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≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

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  • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

    So how do you explain stats like +HP from higher lvl gear being untouched while lower lvl gear with similar +HP stat is completely negated?

    How does Warwolf Belt give you +2 STR/VIT/DEX (at lvl 30) but Chiv Chain which is lower lvl only gives +1?

    Did you really test this or went there just to see what you wanted to see? <_<; I also mentioned this required a lot more testing, but from what I saw (actual numbers) it doesn't look like a fixed rule that applies to all but more on a per item basis. Maybe items are tiered or something I don't know, so it really requires more testing to find out what exactly is going on (which I also mentioned in my post).

    So in short, you really need to stop seeing what the voices tell you is there and start reading the actual posts.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
      Did you really test this or went there just to see what you wanted to see? <_<; I also mentioned this required a lot more testing, but from what I saw (actual numbers) it doesn't look like a fixed rule that applies to all but more on a per item basis. Maybe items are tiered or something I don't know, so it really requires more testing to find out what exactly is going on (which I also mentioned in my post).
      Yes, I just casually go to Riverne to pull numbers out of my ass.

      I don't think any of this is as complex as you're wanting it to be.


      • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

        It's not complex at all. It's SE so it's just totally random and batshit insane.

        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


        • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

          An interesting theory from the Level Sync discussion page on FFXIClopedia:

          Did only a little testing with a level 14 WAR that leveled to 15 while I was experimenting. Centurion's Scale Mail was reduced to 10 DEF while under sync (equivlent to Scale Mail of level 10) and a Wolf Mantle +1 was reduced to Def 1 (Rabbit Mantle at level 4). Savage Gauntlets became Def 3 (no analog besides the level 1 rse) and my Trump Crown was an unknown def value, but at level 14 was only +10 hp/mp, and at 15 was the full +14. Garrison Hose was sync'd to 5 def, equivlent of Slacks or Leather Trousers. So I can't help but wonder if perhaps the statistical values of items are being synced to the nearest gear of the same "Type" (scale mail for scale mail) that the level would be capable of?
          Ellipses on Fenrir
          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
          . . .


          • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

            Hmm, that could be it. o_O

            Although I like the random and batshit insane version too.

            Bottom line is at least for me this will probably mean getting more low lvl gear instead of getting rid of it as I had hoped.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

              Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
              Bottom line is at least for me this will probably mean getting more low lvl gear instead of getting rid of it as I had hoped.
              Yeah, I could see a lot of people doing that, too. My LS had our first full "ZOMG SYNCPARTYLOLOL" Tuesday night, and our 44 RNG/NIN ended up coming out with like 3 different sets of gear to a party capped at 18. He was fiddling with swapping things in and out pretty much all night trying to find the best combination of gears, and he decided that the capped gear was pretty much useless compared to the appropriate level stuff, so he's a little disappointed with that (he has a LOT of gear he'd really rather get rid of, too, as do most of us). I was satisfied with my 45 WHM gear capped down to 18 though (Magna pieces, etc), it definitely was kinda gimped but it wasn't too terribly bad. Then again, I was determined to not spend an hour muling level appropriate gear to myself, so laziness was definitely a factor in my case...but I'm gonna try and gear up somewhat better in future outings.

              On a related note, I'm really loving the exp adjustment to EP and DC mobs, duo'd my RDM and friends BLU today in La Thiene, capped to 13, and with empress band we were getting 70-90+ exp each rolling through the funguilars by the Valkurm zone 3 at a time. Very nice...definitely seeing more DC duo's in my immediate future ^^
              I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
              -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

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              • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                Seems Ziero was right after all, for once, anyway. SE has crippled AV to a ridiculous degree, JoL is actually the harder part.

                Limit Break, BBQ Gold and another LS merged to take AV down with KC DRKs.

                Epic fail, SE. AV is just another stop on the farming run now.

                Who handled that aspect of the update. ToA team?


                • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                  first its too hard now its too easy? didnt people say nay to nerfing AV BECAUSE of that? people got what they wanted... and dont give me the "time != difficulty" argument because what else can they do? pull something random each time you fight the mob? (players: how can we win against something to which it is impossible to prepare for?) have it 1hit people? (players: crycrycry i want my mom, the 10million armor i bought is worthless) hit harder? (players: why does AV hit so hard? its impossible to cure our tanks! we'd need infinite MP!) more HP? (players: its taking too loooonnnggg...)

                  shouldve left AV alone, if you wanted to kill it, you had the option (18h or not, i still believe that if it took 18h to kill it, then whoever did it was weaksauce) , BUT NOW, you wont have the option because everyone and their turtle is there killing it, ruining yet another NM and turning it into more HNMLS drama

                  congrats everyone! major dingness.

                  signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                  • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                    My disappointment stems more from its susceptability to what is already considered a largely broken and weak tactic, not that I'm criticizing LB, BBQ Gold or this other LS for employing it, its just that AV should have still been able to look at that tactic and go "it tickles, but that's not my weak point."


                    • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                      Just a matter of time until people found that weak point, and the farmed it like they do other HNMs...
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                        I think the point wasn't so much that it can now be farmed like other HNMs (like, as you said, would inevitably occur once its weak point is known) but the fact that it's susceptible to a strategy that will kill practically anything that a KC DRK can hit for damage.

                        I'm not complaining but it would be cool if there were things that can't be fixed by throwing a bunch of KC DRKs at it =P


                        • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                          And watch the price for Krakens go back up again and the shouts start in WG/Jeuno.
                          Originally posted by Feba
                          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                          Originally posted by DakAttack
                          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                          • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                            Maybe SE is doing another 2-handed update kinda thing.

                            They will allow it to be broken for some time so people gets used to fighting AV, and then after some time they will "adjust it" again.
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                              Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                              And watch the price for Krakens go back up again and the shouts start in WG/Jeuno.
                              That I have no qualms about, the more valuble it is, the better it is for funding other things. Though the first one I get will go to my RNG and stay on my RNG. Screw your LS DRKs, I'll level the job if I have to cuz that thing will never leave my hands, period.

                              Though that's been a general rule for anything really cool that I get. I was never that dumb bastard that loaned out expensive things.


                              • Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                                Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                                and dont give me the "time != difficulty"
                                Watch me.

                                There were so many things they could've done to this fight to make it interesting. There were so many ways to make a 2 hour long fight wrought with peril and excitement. Imagine if some of the crackpot theories that popped up on The Internetz were true. Can you imagine how fun that could be? A boss who has lots of terrifying attacks and very low margin for error on the part of the players, with elements that the players have to be ready for (like doing something that causes him to "calm down" long enough to lay down 3-way Skillchains which would deal an amount of damage that cannot be regen'd) and work their way through. Timing 2 hours? Sure! Wear all 7 Sea Torques? Why not?! Create a Chrono Cross rhythm and restore the fabric of time? Ok, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

                                My point is, they could have done a lot, but given they were only out to repair negative publicity... they really failed hard.

                                Excuse me while I go grab a Ninurta's sash.
                                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"

