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New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

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  • #76
    Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

    Since I'm pretty sure everybody knows that the Shantotto thing is just the third in a line of traps, I'll mention that I know I'm not the only one who saw this:

    [ame=""]YouTube - Help me, ERINNNNNN!! (ビートまりお) 東方ライブ映像[/ame]

    The Tarutaru were totally going

        _, ,_ ∩
      ( ゚∀゚)彡 えーりん!えーりん!

    Also, said trailer was also shown at TGS. I think S-E may have been appealing to the Dissidia players with this one, as well. I noticed a bunch of YouTube posters stating that they wished they had FFXI, obviously blissfully unaware of how low quality the add-on itself will be.
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #77
      Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

      Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
      I'll mention that I know I'm not the only one who saw this:
      They're just giving an example of how repetitive it is.


      • #78
        Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Should I say you fail at FFXI or just RPGs as a whole? Because you're demeaning every job you try to describe here as mere hybrids of other jobs.This is rather insulting considering each job has been given a lot to distinguish themselves from one another, not to mention many of them have a deep history in the franchise or the fact that they're part of what sets Final Fantasy apart from other RPG franchises.

        I mean, I haven't really seen other RPGs that make use of Gamblers and Blue Mages. Even fantasy standbys like Dark Knight and Paladin have their own distinct flavor over here.
        I think you're being just a little harsh on him BBQ. At it's basic level, PLD DRK & COR are hybrids of other classes. That's not to say they simply have those abilities mixed together and there you go, which I assume is what you were taking exception to.

        You are right in that the distinctions between these jobs and those they are a hybrid of are far deeper than being a simple mix of two ideas, but Takelli has the basic principals correct; A DRK plays much like a WAR only with black magic; Though to your point, that's a very shallow/blanket statement that doesn't really address the uniqueness of DRK's abilities (Souleater, Absorbs, Dread Spikes etc)

        My point is his statement wasn't so much wrong as it was a misleading generalization.



        • #79
          Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

          Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
          I noticed a bunch of YouTube posters
          I noticed them too.


          I assume that FFXIIII (14) will be for the ps3/pc because it an mmo...but then again you know what they say about assume.


          It's interesting and I would like to find out more information. I know Squarenix can do better with the graphics, but overall, it's still impressive.


          did u guys make a mistak cause it says xbox360/pc/ps2


          Guess after Dissidia square decided to make an expansion pack for the fur-fags who play XI


          So, is Shantotto evil now? Actually, when I think about it she was evil in Dissidia. Seriously, only the bad guys had acsess to the manikins. So how did Shantotto get ahold of them? And her voice sounds like some kind of evil mouse. Like Jerry's hell-spawned cousin. And she starts with all her HP attacks! WTF?!


          PC?? I didn't know that Final Fantasy is a Pc game lol.

          I could go on.
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #80
            Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

            Also, said trailer was also shown at TGS. I think S-E may have been appealing to the Dissidia players with this one, as well. I noticed a bunch of YouTube posters stating that they wished they had FFXI, obviously blissfully unaware of how low quality the add-on itself will be.
            Of course, you've clearly played enough to confirm this will be exactly the same as the other two. The moogle one was too far along to have been changed much. I know that's going to boggle the minds of people who thing game development is as simple as waving a magic wand. Shantotto's expansion, on the other hand, might have had the time to be expanded with those criticisms taken to heart. We'll just have to wait and see, but I find it amusing people think so highly of their ten dollars.

            At any rate, players are to blame for the lacking quality of all mission content post-CoP. Hell, some of you even fuck up the simplest missions in ToA. Apparently even getting to the Ashu Talif without getting killed is just too hard for most players. That's why most mission content that isn't the end boss or just prior to it is complete brain rot.

            People wanted intermediate, soloable mission content with no JP midnight waiting periods, SE delivered. If half the people out there didn't cry so much about how "hard" CoP was, we'd have tougher missions than we're getting now.

            And Bal, you know just by posting YouTube comments, you're lowering everyone's IQ in the process, plz stp, me cant tak nemoor.


            • #81
              Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

              Climb down off your pedestal. The, "I'm awesome everyone else are mindless sheep" rhetoric is getting tedious.


              • #82
                Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                Climb down off your pedestal. The, "I'm awesome everyone else are mindless sheep" rhetoric is getting tedious.
                Yeah, because you're Mr. Constructive Criticism here and totally not on a high horse.

                Wanna know the reason I'm just not thrilled to log in to FFXI anymore?

                Its not anything SE has really done, its pretty much the community at large. Most people don't want to come out and say that for fear of their linkshell standing, but its a large reason more people are quitting FFXI these days, I'd argue its a much larger reason than what SE chooses to do, because they've done nothing for the last year and a half but make FFXI more friendly and playable, which is what they thought everyone wanted.

                Apparently not. Or people really just don't know what they want from this game now.

                Now, this is probably where you're going to say, "I love FFXI and only want it to be better than it is right now." This is the classic Nintendo Wii argument for its detractors. If you feel that to be true, wouldn't it be more useful to submit suggestions via email to SE or have constructive discussions rather than act like your subscriber dollars are a license to bitch?

                Subscribing and continuing to complain sends the wrong message. It says "I like what SE is doing" and they go on thinking they're doing the right thing. More or less, though, I realize I'm dealing with the vocal minority. Deep down, we all know why missions are what they are these days, its just easier to blame SE or say they fail than accept we're at fault for what they're doing.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-28-2009, 04:33 AM.


                • #83
                  Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                  Could not have said it better myself Omgwtfbbqkitten (no really no way I could say it like you did ;p)

                  FFXI is fine the way it is, people are just to lazy to work with the game, instead they want to complain and get SE to change it to their form. Then they still complain and dont use the new things given to them (latest NIN update). It will be the same thing with FFXIV as well, the game will be fine, fun, and pretty. But people will still complain their asses off about this or that.......

                  oh and from youtube poster....FruitSaladExtreme

                  "Guess after Dissidia square decided to make an expansion pack for the fur-fags who play XI "

                  That's funny, this guy is most likely secretly homosexual or something.
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • #84
                    Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Its not anything SE has really done, its pretty much the community at large.
                    Believe me, I've been down this road all the MMOs I've played. At some point you either realise the game isn't what you want it to be, the playerbase is terrible, or there's a mixture of both. Unfortunately the subscription numbers are really only what motivates the gaming companies nowadays, I think the likes of an Everquest trying to achieve something new in a bloated market will never happen again.

                    I came back to this game in February and have more or less been frustrated the whole time up to now with a combination of the playerbase and the very dated mechanics in the game. Chances are my subscription will be cancelled before rebilling because when I look at the game now the majority of players fall into one of four categories:

                    1) Seasoned players who still find the game fun and enjoy playing and will continue to do so until it grows stale and they'll move on. Generally forgiving of newer player's inexperience and will try to politely explain in tells what someone is doing wrong;
                    2) Old, established players who have invested so much of their time in the game that they refuse to acknowledge the dwindling playerbase and increasing indications that no significant time or money will ever be invested in the game anymore but will continue going to Dynamis for that red mage hat until they finally run out of people to go with or the plug is pulled on the servers. Whenever they level a new job it'll be +1's all the way and any scrub who is lucky enough to join their party better damn well have the right gear and play just how they're told;
                    3) The average player who is constantly frustrated by shit in the game, both player and S-E created, but continues resubscribing, "because of their friends in the game";
                    4) The rare new players who haven't quite realised the game they've just started playing is entering the twilight of its lifecycle.

                    Now, both you and I know where the majority of the assholes lie out of those four categories. Unfortunately, you cut them away and the game dies on its arse.


                    • #85
                      Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                      At any rate, players are to blame for the lacking quality of all mission content post-CoP.
                      There is a limit to everything. There is no excuse for the stupidity that was AMK.

                      Yes, it was too far along to do anything about it, but anyone that can scrounge up more than 2 brain cells would've been able to tell they weren't really making content.


                      • #86
                        Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                        Originally posted by Armando View Post
                        There is a limit to everything.
                        Fraid not. People continue to ask for soloable mission content, as retarded as that is. This is what we get for that. I don't even know what the Japanese are asking for but given Elmer's past findings, I'm going to assume they ask for the same stuff.

                        Yes, it was too far along to do anything about it, but anyone that can scrounge up more than 2 brain cells would've been able to tell they weren't really making content.
                        I guess they haven't been making content ever then. Because last I checked all the quests and missions were a series of fetchquests, small fights and big fights with story flavoring.

                        Now if we want to criticize the reward scheme, hey, I'm down with that. That's a tad generic to be spreading that across three expansions. I don' t mean the end rewards so much as I do the randomized junk outweighed by cool things you can get. People are only going to do tower runs and such so many times in their skivvies or help their friends get a win so much.


                        • #87
                          Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                          Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                          The Tarutaru were totally going

                              _, ,_ ∩
                            ( ゚∀゚)彡 えーりん!えーりん!
                          After the music ran around in my head for a while, it morphed in to JER-RY! JER-RY! JER-RY!

                          Anyhow, I expect a MAD with that music once the update hits.
                          Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                          99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                          F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                          >not having all jobs at 99

                          Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


                          • #88
                            Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                            People continue to ask for soloable mission content, as retarded as that is. This is what we get for that.
                            No, this is what SE, in their lapses of failure, gives. "Soloable mission content" in no way implies "go to these corners of the world and do some HELM in order to move this sad excuse of a plot along. But only slightly." It also doesn't imply "uncapped low level mission that can be soloed by high levels." You can't seriously be suggesting they can't do any better even if they are bending over and giving people what they want.

                            For fuck's sake the Adventuring Fellow line of quests was less stupid and more entertaining than AMK, and I didn't even have to pay for that shit. And the "final boss" was a million times better than AMK's too.

                            You can blame the players all you want for the direction has SE has taken, but you can't blame anyone but SE for the horrid execution.
                            Last edited by Armando; 09-28-2009, 09:05 AM.


                            • #89
                              Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                              Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                              Believe me, I've been down this road all the MMOs I've played. At some point you either realise the game isn't what you want it to be, the playerbase is terrible, or there's a mixture of both. Unfortunately the subscription numbers are really only what motivates the gaming companies nowadays, I think the likes of an Everquest trying to achieve something new in a bloated market will never happen again.

                              I came back to this game in February and have more or less been frustrated the whole time up to now with a combination of the playerbase and the very dated mechanics in the game. Chances are my subscription will be cancelled before rebilling because when I look at the game now the majority of players fall into one of four categories:

                              1) Seasoned players who still find the game fun and enjoy playing and will continue to do so until it grows stale and they'll move on. Generally forgiving of newer player's inexperience and will try to politely explain in tells what someone is doing wrong;
                              2) Old, established players who have invested so much of their time in the game that they refuse to acknowledge the dwindling playerbase and increasing indications that no significant time or money will ever be invested in the game anymore but will continue going to Dynamis for that red mage hat until they finally run out of people to go with or the plug is pulled on the servers. Whenever they level a new job it'll be +1's all the way and any scrub who is lucky enough to join their party better damn well have the right gear and play just how they're told;
                              3) The average player who is constantly frustrated by shit in the game, both player and S-E created, but continues resubscribing, "because of their friends in the game";
                              4) The rare new players who haven't quite realised the game they've just started playing is entering the twilight of its lifecycle.

                              Now, both you and I know where the majority of the assholes lie out of those four categories. Unfortunately, you cut them away and the game dies on its arse.
                              To be honest I've been feeling the same way about the game for a few months now and find myself falling into category 3. I'll log in once or twice a week to see how my LS is getting on and talk to my ingame friends but I never seem to really do anything unless sitting in Whitegate, doing a bit of campaign and maybe helping a new LS member with Kazham Keys or Genkai quests counts as accomplishing something *shrug*.

                              Don't get me wrong I still love FFXI it's just well what other choices are there for MMOs and MMO fans? WoW and Aion.

                              WoW is pretty meh, I never was into the Warcraft setting so the game never appealed to me which is probably why I found it boring. I prefered Warhammer Online due to Warhammer being a much better setting for an MMO in my opinion.

                              Aion...Aion is a lot of fun but we will see how many people there flock back to WoW once the first billing session starts.

                              Every other MMO is just dead (Warhammer Online, LoTR Online, Conan) or is slowly dying (FFXI, Guild Wars, City of Heroes/Villains).

                              I do generally agree with the new content issues too. The ACP and Moogle missions were just plain horrible to do. Honestly whoever made it so you have to repeat a chain of quests naked and at stupidly low levels for the areas without sneak and invis needs to be dragged into the streets and shot. Sorry but if I fail the final mission on ACP or the Moogle thing because a party member can't listen to simple instructions then why the bloody hell am I the one being punished by being forced to repeat the previous bunch of quests? It's like climbing Prommies all over again except that I have to do them as a stark naked BRD1 and all of the Empty are replaced with UFOs.
                              Last edited by Firewind; 09-28-2009, 08:57 AM. Reason: Can someone please teach this site how to understand html?
                              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                              Reiko Takahashi
                              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                              Haters Gonna Hate


                              • #90
                                Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)

                                I think I'm just ready for a new experinece, FFXIV sounds like it will provide, but its not the only MMO that's looking that way. If DCU Online proves to be everything it says it is so far, that could be fun too. These two are the most appealing because you know the writers and artists that make the other related content are behind it.

                                I don't fall under #2, I'm just sick of #2. As I've said before, if elsewhere, its more to the end that having all this tricked out gear just isn't that mindblowing to me anymore, particularly because there's no mystery to it anymore. I'm personally amazed people waste so much time getting a RDM relic hat when its really just for show most of the time. Plenty of people that get full relic sets are still shit players anyway.

                                If SE dropped some new jobs out of nowhere, I might get excited again. I know that's what kept me going though last year, anyway.

                                Originally posted by Armando
                                You can blame the players all you want for the direction has SE has taken, but you can't blame anyone but SE for the horrid execution.
                                Except that I can blame the players, players are what make the game work.

                                They say "I want solo content" but they don't say what kind of solo content. They say "I want Intermediate content" but don't offer ideas of how it can not be blown through by high levels anyway. Oh, they know how SE could do it, they just fear not being able to blow through it on their high level characters later, so they don't suggest the obvious solutions.

                                When people wanted to party with their friends, they eventually made level sync. And the bitches wailed that their gear was gimped in the process and they couldn't be awesome Mr. Relic in the dunes. They gave us a system that we could employ anyfuckingwhere in the game and we use it to stay in fucking Qufim Island and to hell with skillups so long as we get levels.

                                MMM comes along and adds another option where friends can enjoy something together, and we just slap a level 1 in the party so everything inside is as dumb as shit. SE can raise the requirement and they'll still send in the lowest guy to skew the mob levels down horribly.a

                                There's a wide range of viable high level EXP camps, but in the Dictionary of 1337 "viable" only means "easy and fast mobs that satisfy the bottom line" so 95% of those camps are neglected in favor of stupid pink birds. If you're on Odin or Bahamut, you may have to settle for Trolls and it behooves you to do that. Lower pop servers will turn up their noses at anything less than colibri. Se even added quick travel options to these viable alternatives and people don't take them. I mean, I didn't realize the middle of Meriphataud (S) to Castle Oztroja was such an agonizing tedious trek.

                                This mentality even extends to endgame, except replace ease with reward, you can't get anyone to show up for a Dynamis-Windurst unless you don't tell them where the Dynamis run is gonna be and enforce attendance, otherwise they log in and out at Beaucadine. I don't think I need to point out the Callisto rants on that one. SE could lower the Dynamis waiting periods and all they'd want to do is spam Northlands more. Hell, that was proven when entry prices were lowered.

                                So, you still want to blame SE for everything we get or end up having to deal with? Ok, fine. I think I have plenty of evidence to the contrary. I think its because they've been listening to the players, perhaps too much, in addition to players not realizing that these mini-expansions are based in the mainlands and, as such, generally intended to be low-to-mid level content that lasts the newer players for a while. Perhaps it comes to late, but apparently that doesn't stop high level players from sticking it under the endgame microscope and condemning it for not satisfying them.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-28-2009, 09:56 AM.

