Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009) [WHM]
I don't like the idea of WHM nuking either, I've been a whm forever and I enjoy the idea of a DD whm more than a nuking whm, hence the reason I lvled BLM BUT, with the added light damage for Banish III or Holy, I think doing a Magic Burst off of a light WS will be worth the MP spent now. Who knows, it might make lvling on whm fun rather than sitting in the back curing your sorry ass DD's while they get to slash away at mobs. Believe me, if I had to lvl a mage job today after playing for 4 years... I doubt that I'd do it, especially with how selfish TP parties are, no offense, I love being in a TP party more than being a mage so I know how it is on both sides of the fence.
Long story short, I applaud the improvements and now I think I can rekindle my long lost love for WHM again. Thumbs up SE. I do agree with Kafeen though, isn't Cura the same as Curaga? Maybe the spell casting time is lower but hmm... couldn't they have just lowered the cast time for curaga instead? Oh well, we'll see what benefit comes from it. I can say one thing to that guy who keeps advocating for Blizzard, /smn is still a great job to select for whm since an extra tic is till an extra tic. I enjoy being a WHM when I choose to play the job and I like to make sure my party is taken care of an anything offered to me to allow me to do it better is always welcome and veneered.
Oh and finally...
Ospeff you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to WHM and you proved it everytime you posted something about the job. You have no idea of the other abilities WHM has to offer besides keeping your ass alive while you pretend to be indistructable. By giving WHM hastega, there would be no point to lvl SMN at all. Every job should have a limit and you definitely have no idea what game balance is. I can see you don't play WHM so why do you even care about what we are offered or not? Keep your comments to yourself because you have no clue what you are talking about.
I don't like the idea of WHM nuking either, I've been a whm forever and I enjoy the idea of a DD whm more than a nuking whm, hence the reason I lvled BLM BUT, with the added light damage for Banish III or Holy, I think doing a Magic Burst off of a light WS will be worth the MP spent now. Who knows, it might make lvling on whm fun rather than sitting in the back curing your sorry ass DD's while they get to slash away at mobs. Believe me, if I had to lvl a mage job today after playing for 4 years... I doubt that I'd do it, especially with how selfish TP parties are, no offense, I love being in a TP party more than being a mage so I know how it is on both sides of the fence.
Long story short, I applaud the improvements and now I think I can rekindle my long lost love for WHM again. Thumbs up SE. I do agree with Kafeen though, isn't Cura the same as Curaga? Maybe the spell casting time is lower but hmm... couldn't they have just lowered the cast time for curaga instead? Oh well, we'll see what benefit comes from it. I can say one thing to that guy who keeps advocating for Blizzard, /smn is still a great job to select for whm since an extra tic is till an extra tic. I enjoy being a WHM when I choose to play the job and I like to make sure my party is taken care of an anything offered to me to allow me to do it better is always welcome and veneered.
Oh and finally...
Ospeff you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to WHM and you proved it everytime you posted something about the job. You have no idea of the other abilities WHM has to offer besides keeping your ass alive while you pretend to be indistructable. By giving WHM hastega, there would be no point to lvl SMN at all. Every job should have a limit and you definitely have no idea what game balance is. I can see you don't play WHM so why do you even care about what we are offered or not? Keep your comments to yourself because you have no clue what you are talking about.
