We are pleased to announce that our development team is hard at work putting the finishing touches on the upcoming FINAL FANTASY XI version update, which is currently on track for a mid-June release.
This update promises to be a momentous one, with the first level cap increase in over six and a half years, and a veritable slew of new equipment and weapon skills to accompany it.
But that's not all! Adventurers across Vana'diel can look forward to experiencing the climactic conclusions of the popular Wings of the Goddess nation quest storylines, braving the eerie environs of the new Walk of Echoes area, taking up the gauntlet with new Trial of the Magians trials, and much more! With a host of job adjustments and other refinements on the way as well, this update is sure to offer something for players of all stripes.
As always, detailed previews will be forthcoming right here in the Topics section, so keep watching this space!
---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 AM ----------
Well, it is Friday, so I suppose such an announcement was to be expected.
For those keeping score at home . . .
In addition to the items mentioned in this post, we may also look forward to:
New Campaign rewards!
Several new NMs and HNMs!
Abolishment of Promathia area level caps!
Additions to MMM!
New Synergy recipes!
And Vision of Abyssea.
This is apparently going to be the larger and more defining single update of the year.
Personally, I'm interested in seeing these new "Trial of the Magians trials" (straight from the DoRD, of course), and this new equipment and weapon skill business. I don't expect anything of personal interest in the "job adjustment" department until September for various reasons, but it'll be interesting to see which jobs in particular get the run-through this time. I'm thinking DNC, COR, maybe SCH?