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Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

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  • #61
    Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

    Originally posted by Gyotsha View Post
    There's an easy solution to this that every player has access to. Level sync.

    If you don't like the fact that they took the level restriction away, make your own.
    Like the people that need it done will be willing to sync down to a low level just to get it don. I highly doubt it.


    • #62
      Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

      Originally posted by Takelli View Post
      Like the people that need it done will be willing to sync down to a low level just to get it don. I highly doubt it.
      Then they don't care about the challenge of the fights, do they?

      They're the ones that need it done. Not you. If they don't want level restrictions to make it challenging, get over it and stop complaining.

      If they want the challenge, they're welcome to sync down to the proper level.


      • #63
        Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

        Originally posted by Gyotsha View Post
        Then they don't care about the challenge of the fights, do they?

        They're the ones that need it done. Not you. If they don't want level restrictions to make it challenging, get over it and stop complaining.

        If they want the challenge, they're welcome to sync down to the proper level.
        Yes, but they wont know how to actually do a challenge then. Like I said before. FFXI is starting to become more a like WoW now...


        • #64
          Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

          One small plus: You have a better chance of getting your maps of the 3 promy zones. I have all 3 items to get my maps but can never get near the ??? before getting a "blood warp".

          Weren't there low level gear drops from NMs on the 3rd or 4th tier? Those would be more accessible. Granted I dont konw how useful they are.
          PSN ID: Kelshan
          Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
          Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


          • #65
            Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

            Yes, but they wont know how to actually do a challenge then. Like I said before. FFXI is starting to become more a like WoW now...
            What do you consider a challenge? Standing in sea auto attacking a mob and WSing so you can get a change at a 5% drop. Or maybe it is watching as BLM's and SCH's kill the bosses in Dynamis so you can move to the next area and get a shot at yet another 5% drop.

            FFXI is hardly becoming like WoW at all, have you ever played it?

            It took me 2 months in WoW to be the best geared druid as moonkin and tank on my server. @ months. Well Ive been back 2 months and I have not yet had 1 item drop for my BRD or DRG from dynamis, I have not seen a Dchap drop for the RDM's that want it.

            Until SE starts giving out tokens that you get for completing events such as dynamis, or sea that allow you to buy the similar items bosses drop then its nothing as easy as wow. When you can spam 10 dungeons in 5 hours to get 50 tokens and go out and buy the best body leg head feet items in the game, then it will be like WoW. Until the abysmally easy events start dropping items left and right, the real challenge of the games remains your patience in the system.

            I don't get where you thin CoP equates to not knowing a challenge. Sky is not a challenge, Sea is not a challenge, Land Kings are not a challenge, Dynamis is no a challenge.

            The only challenge in this game is finding competent people who can work together long enough that everyone gets what they want, before killing each other.

            If you think someone is inferior to accepting that challenge because they want to try and be in endgame before the servers shutdown, then I would like to see what you do when SE finally imposes a real challenge into the game.

            sig courtesy tgm
            retired -08


            • #66
              Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

              Heh heh, now that i think about it, what if they end up INCREASING the level of the CoP bosses (Ouryu, Diabolos, Mammets, Mithra's, etc) so that even as a 75 you will need help? That would be effing hilarious!
              Originally posted by Van Wilder
              Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
              Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
              I'M BACK BABY!


              • #67
                Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                Originally posted by Losrase View Post
                Weren't there low level gear drops from NMs on the 3rd or 4th tier? Those would be more accessible. Granted I dont konw how useful they are.
                Yes there are. Some of them I think are fairly useful.
                Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                FXI is hardly becoming like WoW at all, have you ever played it?
                Yes, yes I have. I and I fucking hated that poor excuse for a MMORPG. Way too fucking easy, and hardly any team work was needed as no areas where level capped, and death penalty wasn't even that buad. Turning into a ghost? Whoopde-fucking-doo!

                As for it becomming more like WoW, I was saying that its becoming easier to do missions. Theres no reason when they are already easy enough to do. Theres no fun when you are just given you shit, and that is what they are doing.


                • #68
                  Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                  There is really no need to argue about changes made in the game. Some like them, some don't. It doesn't change the fact that they are happening. Everyone has an opinion on the matter and it is cool to express them but there is no use in fighting because you think your point of view is correct. In the end it changes nothing.


                  • #69
                    Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                    Originally posted by Gyotsha View Post
                    They're the ones that need it done. Not you. If they don't want level restrictions to make it challenging, get over it and stop complaining.
                    The expansion has been out five years, lots of people have gotten sea. Its not because they had a the right jobs or better linkshells, its because they were more organized, more helpful and more competent that the player that have sat around waiting for the last five years.

                    Why should they be given a freebie now?

                    I mean, they're only going to be faced with content that is even more exclusive. If you couldn't organize a group for CoP missions, how the hell are you going to form small groups to do Abyssea's endgame content?

                    People are going to fall back on the same pitiful argumetns they did for COP - that they're too exclusive, too time consuming when the reality is you just don't have the skill as a player or a person to get it done. Even in WoW, its the people that lack initiative that never get anything done. They just stand around and shout, waiting for the world to come to them, piecing together motley crews with no real planning and progressing with a crawl, if at all.

                    In a game like this, I don't have time for people that are just about themselves and what they need to get done. I want a team I can count on and a team that can count on me to get shit done.


                    • #70
                      Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                      Originally posted by Ziero
                      Err, with CoP Missions there is no run around to restart a mission.

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                      If you don't "have the time" to invest, you "don't have the time" for the endgame events, either.
                      Oh? That's funny because, it's due to end-game events that I don't have time to do the missions. The time I do get to spend in game is spent doing Dynamis, sky, HNM, Einherjar, and HNMs. I'm limited to only that due to my college and work schedule.

                      You can call these missions challenging, but the only challenging part is finding people to do them. This isn't "dumbing them down to where they're no longer fun," it's adjusting them slightly to appeal more to players who still don't have it done (which is a small part of the population).

                      If you already have it done, why are you bitching?

                      You did it when it was more difficult, congratulations. <_<b

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                      The expansion has been out five years
                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
             the hell are you going to form small groups to do Abyssea's endgame content?
                      If you can't answer that on your own, then I'll be slightly displeased.
                      Last edited by Tipsy; 05-25-2010, 04:20 PM.
                      In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
                      And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
                      Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
                      Yeah, It’s true.
                      It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

                      [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


                      • #71
                        Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                        Originally posted by Gyotsha View Post
                        There's an easy solution to this that every player has access to. Level sync.

                        If you don't like the fact that they took the level restriction away, make your own.
                        Yes, because everybody does the Shadow Lord fight level synced at level 50. Everybody.

                        Originally posted by Gyotsha View Post
                        Then they don't care about the challenge of the fights, do they?

                        They're the ones that need it done. Not you. If they don't want level restrictions to make it challenging, get over it and stop complaining.

                        If they want the challenge, they're welcome to sync down to the proper level.
                        *Ahem* Allow me to break it down for you: I have been a lowbie for the past few years now. And I would love to experience the challenge of these boss fights as they were intended at the proper levels. Odds are, however, if I wanted to experience that for myself, I'd have to go out of my way and more than likely have to pay them just to get them to do my little ol' mission fight the way I want to. It would just be too much time, effort, and complication to be worth it, especially to them. The fact is, no matter what people want, they'll almost always end up taking the path of least resistance. Once again, I bring up the example of the Shadow Lord fight - how many stories have we heard now of it being over before the person needing their Airship pass even got to finish the cutscene?

                        S-E did make a huge mistake by removing the level caps from the CoP boss fights (heck, I'm surprised that they even made this mistake after seeing how much RoZ suffered for it). You can argue that you don't have to make it as stupidly easy as possible, that we can just add on additional difficulty if we wanted to challenge ourselves. But be freaking realistic here: nobody in their right mind would ever make anything whatsoever any harder than it has to be.

                        And S-E just lowered the bar to braindead.

                        Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                        Are you seriously whining about missing out on an item which gives 800~80,000 gil over a three-week-or-so period?
                        It's a matter of principle!
                        Originally posted by Armando
                        No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                        Originally posted by Armando
                        Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                        GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                        Matthew 16:15


                        • #72
                          Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          If you couldn't organize a group for CoP missions, how the hell are you going to form small groups to do Abyssea's endgame content?
                          I would've thought that when CoP was newer there were more people playing it making it easier to get a group. Since I wasn't around back then and now getting people together to finish CoP is a pain. My linkshell tried to do it once and we only made it up to finishing the promies. After awhile new people showed up so we had to go back and get their promies done so we never moved forward in the story line. That was around the time when I stopped playing, if I had thought we would've kept going I would've stuck around.
                          {New Sig in the works}
                          "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                          Originally posted by Solymir
                          What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                          • #73
                            Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                            Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                            This answer speaks of your inexperience. There was no run-around to do the capped Diabolos fight again if you failed - or ANY CoP fight, for that matter.

                            Oh? That's funny because, it's due to end-game events that I don't have time to do the missions. The time I do get to spend in game is spent doing Dynamis, sky, HNM, Einherjar, and HNMs. I'm limited to only that due to my college and work schedule.
                            And who chose endgame events in Dynamis, Sky? Who chose to do Einherjar and HNMs before getting CoPs done? No one but you decided these were more important and in all the time you wasted in Dynamis or HNMs because "this might be the day it drops" you could have had CoPs done ages ago.

                            You can call these missions challenging, but the only challenging part is finding people to do them. This isn't "dumbing them down to where they're no longer fun," it's adjusting them slightly to appeal more to players who still don't have it done (which is a small part of the population).

                            If you already have it done, why are you bitching?

                            You did it when it was more difficult, congratulations. <_<b
                            I have explained that - Getting Sea is a sign that you are capable of working with people under pressure and time constraints. But I'm going to assume you're the guy that shows up to Dynamis late and without his EXP capped.

                            C'mon, you can piss hours and hours away on fuckin' HNMs but can't get CoPs done? Really? I know people that are faced with everything you are and more, yet, still get CoP done and amazingly have a social life in college to boot.

                            Do you really think your LS would have complained if you bowed out for a week or two and got CoPs done? Most sensible LSes would give members time to do such things.

                            If you can't answer that on your own, then I'll be slightly displeased.
                            Try assembling my quotes into something coherent, you know, rather than fracturing them into something no one could possibly respond to.


                            • #74
                              Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                              Theres no fun when you are just given you shit, and that is what they are doing.
                              No fun to you. Other people have fun getting pixels, some of those people have fun being able to do something in 1-2 hours. Not everyone enjoys spending 2 hours shouting for a group or spending 3-4 days trying to form a static to tackle stuff.

                              That is your opinion and I guarantee not everyone that plays this game agrees with it.

                              That is like me saying I have fun being a RDM/DNC and meleeing while healing a party, if you /WHM or /SCH you are just taking the easy way out and that is no fun for everyone. Also you suck because you didn't do the same as I did, and I don't think that is fair. I had to slave to get good gear for years just so I could do it but you you just took a subjob that SE made easy to use and took easy to get gear and di it just the same as me, where is the fun in that. Foul I say Foul!.

                              Oh and as RDM/WHM I don't think you will be good at endgame, because you never had the experience of setting up a party that works to get things done like I did on RDM/DNC. You obviously won't be ready for any future content because you have never done what I had to do, you are going to be bad.


                              sig courtesy tgm
                              retired -08


                              • #75
                                Re: Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

                                Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                                Yes, because everybody does the Shadow Lord fight level synced at level 50. Everybody.

                                *Ahem* Allow me to break it down for you: I have been a lowbie for the past few years now. And I would love to experience the challenge of these boss fights as they were intended at the proper levels. Odds are, however, if I wanted to experience that for myself, I'd have to go out of my way and more than likely have to pay them just to get them to do my little ol' mission fight the way I want to. It would just be too much time, effort, and complication to be worth it, especially to them. The fact is, no matter what people want, they'll almost always end up taking the path of least resistance. Once again, I bring up the example of the Shadow Lord fight - how many stories have we heard now of it being over before the person needing their Airship pass even got to finish the cutscene?
                                Nice way to ignore my first post in this thread saying the cap removal is helpful because people can't even find people who want to help. Twist my words, will you?!

                                By this point just about everybody has CoP done and not many are willing to help others with it. At least now the stragglers will be able to get the missions done.

                                I'd rather have it easy and be able to complete so I can access the content I payed for, than have to spend more time and effort than necessary just looking for people to help finish the missions.

                                In my opinion, SE chose the lesser of two evils for their paying customers.

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                                The expansion has been out five years, lots of people have gotten sea. Its not because they had a the right jobs or better linkshells, its because they were more organized, more helpful and more competent that the player that have sat around waiting for the last five years.
                                You do realize there are still new players starting the game, right?

                                Not everyone has been around for 5+ years like you.

                                Other people had lives and may not have had time to complete CoP.
                                Last edited by Gyotsha; 05-26-2010, 01:04 AM.

