More update previews from the official site:

The trials and tragedies of each of the three nations are set to be further revealed in the fast-approaching April version update. With the dark shadow of the decisive battle between the warring factions looming ominously overhead, adventurers will delve deeper into the mysteries and intrigues of the Crystal War in the continuing episodes of nation quests in Wings of the Goddess!
San d'Oria: The Price of Valor
Young Rahal and the Swiftwing Griffins catch wind of the enemy's latest plot, the knowledge of which holds power over the fate of countless innocents. But this time, the mission upon which the young knights embark may well prove to be beyond even heroes of their courage and resourcefulness...

Bastok: Quelling the Storm
No respite is in sight for the beleaguered Republic as another violent storm arrives to batter its walls with gruesome murders. The method of killing is reminiscent of Darksteel Hurricane, the most feared killer in the history of Bastok, and that knowledge has citizen morale plunging to an all-time low...

Windurst: The Path of No Return
The Windurstian army stands in shambles, the grim state of affairs having forced even untested reserves into the fray. Left with no other options, Federation forces embark on a last-ditch effort to turn the tide of war. The first step involves a mission to procure vital resources from an ally, while the second will lead them down a path far more perilous...

Prepare to bear witness to the beginning of the end in the April version update!

The trials and tragedies of each of the three nations are set to be further revealed in the fast-approaching April version update. With the dark shadow of the decisive battle between the warring factions looming ominously overhead, adventurers will delve deeper into the mysteries and intrigues of the Crystal War in the continuing episodes of nation quests in Wings of the Goddess!
San d'Oria: The Price of Valor
Young Rahal and the Swiftwing Griffins catch wind of the enemy's latest plot, the knowledge of which holds power over the fate of countless innocents. But this time, the mission upon which the young knights embark may well prove to be beyond even heroes of their courage and resourcefulness...

Bastok: Quelling the Storm
No respite is in sight for the beleaguered Republic as another violent storm arrives to batter its walls with gruesome murders. The method of killing is reminiscent of Darksteel Hurricane, the most feared killer in the history of Bastok, and that knowledge has citizen morale plunging to an all-time low...

Windurst: The Path of No Return
The Windurstian army stands in shambles, the grim state of affairs having forced even untested reserves into the fray. Left with no other options, Federation forces embark on a last-ditch effort to turn the tide of war. The first step involves a mission to procure vital resources from an ally, while the second will lead them down a path far more perilous...

Prepare to bear witness to the beginning of the end in the April version update!