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New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

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  • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

    Originally posted by Celeal View Post
    As 30 seconds cool down time for this level sync system, are we sure that after cool down to original levels we would get back 100% HP and 100% MP at original character's level?

    I remember in Promy, between level 30 cap area and the Boss area, there is a room which the level cap is temporary lifted.... the current HP and MP fill up to 100% of original character's level when the character zone in that area.

    For example let say the character level-sync -> lower his level and the Max HP adjusted goes from 1000 to 300 (just a random number for this example), when he removed the level-sync and goes back to his original level, his current HP may remain as 300.
    Originally posted by Truece View Post
    Hmmm... As I recall, when zoning from a capped to an un-capped zone, your HP/MP are not refilled, but remain at whatever you were at. So, I would anticipate that un-syncing would not have any effect on current HP/MP.
    Yea, uncapping only returned you to your normal status, but never filled your HP/MP. Which means it's entirely possible that one day somewhere a fight will be going downhill, some 75 with barely any HP left will try to un-synch and just as he returns to his full powered self, will die due to either a lucky hit or a lingering DoT.

    Which will be absolutely hilarious.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

      It doesn't make sense to refill HP/MP when coming out of any kind of cap unless they also go the other way, deducting missing HP/MP when getting a cap.

      Say you've got 1000 max HP and take 100 damage from something, then cap down to 500 max HP. Then you take damage to 400/500 and uncap back to 1000 max HP. If it's refilled by percent, you're going to be at 800/1000. If it's by missing HP, you'll be at 900/1000. Either way, if you cap back down again, you'll be at 500/500, unless that's adjusted based on percentage or amount lost again.

      Edit: Just in case anyone misconstrues this, I'm not saying this is how it works now. I'm saying they're not going to let the bars refill because it's hax, and "fixing" the hax by going in both directions just doesn't seem very SE.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

        Which means it's entirely possible that one day somewhere a fight will be going downhill, some 75 with barely any HP left will try to un-synch and just as he returns to his full powered self, will die due to either a lucky hit or a lingering DoT.
        This makes me wonder. If one person un-synchs, will that make everyone un-synch?

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

          I imagine it's not an individual choice. The party leader is the one who turns it on, party-wide, the party leader is probably the only one who can turn it off, party-wide. Unless you leave the party, of course.
          Ellipses on Fenrir
          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
          . . .


          • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

            All I know is that this could make me come out of FFXI hibernation and actually get my Black Mage job back on track.



            • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

              yeah, this is actually the closest any update has come to getting me to consider coming back; because it does quite a bit to help solve one of my biggest problems with the game. Doesn't solve the other big one, but I can see how this could get quite a few people to come back.


              • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                Mag was going to quit before this update, YM might raise a job past 30 and now Feba might be coming back.

                Holy shit, this update sucks.
                The Tao of Ren
                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                Originally posted by Kaeko
                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                  Don't worry, Mageo's quitting anyways, and YM is still levelling his PLD which last I heard was still in the 10-20 range.


                  • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                    Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
                    Feba might be coming back.
                    No. Like I said, it solves one of my problems with FFXI (mainly that getting EXP is a PITA. Making partying much less reliant on finding a few people in your level range greatly improves that), but it doesn't solve my other one (combat simply being boring). I can see how plenty of people COULD see this as reason enough to return or give it a second shot, though.


                    • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                      I was surprised to find out in discussion in my linkshell last night that a lot of people were against this... the people who were against it weren't especially articulate about why they didn't like it, but I heard two excuses, which I didn't care to rebut there since I'm relatively new there. Some of them had been articulated on this board as well.

                      1: Harassment -- First of all, in my estimation this won't cause a large amount of harassment, even for the very desired classes (i.e. BRD, COR, Etc.). There are plenty of lower level bards and corsairs out there, and who knows, maybe now there will be more... with party formation becoming easier, I think more people will be enticed to level other jobs. If you can't party without a bard or a cor, then cap at a level where you can find one. If you get a talented group, you can infinitely limit chain in lots of places.

                      I also don't foresee people randomly whispering every person of a certain job at all levels without regard to seeking flags and seeking comments... but maybe I have more faith in people than others.

                      2: elitism -- the even more troubling of the objections to this system was that it was just going to crank out more newbs. First, I don't think this is accurate. I don't think the level of newb is controlled by people XPing through a series of areas on a level progression through different mob types. I think the level of newb is controlled by the number of ignorant people who play the game, regardless of where / how they level up. I've known plenty of outstanding endgame players who have little clue as to how the endgame mechanics work, and I've known people who could've been on the programming staff at SE for all their knowledge of game mechanics who still sucked hardcore. There may be a small diminution of knowledge, easily compensated for upon reaching end levels. But the level of ignorance among players has little or nothing to do with where people level, but the raw number of stupid people that you'll find in any and all online venues.

                      I'm in a Limbus shell... maybe I belong in a social shell instead, where people are interested in leveling up and having fun playing their characters, rather than the endless pursuit of shinier loots! But I can't for the life of me see how endgame shells should whine about this, other than snobbery and elitism. If nothing else, it will facilitate the addition of a larger talent pool with a wider variety of jobs at 75ish, even if you may have to screen for talent a little bit more.



                      • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                        My only concern is that people use some common sense with invites.

                        If you're Lv.30, and your party wants a PLD, and the PLDs seeking are 35, 50, and 68, it makes little sense to invite the Lv.68, since the Lv.35 will have gear appropriate for Lv.30, and in inviting the higher level PLDs, you're robbing higher level parties of a tank. Plus, the Lv.68 would probably prefer to stay somewhere close to his current level. I'm glad the Level Sync explanation mentioned plainly that an appropriately-geared player will have better stats (even if it's not by a lot) than a Sync'd player wearing high level gear, to deter this kind of stupidity.


                        • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                          In addition, it means that us PLDs don't have to Campaign for exp/merits anymore.
                          The Tao of Ren
                          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                          Originally posted by Kaeko
                          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                          • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                            so WHEN EXACTLY is this update going into effect?

                            and it sounds like the Level Sync is temporary like Signet. how do we obtain that status/feature?

                            I think it shouldn't have a time limit, kinda like the Mentor symbol logo thingy we can toggle on and off.


                            • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                              According to what they said, you get it when you enter a party and the leader selects the option for it.

                              In other words, it's just like joining a party.

                              And I'm going on record as saying this update will happen on thursday of the second week of Sept.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                              • Re: New Level Sync Feature to Change the Way You Party! (08/25/2008)

                                I'ma guess Monday, September 22nd.
                                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"

