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VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

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  • VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

    Japanese VanaFest 2010 Confirmed!

    It is our pleasure to announce that the next edition of VanaFest, Japan's premier Final Fantasy XI fan event, will be held on Sunday, February 28th 2010 in Tokyo!

    Attendees can expect this year's event to be a veritable goldmine of mind-blowing news. Development and operation team members will engage in a talk session and divulge juicy pieces of information such as new content scheduled for upcoming version updates, planned job improvements, and other exciting milestones for the year 2010. The evolution of Final Fantasy XI is far from over, folks!

    But save your awestruck faces for the special announcement...and be sure to hang on to your seats when it comes!

    Even those unable to attend need not be disheartened! All the latest news and developments announced at the festival will be delivered to you hot off the press, so stay tuned!


    If they do have one more Fan Fest in California, I might still go as I've always wanted to attend one. But I'm pretty well done with the game at this point; anything "mind blowing" they release is too little too late at this point. I'm ready for FF14 SE.
    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 01-16-2010, 12:24 AM. Reason: Put in URL


  • #2
    Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    But I'm pretty well done with the game at this point;
    The door is that way. ->

    ---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------

    Really, I just cannot emphasize this part enough:

    The evolution of Final Fantasy XI is far from over, folks!
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #3
      Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

      I am pretty done with the game as well. Its mostly all about end game now. If they release something that is REALLY mind blowing, I just may start up again...


      • #4
        Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

        I think for FFXI to surive at this point they're going to need to de-emphasize endgame, which would be really hard because there's a portion of the community that really wants more and then there's the rest who would go crazy if they added one more thing to it.

        I had a feeling an expansion would be coming around the time of FFXIV's launch, though, if not the quarter before it or some time into the first quarter of 2011. It would be a good to keep those staying in FFXI to keep from feeling left out if they got it out before FFXIV.


        • #5
          Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

          Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
          The door is that way. ->

          ---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------

          Really, I just cannot emphasize this part enough:

          Agreed the game is as fun as you make it, I still have fun with the game even WITH all the endgame I do. I mean hell, soloing thf and sch is making me hella rich with K.seals dropping like mad
          Originally posted by Van Wilder
          Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
          Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
          I'M BACK BABY!


          • #6
            Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            I think for FFXI to surive at this point they're going to need to de-emphasize endgame, which would be really hard because there's a portion of the community that really wants more and then there's the rest who would go crazy if they added one more thing to it.

            I had a feeling an expansion would be coming around the time of FFXIV's launch, though, if not the quarter before it or some time into the first quarter of 2011. It would be a good to keep those staying in FFXI to keep from feeling left out if they got it out before FFXIV.

            I agree with you. They need to add stuff for people in mid levels, and early levels as well. That isn't a pain to do either.


            • #7
              Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

              Been playing since Jan 2004, and I've done just about all the story content in the game as far as missions go...

              Plus, I end up just playing by myself or PT with strangers most of the time, so it's just not fun anymore. I'm only sticking it out for Maat's cap as personal goal and to chat with some of my friends who still play, but otherwise I'm ready to give 14 a whirl.

              Speaking of, would be nice if they'd announce the release date already, which could be the announcement they're hinting at (though probably not since it's an XI-related event. I think BBQ's right in that it's likely another expansion)

              I would have liked one more expansion, but they dragged out WotG for far too long.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                I agree WoTG was handled poorly as far as how hey are releasing it but I think that might be they were sharing dome Devlopers and if they do a new expansion it will be done the way ToAU or COP was released.

                Asura Server


                • #9
                  Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                  Easy way to deemphasize endgame: Alternate dimension where you have none of your experience but plenty of chances to win FABULOUS PRIZES!

                  SE, royalty money now prz.


                  • #10
                    Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                    Originally posted by fairyoracle75 View Post
                    I agree WoTG was handled poorly as far as how hey are releasing it but I think that might be they were sharing dome Devlopers and if they do a new expansion it will be done the way ToAU or COP was released.
                    Said developers are likely only going back to FFXI if XIV flops.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #11
                      Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                      The game is still far from over, there is a lot things can be add into the game. For example

                      1. PvP system or more a RvR system
                      2. Jump into the future! a world of mech and such exist!
                      3. more story! (seriously no more scenario..)
                      4. On going world changing massive events!
                      5. Ok no more crafting related stuff... but i would love real housing.
                      6. A new continent with "housing and make your own kingdom"

                      But i don't see a future for a MMORPG without a PVP system or RvR anymore.Most likely FFXIV won't be even come close to FFXI's population after release even when SE are "copying" monster hunter frontier for FFXIV (what with the guild system mission system? )

                      Anyway, FFXIV Still got a long wait. I don't trust SE with their release dates (like FFXIII should be released 2 years ago). And most likely the japanese get the "1 years" ahead of North American release again just like every final fantasy series to date.

                      P.S: It is a fact that japanese's MMORPG never does well beyond the japan's market. (look at various japanese MMO you will see)
                      -add later-


                      • #12
                        Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                        Originally posted by wrongfeifong View Post
                        P.S: It is a fact that japanese's MMORPG never does well beyond the japan's market.
                        Except, you know, that other MMORPG SE made.

                        what was it called again.


                        • #13
                          Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                          Originally posted by wrongfeifong View Post

                          But i don't see a future for a MMORPG without a PVP system or RvR anymore.
                          Do explain this more; cause besides WoW what MMO that also has PvP has done very well?

                          Most can barely hang onto 100-200k subs after just a few short months. I see this complaint everywhere about FFXIV not having a true PvP system, same for FFXI, but its held a very strong position and population with the market swamped with PvP MMOs and has done better than damn near all of them.


                          • #14
                            Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                            Originally posted by Khalus View Post
                            Do explain this more; cause besides WoW what MMO that also has PvP has done very well?
                            EVE Online. As old as FFXI, it has three hundred thousand subscribers, prime time gets over 50k online. Those numbers are comparable to, if not better than, FFXI's current state. Not only does it have PVP, but it is impossible to escape it; the entire world is PVP, with even the highest levels of protection not preventing you from being blown up.


                            • #15
                              Re: VanaFest 2010 Confirmed! (01/15/2010)

                              Ok besides EVE...I had a feeling you were gonna respond with that one, cause that is a rare gem that has done well. I guess I'm more talking about all the copy & paste MMOs that most developers have been doing the past 5+ yrs as an attempt at capitalizing on the success that WoW has earned.

                              Anyway, back on topic, I highly doubt FFXI and during the entire life of FFXIV we'll ever see any type of PvP beyond the sporty Balista and Brenner modes. Especially going by this quote from Tanaka:

                              What about PVP?

                              We have the same stance on PVP as we had in FFXI, we're having a focus on PVE, but we may introduce some sort of sports-type that might be tied to PVP in the future. What we're worrying about is that we dont want to have any PK'ing or harassment types of activities in the game. So in order to provide a safe environment to everyone and a game to enjoy. So we're not focusing on PVP.
                              There are far too many MMOs already ruined by trying to mix PvP & PvE together. Its not like subscriptions for two different MMOs is all that expensive, so if you must have that PvP fix, then log into something else and have at it. There are tons of Korean F2P MMOs that have rather good; open PvP I've heard.

                              I totally agree with Tanaka, and I really don't enjoy most MMOs for long that force me into that negative and harassing PvP atmosphere. Even when one avoids it entirely and sticks to the PvE side, its still there in every chat channel, and yeah sure you can turn those channels off, but the duels in every town and outpost and along every path are still there, and ultimately makes you feel like you're alone in the world, unless you participate in the PvP.

