of all party members within a small radius.

    Climactic Flourish (DNC Lv.80 Ability Delay: 90 sec.)
    Allows you to deal critical hits. Requires at least one finishing move.

    Libra (SCH Lv.76 Ability Delay: 1 min.)
    Examines the target's enmity level.


    The following adjustments will be made to existing job abilities:

    - Beastmasters will be able to invoke the aid of six new creatures via the "Call Beast" ability by using the following items:
    Cunning Brain Broth / Lucky Carrot Broth / Deepbed Soil / Wool Grease / Vermihumus / Dancing Herbal Broth

    - The level requirement for the samurai ability "Sekkanoki" will be reduced from 60 to 40.

    - When dragoons use the "Spirit Link" ability, half of their wyvern's TP will be transferred to them.

    - If a corsair's "Double-Up" ability produces a total of XI, the roll's effect duration will be extended to 10 minutes.

    - Dancers will be able to perform the ability "Cure Waltz" on non-party members.

    - The "Dual Wield" job trait will become available to dancers at level 20, with the degree of mastery increasing in stages thereafter.

    Support jobs will be subject to the following ability restrictions:

    - The white mage abilities "Afflatus Misery" and "Afflatus Solace" will be unavailable.

    - The ranger ability "Shadowbind" will receive a penalty to accuracy.

    - The ninja abilities "Innin" and "Yonin" will be unavailable.

    - The scholar abilities "Accession" or "Manifestation" will triple rather than double the recast time for associated spells.

    The following job traits will be added:

    *The jobs column indicates the level at which the trait will first be learned. The degree of mastery will increase in stages thereafter.

    Trait_____________ Jobs__________________ Effect

    Crit. Atk. Bonus........WAR Lv.78............Improves power of critical hits.
    ...........................THF Lv.78
    ............................DNC Lv.80

    Crit. Def. Bonus.........PLD Lv.79..............Improves defense against critical hits.
    ............................BRD Lv.80

    Tactical Parry............NIN Lv.77..............Grants bonus TP when parrying an attack.
    .............................DNC Lv.77

    Tactical Guard............MNK Lv.77............Grants bonus TP when guarding against an attack.
    .............................PUP Lv.80

    Shield Def. Bonus.......WAR Lv.80.............Reduces damage taken when blocking an attack with a shield.
    ............................PLD Lv.77

    Stout Servant............BST Lv.78..............Reduces damage taken by pet.
    ............................PUP Lv.78

    True Shot.................RNG Lv.78..............Grants a damage bonus to ranged attacks performed at an appropriate distance.

    Blood Boon................SMN Lv.60.............Occasionally cuts down MP cost of Blood Pact abilities. Does not affect abilities that require Astral Flow.

    Skillchain Bonus..........SAM Lv.78...............Improves skillchain damage.
    .............................DNC Lv.45

    Fencer....................WAR Lv.45...............Increases rate of critical hits when wielding with the main hand only. Grants a TP bonus to weapon skills.
    .............................BST Lv.80

    Conserve TP.............RNG Lv.80................Occasionally cuts down TP cost of weapon skills.
    ............................DRG Lv.45
    ............................DNC Lv.77

    Occult Acumen...........DRK Lv.45.................Grants bonus TP when dealing damage with elemental or dark magic.
    .............................SCH Lv.78

    Mag. Burst Bonus........BLM Lv.45..................Improves magic burst damage.
    .............................NIN Lv.80
    .............................SCH Lv.79

    Divine Benison............WHM Lv.50.................Quickens spellcasting for status ailment recovery magic. Grants a bonus to enmity reduction

    Resist Amnesia............BST Lv.15...................Gives you a slight resistance against amnesia.
    ..............................COR Lv.30
    ..............................PUP Lv.15

    The following magic spells will be added:

    - White Magic

    Cure VI: WHM Lv.80
    Protect V: WHM Lv.76 / RDM Lv. 77 / SCH Lv.80
    Shell V: WHM Lv.76
    Baramnesia: RDM Lv.78
    Baramnesra: WHM Lv.78

    - Black Magic

    Stone V: BLM Lv.77 / SCH Lv.79 (Addendum: Black)
    Water V: BLM Lv.80
    Aspir II: DRK Lv.78

    - Songs
    Foe Requiem VII: BRD Lv.76
    Army's Paeon VI: BRD Lv.78
    Knight's Minne V: BRD Lv.80

    - Ninjutsu
    Aisha: Ichi: NIN Lv.78
    *Uses the ninja tool "Soshi".

    More jobs will be able to learn the following spells:

    - White Magic

    Shell IV: PLD Lv.80
    Phalanx: PLD Lv.77
    Regen II: RDM Lv.76

    - Black Magic

    Stone III: DRK Lv.76
    Stone IV: RDM Lv.77
    Water III: DRK Lv.80
    Water IV: RDM Lv.80

    Several new blue magic spells will be added.

    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 06-17-2010, 09:30 AM. Reason: cleaned up
    In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
    And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
    Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
    Yeah, It’s true.
    It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

    [I love you, Rebecca :D!]

  • #2
    Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

    They did it, they gave another job Dual Wield. FINALLY.


    • #3
      Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

      RDM/DNC now = WIN all the time booyah!.

      sig courtesy tgm
      retired -08


      • #4
        Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)


        Conserve TP, DNC Dual Wield, Corsair 10 min buffs.. nice.
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

          Oh and I skipped the part where DRK's migh actually use MP since they will now get TP from spells used

          sig courtesy tgm
          retired -08


          • #6
            Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

            That shouldve really been there from the start... all mages should get TP from spells, what is the purpose of them having Weapon Skills if they dont attack during battles?... I could see mages actually contributing more to damage output if that were the case.
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #7
              Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

              Wool Grease as a call pet item? Does that mean Bsts get Chigoe pets?

              And damn, they just buffed the crap out of Drg.

              ---------- Post added at 05:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 AM ----------

              Also, is that a picture of a Blu using that Gnole hp restoral ability?

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • #8
                Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                Dancer changes....

                That is all


                • #9
                  Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                  Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                  More jobs will be able to learn the following spells:
                  - White Magic
                  Shell IV: PLD Lv.80
                  Phalanx: PLD Lv.77
                  Regen II: RDM Lv.76
                  Am I the only one that saw this?

                  Fuck yes.


                  • #10
                    Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)


                    And bonus points for putting Libra in; it's only been sitting in the dats for what, seven years now?


                    • #11
                      Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                      Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                      Also, is that a picture of a Blu using that Gnole hp restoral ability?
                      Yea, it was one of the spells found while dat modding the previous mini update.

                      Though I have to wonder, why must every steal ability have a retardedly long recast?

                      And lol at giving wars two traits that boost critical damage, and then giving them a JA that prevents them from criting. Good show SE, good show. Also, lol@Shieldwars.

                      Oh well, it could be worse. At least it's better then Mnk or Rdm, you guys get hosed.
                      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                      • #12
                        Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)


                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                          Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                          Yea, it was one of the spells found while dat modding the previous mini update.

                          Though I have to wonder, why must every steal ability have a retardedly long recast?

                          And lol at giving wars two traits that boost critical damage, and then giving them a JA that prevents them from criting. Good show SE, good show. Also, lol@Shieldwars.

                          Oh well, it could be worse. At least it's better then Mnk or Rdm, you guys get hosed.
                          MNK is actually getting 1 min recast 100% counter... i wouldnt say that's lackluster at all
                          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                          • #14
                            Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                            They're basically getting old Third Eye. Guaranteeing a singe counter once a minute really isn't going to do much in the long run. It's nice and all, but that still leaves 59 seconds of pain once you counter that single attack.
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • #15
                              Re: Adjustments of the Job Persuasion! (06/17/2010)

                              Not much for RDM, but they just got Composure, and it's pretty awesome.

                              Mana wall - one more chance to get a sleep off when your face is being raped, and more importantly, one that doesn't depend on a subjob (NIN, WHM, or RDM) Someone on the wiki forums was just talking about BLM/SCH needing something like this.

                              Magic Burst Bonus - ohey maybe we did over-nerf bursts after all (BLM 45!) Too bad it's only DRK that gets the nuke bonus.

                              Resist/bar amnesia - bar should've been around a long time ago, and resists are on jobs that are completely gimped without JAs (BST and PUP are completely dependent on JAs for pet control, and COR is all about the rolls)

                              Dual Wield - there was speculation that some job would get this, but the speculation I saw was expecting it to go to BLU.

                              Aisha Ichi - this is probably the new NIN sneak+invisible spell. Lol completely new tool that needs to be crafted and carried around. I think people were expecting this to be Tonko San.

                              Cure V - notable for NOT being on the list, since it was "special" for being much lower hate than the I-IV progression.

                              Libra - examines enmity - does WHAT now? You get to check something once a minute that is constantly changing, and also depends on what everyone else's level is?

                              PLD Phalanx - errrr, I thought they aready had that, but I'm just a "stoopid mage" and know little of the subtle ways of beating things to a pulp. I guess that was one of the reasons /RDM was such an important subjob.

                              Divine Benison - thank Altana that's a trait, not a JA, and I won't have to type that all the time. Reduced cast time and lower enmity for -na spells? Yet another little thing to keep RDM (Fast Cast) from outdoing WHM as a healer is fine with me.

                              RDM Regen II - I'm cool with this, /WHM would get it at 88 anyhow, and /SCH even sooner. Regen I is kinda weak for 75+.

                              Presto - winnar of silliest JA name evar. God mode: say it with a "gay lisp".
                              Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                              99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                              F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                              >not having all jobs at 99

                              Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.

