Re: New Version Update Scheduled for November! (09/24/2009)
I'm not going to lie, I still want them to adjust the way Enspell II damage is calculated. Because I honestly think the way it is calculated now is a genuine oversight, calculating damage based on Enhancing magic skill at the time of the swing rather than at the time of the casting. It just makes no sense to have a melee adjustment that is self-defeating in requiring you to forego things like Acc, Att, or Haste for Enhancing Magic gear in some spots. With the Enspell I line, you equip in Enhancing magic skill at time of casting, then switch back to Acc/Att/Haste.
Nothing is going to make up for that. In all honesty, that was so long ago now that everybody who has become a BST since then (and by now, I'm sure a lot of people have quit over the years), wouldn't even know what time before that was like. I'd rather see changes for group play, such as New jugs. Or, God forbid, re-apply some of those bonuses that were on Killer traits!
RDM has had their adjustment already this year... NO ADJUSTMENT FOR YOU!
Will BST get something to make up for the anti-MPK depop nerf? New jugs? Something to make it useable in lolnamis?