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≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

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  • ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

    ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫
    *Japan Standard Time

    [A Word to Players]

    Accompanying the release of a version update, the number of postings on such web sites is sure to increase, and with it the potential for victimization. To protect against such attacks, we ask that players please refrain from utilizing links of an unofficial or otherwise suspicious nature that they may find posted on any web pages or bulletin boards. It is important that the utmost care be taken while browsing the Internet. As always, we encourage players to take the time to familiarize themselves with the methods for unauthorized account access prevention provided on the Rules and Policies page. If your account has been compromised, please read the "Information Regarding Unauthorized Access" page carefully before contacting our Information Centre.

    Information Regarding Unauthorized Access:

    The PlayOnline Information Center:
    Event Related

    New quests have been added focusing on areas introduced in the Wings of the Goddess expansion pack.

    An introductory tutorial NPC teaching players the fundamentals of game-play has been added to each of the three nations.
    * The tutorial feature will only be available to characters created after the release of the September 2008 version update.

    The artifact quests for the following jobs can now be undertaken multiple times. This allows players to reacquire pieces of artifact armor as they see fit:
    Blue Mage / Corsair / Puppetmaster

    New quests leading to the acquisition of new job-specific weapon skills have been added.
    * Please note, however, that giving job-specific weapons to the care of storage NPC Ghanraam in Aht Urhgan Whitegate will cause all data associated with the quest to be reset.

    Chocobos are now available for rental in the following areas of past Vana'diel:
    South San d'Oria (S) / Bastok Markets (S) / Windurst Waters (S) / Jugner Forest (S) / Pashhow Marshlands (S) / Meriphataud Mountains (S)
    * Players must be a minimum of level 20, in possession of a "Chocobo License" key item, and be affiliated with one of the armies of the three nations to be eligible to rent a chocobo. Rental fees will be charged in Allied Notes rather than gil.
    * Neither chocobo whistles nor the chocobo digging feature can be used in past Vana'diel.

    The following changes have been made to fellows:
    The below fellow styles can now use the Provoke ability once meeting certain prerequisites:
    Attacker Style / Healer Style / Fierce Attacker Style / Soothing Healer Style
    The requirements for fellow equipment changes have been eased.
    The types of armor worn by fellows have been increased.
    The food effects of meals obtainable after completion of the quest, "Mixed Signals," have been changed.
    These food items will now become available when a player conducts an Emptiness investigation up to at least Level 2 in any Promyvion area following successful completion of the "Mixed Signals" quest.

    The following additions and adjustments have been made to mythic weapons (Arms of Balrahn):
    A battlefield marking the end of the mythic weapon questline has been added.
    The number of pieces of alexandrite required to complete the quest "Duties, Tasks, and Deeds" has been reduced. Consequently, the quantity and rate of alexandrite drops has also been adjusted.

    The locations of the following NPCs have been changed:
    Port San d'Oria: Teilsa / Bastok Mines: Arva / Port Bastok: Dulsie / Windurst Waters: Jack of Hearts / Windurst Woods: Jack of Spades / Port Windurst: Jack of Clubs
    Battle Related

    The new "Level Sync" system has been implemented.
    Through this system, players are now able to receive equivalent experience points while in the same party regardless of any disparity in levels between them.

    Click here for details.

    Level restrictions no longer prevent players from equipping gear of a level beyond that restriction.

    Click here for details.

    Enemies which check as "easy prey" and "decent challenge" now yield more experience points when defeated.

    The combat skill required to learn the first weapon skill for each weapon type has been lowered from 10 to 5.

    The HP of the following monsters in areas introduced since the release of the Treasures of Aht Uhrgan expansion have been adjusted:
    Mamool Ja's Lizard / Mamool Ja's Raptor / Fomor's Bats / Goblin's Bat / Goblin's Bee / Goblin's Beetle / Goblin's Crawler / Goblin's Rarab / Goblin's Dragonfly / Goblin's Ladybug / Gigas's Tiger

    The levels of certain monsters in the following areas have been adjusted:
    West Ronfaure / East Ronfaure / La Theine Plateau / Valkurm Dunes / Jugner Forest / Batallia Downs / North Gustaberg / South Gustaberg / Konschtat Highlands / Pashhow Marshlands / Rolanberry Fields / West Sarutabaruta / East Sarutabaruta / Tahrongi Canyon / Buburimu Peninsula / Meriphataud Mountains / Sauromugue Champaign / Qufim Island / Behemoth's Dominion

    The potency and frequency of special attacks for certain monsters in the following families has been adjusted using a low-level standard. PCs at lower levels will now find these monsters easier to fight:
    Mandragora / Funguars / Crawlers / Lizards

    The following additions and adjustments have been made to Campaign:
    The rate of Campaign battles occurring in the following areas has been reduced:
    Southern San d'Oria (S) / Bastok Markets (S) / Windurst Waters (S)
    The requirements for acquiring and maintaining medals have been eased.
    Rewards presented to PCs for successful completion of Campaign Ops have been adjusted.
    The evaluation method and maximum points allocated for certain actions taken during Campaign battles have been adjusted.
    The following NPCs no longer disappear at the onset of Campaign battles:
    Souhern San d'Oria (S) Scarlette, C.A. / Miliart, T.K.
    Bastok Markets (S) Narkissa, C.A. / Millard, I.M.
    Windurst Waters (S) Wenonah, C.A. / Mindala-Andola, C.C.
    New Campaign Ops have been added.
    New freelances have been added.
    New stronghold Notorious Monsters have been added to the Beastman Confederate.
    Defeating these NMs will lower the defensive capabilities of strongholds under beastman control.
    The fluctuations of influence over areas are now calculated based on the current standing of each faction. This change makes it easier for weaker factions to regain a foothold in the struggle for influence.
    The following special abilities and items now activate based on a timer:
    Abilities: Mine Blast / Paralyzing Blast / Silencing Blast / Binding Blast
    Items: Black Mine / Paralyzing Tube / Silencing Tube / Binding Tube

    The following adjustments have been made to the "Nyzul Isle Investigation" Assault:
    Progress data within Nyzul Isle will no longer be erased following the completion of the 100th floor objective. As a trade-off for this change, however, the drop rate for armor has been reduced and is no longer 100%.
    Players in possession of the "Runic Key" key item can now select any floor between 1 ~ 96 (in increments of 5) to begin a new investigation.
    Floor data will now be recorded for all players rather than only the player who activated the "Rune of Transfer." For their progress data to be updated, players must begin the mission on a floor equal to or lesser than the maximum level currently recorded on their disc. Provided this condition is met, progress data will automatically be updated each time a previously uncharted level is completed.
    Certain weapons previously obtainable only from monsters on the 100th floor will now be dropped by other monsters in Nyzul Isle as well. Also, defeating the monsters on the 100th floor will now result in two weapons being dropped. One weapon will be randomly determined, while the other will match the job of the player who activated the Rune of Transfer (regardless of whether this is the player in possession of the Runic Key or not).

    The status effect icon associated with the Monk job ability "Footwork" has been changed.

    The Scholar job ability "Modus Veritas" can no longer be used on monsters without a helix status in effect.

    The dancer and scholar jobs have each received a new job-specific merit point category.Dancer Scholar
    Step Accuracy Grimoire Recast
    Haste Samba Effect Modus Veritas Duration
    Reverse Flourish Effect Helix Magic Acc./Atk.
    Building Flourish Effect Max Sublimation

    The following adjustments have been made to Dynamis and Limbus:
    The prices for entry items have been changed as follows.
    Timeless Hourglass: 1,000,000 gil -> 500,000 gil
    Cosmo-Cleanse: 30,000 gil -> 15,000 gil
    Items and equipment specific to the Blue Mage, Corsair, and Puppetmaster jobs have been added.
    The drop rate of relic armor in Dynamis has been adjusted. Rates for the following areas in particular have been increased:
    Dynamis – Beaucedine / Dynamis – Xarcabard / Dynamis – Valkurm / Dynamis – Buburimu / Dynamis – Qufim / Dynamis - Tavnazia

    Adjustments have been made to Jailer of Love, Absolute Virtue (and pets), and Pandemonium Warden (and pets) in areas such as HP value and behavior. Absolute Virtue and Pandemonium Warden will now vanish two hours after their appearance, automatically ending the battle. In addition, the spawn rate for Absolute Virtue has been increased to 100%.

    The strength of Luaith, the NM appearing in the Tavnazian Archipelago's Sacrarium, has been adjusted.

    The strength of Zeni NMs will now gradually be adjusted after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed following their being claimed.
    Item Related

    Players can now trade the NPC Shami any number of "Beastmen's Seals" or "Kindred's Seals" at any time.
    Seals will be kept by Shami, and players may elect to exchange them for orbs once enough seals have been traded.

    Several new pieces of equipment have been added.

    Several new synthesis recipes have been added.

    A payment of one Imperial bronze piece is now required to leave job-specific weapons in the care of the storage NPC Ghanraam in Aht Urhgan Whitegate.
    * Please be reminded that doing so will cause all data associated with the new weaponskill quest to be reset.

    Artifact and relic armor for the following jobs can now be enhanced through dealings with the Port Jeuno NPC, Sagheera:
    Blue Mage / Corsair / Puppetmaster

    The sale prices of the following items have been changed:
    Remedy / Crab Sushi / Crab Sushi +1

    The following item was relocated to the auction house category "Alchemy" under "Ingredients":

    The effects of certain items used during chocobo races have been adjusted.

    New items available via harvesting have been added.

    The following 5-piece set items (4-piece where applicable) can now be traded to the item storage NPC in exchange for a key item voucher:
    Mirage Jubbah / Commodore Frac / Pantin Tobe / Mirage Charuqs / Commodore Bottes / Pantin Babouches / Mirage Keffiyeh / Commodore Tricorne / Pantin Taj / Mirage Bazubands / Commodore Gants / Pantin Dastanas / Mirage Shalwar / Commodore Culottes / Pantin Churidars

    The additional effects of relic and mythic weapons are now designated by a status effect icon.

    Additional effects other than those affecting damage and attack speed ratings of relic and mythic weapons do not trigger when those weapons are equipped in the offhand slot.

    The following special items and furniture can now be stored with the relevant NPC:
    Harpsichord / Custom Gilet / Custom Top / Magna Gilet / Magna Top / Wonder Maillot / Wonder Top / Savage Top / Elder Gilet / Custom Gilet +1 / Custom Top +1 / Magna Gilet +1 / Magna Top +1 / Wonder Maillot +1 / Wonder Top +1 / Savage Top +1 / Elder Gilet +1 / Custom Trunks / Custom Shorts / Magna Trunks / Magna Shorts / Wonder Trunks / Wonder Shorts / Savage Shorts / Elder Trunks / Custom Trunks +1 / Custom Shorts +1 / Magna Trunks +1 / Magna Shorts +1 / Wonder Trunks +1 / Wonder Shorts +1 / Savage Shorts +1 / Elder Trunks +1

    The icon graphic for the following items has been changed:
    Cerberus Mantle / Cerberus Mantle +1
    System Related

    The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Adventurer Recruitment Program:
    The number of special items obtainable following the 40th day after character creation has been increased.
    Further special items will now be obtainable from the 70th day after character creation.
    * 70th day special items are available even to those who had already received their 100th and 365th day items.
    The list of special items now includes the following:
    Dream Boots / Dream Boots +1 / Detonator Belt / Egg Helm / Ibushi Shinai / Ibushi Shinai +1 / Miracle Wand / Miracle Wand +1
    The choice of items available on the 40th, 100th, and 365th days has been adjusted.

    Click here for details.

    The following terms have been added to the auto-translate dictionary:Category Term
    Game Terms Level Sync
    Game Terms Fellow
    Game Terms 2 Cut and Cauterize

    Other Adjustments

    The help text for the following items has been adjusted to reflect their correct attributes:
    Hakke Habaki / Junkenshi Habaki / Seikenshi Habaki / Junrenshi Habaki / Seirenshi Habaki / Junhanshi Habaki / Seihanshi Habaki
    English Version Only

    The help text for the following items has been changed to alleviate confusion:
    Beast Jackcoat / Beast Jackcoat +1 / Valor Surcoat / Valor Surcoat +1 / Monster Jackcoat / Monster Jackcoat +1 / Monster Gloves / Monster Gloves +1 / Saotome Haidate / Saotome Haidate +1
    * "Augment" refers to the addition of extra effects.
    Known Issues

    The additional effect status icon does not properly display after executing the weapon skill "Geirskogul" while using the relic weapon "Gungnir."
    *The additional effect still operates as intended.
    ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫
    Last edited by Akashimo; 09-08-2008, 08:36 AM.
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

  • #2
    Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

    *In before Malacite bawling how there are no Job adjustments*

    SCH merits look nice, just hope they are nice as they sound.

    Lol at AV and PW depoping after 2hrs, but they have less HP and new behavior so maybe do able still.

    Weird mob level changes to old areas, wonder what that means.

    WTF is a Pantin?

    EDIT: Nvm its apparently French for Puppet. Silly French.
    Last edited by Gobo; 09-08-2008, 08:44 AM.

    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


    • #3
      Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

      What I am interested in are those sweet sweet dancer merits, especially that "Reverse Flourish" effect. I also want to get some of that sweet sweet BLU armor--whenever I can. Looks like they have AF+1 out and AF2 out too.
      Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

      Get creative and pretend these happened.
      Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



      • #4
        Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

        Still reading, LOL 100% AV spawn. Nice XD!!!!!!
        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


        • #5
          Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

          Originally posted by Gobo View Post
          Lol at AV and PW depoping after 2hrs, but they have less HP and new behavior so maybe do able still.
          At least they don't RAAAAGE after two hours.


          • #6
            Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

            This is EPIC.

            In b4 Malacite.


            • #7
              Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

              Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
              At least they don't RAAAAGE after two hours.
              They don't, but the rest of the ZNMs do XD

              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


              • #8
                Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                Absolute Virtue and Pandemonium Warden will now vanish two hours after their appearance, automatically ending the battle.
                Last edited by eticket109; 09-08-2008, 08:56 AM.

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #9
                  Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                  Kinda early for facepalms considering you don't even know how AV and PW have been adjusted.


                  • #10
                    Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                    Yeah yeah I'm sad no job adjusts but I already got my bitching about that out of my system.

                    WTF did they do to the mobs in older areas? And I can't believe it, I figured they'd save Haste Samba effect for something like category 2 but no! They did it right away ^_^ this makes DNC ossim for Merits nao.

                    Glad to see they put in a sensible time limit for AV and PW. Now to see if they can actually be taken down XD I wonder if Rukenshin is up for round 2.

                    EDIT: Is anyone else having problems just logging onto the viewer?

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #11
                      Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                      Holy hell @ the AV nerf!


                      • #12
                        Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                        Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                        The combat skill required to learn the first weapon skill for each weapon type has been lowered from 10 to 5.
                        Okay. Not that I have a problem with this or anything (Yay for useful SAM 2-hour at level 1), but... it's just weird.

                        Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                        The potency and frequency of special attacks for certain monsters in the following families has been adjusted using a low-level standard. PCs at lower levels will now find these monsters easier to fight:
                        Mandragora / Funguars / Crawlers / Lizards
                        That's gotta be nerfing the poison moves. Nice.
                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        EDIT: Is anyone else having problems just logging onto the viewer?
                        Maintenance on PlayOnline is also scheduled for the same day. For more details on this, please refer to the news announcement "PlayOnline Server Maintenance (Sep. 8).
                        Yeah, I imagine it would be problematic.
                        Last edited by Ellipses; 09-08-2008, 09:18 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                        Ellipses on Fenrir
                        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                        . . .


                        • #13
                          Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                          I kind of don't like the idea that you can't skill up with with the Level Sync system. Not everyone is going to be using a lvl75 with capped skills. What if your main is 40 and gains 10 levels but no skills?

                          SIRRY ROUNDEYE


                          • #14
                            Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                            Originally posted by Armando View Post
                            Kinda early for facepalms considering you don't even know how AV and PW have been adjusted.
                            Imagine a boy of about 6 years old. We'll call him Tommy. Tommy's dad gives him a ball to play with, one of those big red rubber ones kids play kickball with.

                            Tommy can't really handle the ball well. He can roll it around but that's about it. A bit later his dad checks up on him.

                            Dad: How's the ball going Tommy?

                            Tommy: Ok, but I can't really do anything with it.

                            Dad: Have you tried throwing it?

                            Tommy: How do you do that?

                            Dad: Let me show you. *he takes the ball and casually bounces it off the wall back to Tommy*

                            Tommy: Wow that's cool. *tries throwing the ball but it slips out of his hands*

                            Dad: No no, not like that, here. *picks up the ball and bounces it again* Do it like I did.

                            Tommy: Ok *hauls back and throws the ball at the wall as hard as he can, it bounces off at hits him square in the face, knocking him down and bloodying his nose*

                            Dad: No no, not like that. Here, just play with this instead. *hands Tommy a nerf ball and takes the red one away* Oh, and I'm taking that back in two hours. Have fun!

                            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                            • #15
                              Re: ≪Sep. 9, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫

                              Originally posted by eTicket
                              Better than the kid hitting himself in the face until he's goddamned retarded.

                              Originally posted by Tripmastermonky
                              I kind of don't like the idea that you can't skill up with with the Level Sync system. Not everyone is going to be using a lvl75 with capped skills. What if your main is 40 and gains 10 levels but no skills?
                              Then don't party with lower level people 10 levels straight. Duh.

