Version Update Preview (11/06/2009)
The fast-approaching major version update will usher in auspicious adjustments spanning a wide range of in-game elements. Today, it is our pleasure to introduce the changes that are scheduled for the Chocobo Circuit, the fishing quest "Inside the Belly," and more!
Chocobo Circuit
- Bigger Rewards
The amount of chocobucks rewarded to first, second, and third place winners in chocobo racing will be significantly increased.
- Revised Race Schedule
The Chocobo Circuit schedule has undergone a full review. The C2 Chocobo Race and C1 Crystal Stakes will be held with greater frequency, and races will take place at the same time each Earth day, making it easier for players to participate than ever before.
*The red and blue race attendants above will alternately conduct races.
- New Rewards
The dashing racing silks dutifully worn by jockeys will be added to the list of reward items obtainable in exchange for chocobucks. With each color offering unique beneficial effects for its wearer, there is bound to be something for every chocobo fan!
Quest: Inside the Belly
Players will be able to turn in more varieties of fish to the quest-starter NPC. Rumor has it these fishes have a penchant for swallowing up new equipment whole...?
Past Vana'diel
- Xarcabard [S]
Monster distribution will be adjusted to allow adventurers to safely arrive at their destination when using the teleportation service requiring Allied Notes.
- Eldieme Necropolis [S]
A number of gates within the necropolis will be adjusted to remain open at all times to allow players to find their way to union treasure chests at the end of a Campaign Battle.
All this and more is coming to you in the soon-arriving major version update!
Eldieme Necropolis update is fudgin sweet! Stupid Mobs would get stuck in the back, beating on Fort, and if you killed them in that room, the doors closed and you had to roll out of there the hard way. Thank god they did that, as people stopped even campaigning there on valefor.
The fast-approaching major version update will usher in auspicious adjustments spanning a wide range of in-game elements. Today, it is our pleasure to introduce the changes that are scheduled for the Chocobo Circuit, the fishing quest "Inside the Belly," and more!
Chocobo Circuit
- Bigger Rewards
The amount of chocobucks rewarded to first, second, and third place winners in chocobo racing will be significantly increased.
- Revised Race Schedule
The Chocobo Circuit schedule has undergone a full review. The C2 Chocobo Race and C1 Crystal Stakes will be held with greater frequency, and races will take place at the same time each Earth day, making it easier for players to participate than ever before.
*The red and blue race attendants above will alternately conduct races.
The dashing racing silks dutifully worn by jockeys will be added to the list of reward items obtainable in exchange for chocobucks. With each color offering unique beneficial effects for its wearer, there is bound to be something for every chocobo fan!
Quest: Inside the Belly
Past Vana'diel
- Xarcabard [S]
Monster distribution will be adjusted to allow adventurers to safely arrive at their destination when using the teleportation service requiring Allied Notes.
- Eldieme Necropolis [S]
A number of gates within the necropolis will be adjusted to remain open at all times to allow players to find their way to union treasure chests at the end of a Campaign Battle.
All this and more is coming to you in the soon-arriving major version update!
Eldieme Necropolis update is fudgin sweet! Stupid Mobs would get stuck in the back, beating on Fort, and if you killed them in that room, the doors closed and you had to roll out of there the hard way. Thank god they did that, as people stopped even campaigning there on valefor.