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Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

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  • #31
    Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

    The point apparently was to prevent RMT from registering, that, or protect their own asses from the so-called "fraud" they've been banning people for. Including my mule account, which is the same name as my main account, and under the same credit card. HUR DURP WE'RE SE AND WE'RE SMRT.

    I think it's ridiculous. It's already prevented a few legitimate new players from starting the game (there's a thread on this very forum) and I'm sure it's going to stop more than a handful of continuing players from continuing to play. Every month I swear they just get more and more retarded.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
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    • #32
      Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

      Verified by Visa is hardly some new thing, and it's not to stop RMT or anything else. It's a project to cover Visas ass and push the liability for fraudulent charges off of Visa and on to the business and they're trying to push it on everyone, it is however been implemented very slowly. Honestly the reason that it is being implemented could be as simple as their credit card handler is giving them a break on fees if they do. We just had our processing company threaten to drop us if we didn't pass some 'audit.' Except, it took 20 minutes to game the whole thing and it didn't test anything. It could very well be the same type of bullshit here.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #33
        Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

        Originally posted by Squeenix
        We hope you will find additional peace of mind with these security features.

        Sadist bastards...
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #34
          Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
          Verified by Visa is hardly some new thing, and it's not to stop RMT or anything else. It's a project to cover Visas ass and push the liability for fraudulent charges off of Visa and on to the business and they're trying to push it on everyone, it is however been implemented very slowly. Honestly the reason that it is being implemented could be as simple as their credit card handler is giving them a break on fees if they do. We just had our processing company threaten to drop us if we didn't pass some 'audit.' Except, it took 20 minutes to game the whole thing and it didn't test anything. It could very well be the same type of bullshit here.
          The problem is, SE can't tell the fucking difference between fraud and not, because they banned one of my accounts that has never had a card under any name but mine.

          I realize they want to curb it, but for a lot of people whose cards do not support this, the short answer they've been given is "That's too bad."
          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
          ~I has a blog~~
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          • #35
            Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

            Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
            The problem is, SE can't tell the fucking difference between fraud and not, because they banned one of my accounts that has never had a card under any name but mine.

            I realize they want to curb it, but for a lot of people whose cards do not support this, the short answer they've been given is "That's too bad."
            The point being that it may very well be outside of SE's hands. Companies don't want to be the ones liable for credit card fraud because, as you said, they aren't the ones in the position to discover it reliably. They may be being forced, or otherwise be giving incentives, to join the program because Visa is getting sick of handling fraud complaints and giving money back to their users so they created a program where if fraud occurs, they can very easily have whatever vendor the item or service was bought from pay for Visas protection of your card.

            Verified by Visa allows this to happen:
            Someone takes my card and has my password, with a keylogger this is trivial, i.e. Verified by Visa has given me no more security. They buy something from Company A. I dispute the charge. Visa returns my money and charges the vendor because the charge passed their 'Verified by Visa' therefore the problem must lie with Company A. Company A gets hit twice, they have an item or are out time on a service and they have no money to show for it. Visa has the money from the transfer since they didn't have to pay out on the disputed claim and the user has no incentive to fix their shit because they got they're money back. If this happens often enough, Company A pretty much has to raise prices.

            Now this is a loosing deal for the company so this is why the uptake has been so slow. So Visa starts by offering a discount on card transactions if the vendor joins sweet talking them to believing the above almost never happens. If that doesn't work, they can move on to threatening to just pull their services from the vendor. Can a vendor honestly go without offering Visa card processing any more? Hardly at brick and mortar stores, definitely not online. So they no have no choice but to join this retarded setup.

            Verified by Visa adds no online security to the consumer. It adds nothing of value to the vendor, but it is oh so sweet for Visa's bottom line. That is why it gets pushed by Visa but the uptake is slow by vendors.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #36
              Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

              I have to run out the door, but I had to respond here:

              If anything at all, SE could have given advance warning that this was taking place. Billing was three days after they made this announcement, that is not enough time to get new credit cards if necessary. They basically put out the announcement and changed the system two hours later. Regardless of whether or not they wanted to do it, nothing has to be done instantly, and they could have very easily given their customers a week to prepare for this new change. I don't think Visa shoved it on them that same day, I think that SE could have at least asked for a little time, if for no other reason than to inform their customer base, which for both Visa and SE is good business.

              Again, SE does things like this, which makes it look like they have no real sense of planning at all. It just looks bad. Same as their new "Hey you charged back on us once, we're gonna ban you out of the blue." Even after the fact, they didn't come out and say that they were banning for things like this. They look shady.

              Shit, I really gotta go, I'd love to write more on this. I'll come back to it later if it's still relevant.
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
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              • #37
                Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                Honestly I'm not arguing that the way SE implemented it isn't stupid, because it is. My bigger issue (and that of people who can not get a VbV card, or people like me who will not get another card just to play a game) is that they implemented it at all. Unfortunately, I know that they would have been backed into a corner to do it anyway eventually, even if they weren't now.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #38
                  Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                  SE does things like this, which makes it look like they have no real sense of planning at all.
                  Kinda like when Oprah decided to give the world free chicken, but most of the KFCs either didn't have the Grilled Chicken yet or honor the coupons.
                  {New Sig in the works}
                  "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi
                  "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                  Originally posted by Solymir
                  What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                  • #39
                    Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                    Here's to hoping it only applies for changes on your payment method and not for all registered cards.

                    But I'll find out soon enough if that's the case.
                    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                    • #40
                      Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                      Are we safe from this in the UK too? My Debit Card is not a Visa or Mastercard and I can't get a Credit Card because I've had my identity stolen 3 times (one being by a family member) so my credit is shot to hell (and that it putting it lightly)
                      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                      Reiko Takahashi
                      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                      Haters Gonna Hate


                      • #41
                        Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                        Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                        Are we safe from this in the UK too? My Debit Card is not a Visa or Mastercard and I can't get a Credit Card because I've had my identity stolen 3 times (one being by a family member) so my credit is shot to hell (and that it putting it lightly)
                        I'd hate to hazard a guess at this but you know how much consideration they give non JP/NA customers. To be honest, this is just an example of why, although I'm excited at the advent of FFXIV, that excitement is seriously hampered by the knowledge there's such a gap between the S-E decision makers, the GMs, and the players.


                        • #42
                          Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                          My old card expired, and my new mastercard for some reason won't register with securecode. Sweet! No FFXI for a while. If ever. Stupid.
                          Trinadeth - Ragnarok


                          • #43
                            Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                            So far I'm still able to log on, but since the monthly fee notice hasn't I guess is they haven't charged yet.

                            The suspense is kiiiiiilling me. Hai.
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • #44
                              Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                              Was charged today. So I'm good to keep playing for a while since I just changed my card a few months ago when the old one expired.

                              Now only have to wornder if I'll be able to play XIV.

                              Woo... hoo.... /sigh
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #45
                                Re: Payer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)

                                It looks like that is it for me. The mastercard company I use isnt registered with securecode.

                                Thank you everyone for the advice you have given me over the few years I been here. /bow

                                (On the upside, I get 13 GB back on my PS3 and a lot of hours to do other things.)
                                PSN ID: Kelshan
                                Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
                                Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez

