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Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

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  • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

    Wow, not only is that good news....but SE directly posted it on a forum to quell bitching when they could have just let us wait the week to find out on our own.

    Does this mean they'll start communicating more?
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

      I hope not, because that would mean they only respond to that kind of player reaction instead of simply answering what needs to be answered without having to be coerced into doing so.

      But this is SE we are talking about, and they have shown their S&M tendencies time and again.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
        How much more bonus EXP do people really need? Between CP EXP bands, the Anniversary Band and FoV, as well as bonus activities like Campaign and Besieged and goodness knows what else, it's not as though we're not already drowning in bonus EXP as it is!

        <.< Campaign used to be awesome, but then they went and killed all incentive to do offensive battles.

        *sigh* I miss getting 1000 XP every 10 minutes while reading a book



        • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

          Noticed something interesting.

          Was doing some muling in preparation for the mog bonanza. First logged onto Vyuru, then sent some stuff to my mules. I picked up the flee effect from the Kupowers while logging out. When I logged into my mule who did not have Signet on, nor had I been on her since this event started, she had the flee effect (whatever it's called) on her as well. In fact all of my mules had it as soon as I logged in.

          So it seems to me that this might just cover your entire account, and not just the one character.

          You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

          I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


          • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

            I spent a lot of time soloing shield and club skillups on pld just prior to kupowers being implemented and I can say they're definitely coming a lot faster now. Maybe 50% more. I have to say I'm pretty pissed off about this as it completely defeats the purpose of defensive skillups for me.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

              Any boost to learning weapon skillups is welcome to me as I'm currently levelling up ranger and marksmanship and archery are not only slow to level but expensive.


              • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                I spent a lot of time soloing shield and club skillups on pld just prior to kupowers being implemented and I can say they're definitely coming a lot faster now. Maybe 50% more. I have to say I'm pretty pissed off about this as it completely defeats the purpose of defensive skillups for me.
                Sure wish Guard and Staff would skill at a decent pace . _ .

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

                  Last night in Dyn, we got 22 pieces of AF and 4 Montiont Silver pieces (and for same dam reason 4 BLU hands dropped, but I got Scout's Bracce, yay.) This was over a 3 hour period in Dyna-Sandy.

                  We had two thfs in the area, neither had TH4, but it sure seems that signet kicked in quite nicely last night.

                  "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"


                  THIS LOOKS AWESOMESAUCE:


                  • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

                    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                    <.< Campaign used to be awesome, but then they went and killed all incentive to do offensive battles.

                    *sigh* I miss getting 1000 XP every 10 minutes while reading a book
                    This is SE ... when they get out the nerf bat, they tend to swing for the fences. It was too easy to get XP in offensive battles with no mobs, but they have to understand that no XP for long stretches of time means nobody goes there...


                    • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

                      Originally posted by Nuriko View Post
                      This is SE ... when they get out the nerf bat, they tend to swing for the fences. It was too easy to get XP in offensive battles with mobs standing around doing nothing 50 feet away, but they have to understand that no XP for long stretches of time means nobody goes there...
                      FTFY. I still say the real problem was in the dungeon areas, particularly Eldieme. The fortification points were placed so far away from each other and from the mob pathing, which usually meant fort bashing in Eldieme with orcs in the middle of the room. It was much harder to sneak a fort bash in the outdoor areas, with the possible exception of Grauberg's enormous tower.

                      More like swinging for the bleachers.
                      Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                      99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                      F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                      >not having all jobs at 99

                      Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


                      • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

                        Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
                        They're not your bonuses. They're the server's. They kick in for the whole server once all 11 tablets have been found. Doesn't matter who finds them.
                        Yup. I found out Tuesday night while doing some AF stuff for one friend and WS NM for another. Quickening ftw.
                        "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


                        • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

                          As the next round is approaching (on playonline says 8-24 hours after the first ones were found), and they are going to be a bit harder to find (I may have time after work), I was just wondering if anyone had actually found one of the tablets on their server and if so, what was the second prize that came with it?
                          Tarutaru Female
                          Nations: Complete Zilart: Complete COP: Complete ACP: Complete


                          • Re: Go All to Pieces—The Mog Tablet Quest Unearthed! (05/07/2009)

                            About 8 were just discovered on Fenrir within five minutes of the first being found. A LS member discovered the Highlands one and was rewarded with a pair of Talaria boots, kind of like suped-up Sprinter Shoes.

                            (Def 1, enchantment: increase movement speed <1/1 20/[00.30, 15]>)

