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Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008) (OLD)

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  • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

    Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
    As in no delay reduction whatsoever. Also, you can't say anything until you have explained whats with the Yukata.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

      This thread moves too fast.
      Originally posted by Bbq
      I don't see how this is relevant, seeing as I wasn't talking about PLD at all.
      It's quite relevant, because of this statement - "Never mind the fact that they other jobs are getting what they needed...(etc.)" PLD isn't RDM, so it must be one of those other jobs. And yes, at the time of the shield updates and Auto Refresh, PLD needed more longevity. After that, after ToAU with Sanction after Parade Gorget, after the Sentinel changes, PLD doesn't really need more longevity. The new spell is unnecessary. Yes, PLDs have wanted a PLD-only spell, but that doesn't change the fact that the spell's effect (while wonderful) was certainly not an update that PLD really needed.
      Then there's this single-target ability update to BRD. Yes, this affects PLD directly.If you look at the bigger long term picture and outside of PLD just a little bit, you'll see that PLD has gotten a lot of support.
      And that's exactly what I was getting at. PLD has gotten a TON of support. So much, that I feel S-E should've passed us up for now and given another job a chance to rejoice.
      And I know why you're not touching the BRD update, its because deep down, you know its needed. BRD might have it good, but again, this update directly benefits a job like PLD.
      How presumptuous of you. No, it's because I've never played BRD in my life; I don't know what song combos are the best for endgame situations, or how much it affects the overall ease/difficulty of events when you have to compromise a person's buff because you can't single him out. In other words, I'd mostly be talking out of my ass and making uninformed assertions, and making a fool out of myself in general. But if you had asked me what I thought, though there's a good chance I'm wrong, I would say BRD wasn't in dire need of this JA. They should get it, yes, but it's not an urgent matter.

      As for WAR tanking, I find it hard to believe that a job can be given a JA and people wouldn't try it out. Either way, Retaliate does nothing to improve WAR endurance. Speaking of which, now that PLD is getting even more endurance, WAR is now even worse at mitigating damage by comparison.
      Was BLM given scythe skill just because? I'll admit on the surface there's a asthetic reason behind it (Ark Angel Tartaru), but also consider that staffs suck to melee with and farming with spells wasn't always practical, meanwhile you have RDM with decent sword skill and WHM with high club skill. Why should they be able to function without spells and BLM did. SCH gets C- daggers (they get BD when DNC didn't for crying out loud), so any of these jobs can attend to the smaller stuff without blowing a ton of MP to do so.
      I find it hard to believe that BLM was screwed with Staff. They only got an E in Scythe - the best they can do with that is Vorpal Scythe. Full Swing, Spirit Taker, and Retribution can all outdamage Vorpal Scythe, and Spirit Taker gives MP back. Their Staff selection isn't bad, either. They can use Thyrsusstab and Martial Staff. Hell, BLM is better off than SCH even if they didn't have Scythe. SCH can't do anything good with a dagger until Evisceration.


      • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

        Nuuuuuuuu @.@ Tier 2 Enspells....

        Yay for RDM, but only makes the case for my dreams of Mystic Knight that much harder to make ><;

        $10 says those new enspells are the RDM melee update. I wonder what the other misc ja's and spell animations are.



        • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

          And that's exactly what I was getting at. PLD has gotten a TON of support. So much, that I feel S-E should've passed us up for now and given another job a chance to rejoice.
          If that was the point you were getting at and we basically agree PLD has gotten a lot of subtle love from both main job and the outside, then why complain about it getting something new. PLD is hurting in some areas of the game at the moment and just about every job that had a major need for attention has been attended to.

          Apparently SE is giving updates to some jobs in one big burst while adding gradual updates for others. DRG appears to be getting another gradual tweak for its wyvern, some new breath attack and a wyvern regen. SMNs probably going to be the same story. Pet and tank-based jobs are the ones currently seeing the small cumalative updates, which is not unlike the process the ToA jobs saw.


          • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            Nuuuuuuuu @.@ Tier 2 Enspells....

            Yay for RDM, but only makes the case for my dreams of Mystic Knight that much harder to make ><;

            $10 says those new enspells are the RDM melee update. I wonder what the other misc ja's and spell animations are.
            Why make mystic knight when they can just make some rdm jse with +acc +enhancing skill and a white turban? ;D
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

              There are so many animations in the game that have use fyi.
              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



              • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                Sure, but these went in just recently, after SE mentioned wanting to put rdms on the frontline again.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                  Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                  Sure, but these went in just recently, after SE mentioned wanting to put rdms on the frontline again.

                  yeah and those REALLY look like enspell teir 2s
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                    Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                    Why make mystic knight when they can just make some rdm jse with +acc +enhancing skill and a white turban? ;D

                    is not at all the same thing as
                    (watch Lenna)

                    Take note that I do in fact like enspells, but I've been wanting to melee with spells again since I first heard of FFXI. I miss my favorite job class in the series ; ;

                    And holy crap check this;

                    [ame=]YouTube - FFXI: New Possible Front Line Spells for Red Mage[/ame]

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                      Those spells "the new enspells" are for the front line SCH update, because they want to melee as well.
                      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                      • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                        I believe those are two spells from the cycle with Ignis in it. They've been in the game forever so it seems less likely they'll get used. The animations suggest they might be the white magic mirror of the elemental DoT spells.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                          Originally posted by Hyrist View Post
                          I would just like to make everyone aware of this little video of the .dats found in the march update and are currently not being used.

                          YouTube - Unused JA/Spell/Effect DATs

                          All I have to say is... Thank you SE.
                          Dear Square-Enix,

                          Quetzacoatl of Leviathan


                          • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                            Originally posted by Malacite View Post

                            is not at all the same thing as (watch Lenna)

                            Take note that I do in fact like enspells, but I've been wanting to melee with spells again since I first heard of FFXI. I miss my favorite job class in the series ; ;

                            And holy crap check this;

                            YouTube - FFXI: New Possible Front Line Spells for Red Mage

                            You do realize that was me sifting though the .dats looking for graphics that SE could use for Rdm front line spells.... months ago?

                            Kalar Meadia is my account, I hosted that video after looking at those from Altanaview.


                            It was cool in practice, but I don't think they'll end up using those graphics, not with these new one's showing.

                            Art done by Fred Perry.


                            • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                              Originally posted by Electricity Gone Human View Post
                              Quetzacoatl of Leviathan
                              Dear Square Enix,

                              Direct2Drive: Download Games, Movies, TV Shows and more at D2D ? Nevermind. No planet for you. Morons.

                              Feba of Fenrir

                              P.S. seriously, fuck you.


                              • Re: Battle Adjustments (05/28/2008)

                                Eh, guys, the effects are nice and all (some will probably dat swap soon enough) but I'll wait till I know exactly what they do before praising SE for their long overdue addition to the job.


                                PS > (Does anyone know where the dats are? I will probably dat swap just because )

                                PPS > Feba wants to play again, I can see it in his tarutaru hikkikomori eyes.

                                PPPS > The cake is a lie.
                                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


