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New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

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  • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

    Originally posted by Kailea View Post
    Feba just does not want to read it
    I already read it. Clearly. See my response:

    Originally posted by Feba View Post

    WHY should I heal someone who I've made no agreements to help, anymore than you should pass out gil to people?
    Now Kailea, if you just want to bitch about how awful we are, go make a new thread or take it to PMs. If you want to debate this point, ANSWER WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING.


    • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      I want you to answer the question. And Feba and I disagree far more often than we agree.

      No you haven't. The thing quoted below is not an answer. As has been explained to you many times, by more posters than just Feba and I.

      In every other area of the game, yes. This has been acknowledged many times in this thread.

      And no one has denied that. So why are you pointing it out to people like they don't get it? No mage in this thread has denied that it's possible to toss out the occasional cure/raise/buff to other players. But as has been pointed out, numerous times, it is when every melee is expecting that. It's like when you hand out money to a beggar, and then down the street another one asks for money as well, and you're like "Hey guy, I just gave some to the guy down the street." and he doesn't believe you. That's what this is like.

      that has been what I have said the whole time -.- I never expected a mage to cure none stop, again I posted and Feba started his BS, plane and simple.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

        Then you need to work on presenting your point better. Because if you were honestly saying that you don't expect mages to cure more than they feel comfortable with in Campaign, then you did a piss-poor job of getting that point across.

        BS goes both ways in threads like this, Kailea. You're just as much to blame.


        • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

          Originally posted by Jonastb View Post
          And you have been given several explanations why this isn't true. You don't seem to want to understand what other people are saying.

          yes it is true

          Mistake = going around and doing this to everyone you see
          The right way = only casting on people around you fighting the same mob, to minimize hate gain.
          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
          Then you need to work on presenting your point better. Because if you were honestly saying that you don't expect mages to cure more than they feel comfortable with in Campaign, then you did a piss-poor job of getting that point across.

          BS goes both ways in threads like this, Kailea. You're just as much to blame.
          in my first post that seemed to start this, I listed what jobs did in general, then followed it by saying that it was not always what they did.

          then others went off on the "oh hell Kailea just wants mages to heal nonstop all the time"
          Last edited by Kailea; 05-27-2008, 07:31 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

            Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
            Hello? Can you say IGNORANT. And that's to all you people that keep complaining about fulltime healing when no one's telling you to. Excuse me, but you're making a wrong point. It's ok now. Because you know what? There's a thing called "Mog House" in the game, where you can "Job Change" to a different job. Really, I promise it's there, just log in once in a while and go see.

            And let none of them big bullies ever associate you to Healing Magic again. Even though your current job has A rating in Healing Magic skill. But that's off-topic.
            Irony aside the point of it all is very simple, you just fail to see it because you are too busy listening to yourself.

            I'm glad you understand the concept of Mog House though, that means you can switch to a mage job or subjob and do all the things you expect from mages yourself.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

              Originally posted by Kailea View Post
              The right way = only casting on people around you fighting the same mob, to minimize hate gain.
              See, this makes sense, and I am sure most mages would agree.

              Originally posted by Kailea View Post
              in my first post that seemed to start this, I listed what jobs did in general, then followed it by saying that it was not always what they did.

              then others went off on the "oh hell Kailea just wants mages to heal nonstop all the time"
              This is actually what started the "Debate"

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              Because the real healers were not working out.

              If that sounds like its sarcastic, well, its not. Its the sad truth.


              • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                Originally posted by Jonastb View Post
                See, this makes sense, and I am sure most mages would agree.

                This is actually what started the "Debate"

                Originally Posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                Because the real healers were not working out.

                If that sounds like its sarcastic, well, its not. Its the sad truth.

                oh really? well I see how mine would stark it further then, because of how I worded it -.-

                Ok then let me try and clear this up here -.-

                in campagin

                Melee sub a mage class and try to atleast keep yourself alive

                Mages, do what you have to to keep that MP up, and make sure to only cure people fighting the same mob as you.

                Hey all Melee out there, if you want a cure from a mage, help fight the mob they are fighting

                Or hell do what people do in besieged.... when campaign starts form a quick PT and work together.
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                  Which is what people have been saying. If you want healing, form a party, but don't expect help from people for no reason.


                  • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                    Casting cures on people fighting the same mob is standard procedure, but there's no obligation on our part to do so.

                    And when MP is gone you have to make a decision between helping others and lose xp/notes while resting or keep going and raise after the fight is over, as simple as that.

                    Fun fact: I was one of the mages who went out of their way healing and raising and resting a lot, but this thread made me realize the mistake I was making. Now I'm gaining more xp and notes than I used to.

                    And fighting in La Vaule without any other players around has proven to be the best xp so far.
                    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                    • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                      White Mage's main purpose is to heal.

                      White Mages are the premier healers in the game.

                      It won't affect your exp by playing your role and using a Cure once in a while.

                      Get it in your system, or find a game that requires even less intelligence.

                      Stating that is not true, or all the other bullshit over and over, does not make it less true.

                      That's too bad.

                      Big words and he doesn't even have a character. Isn't there "I quit an MMMORPG but I still want to pretend I know anything about it even though I never did" forum?

                      Or a forum just for one-liner posts, that show disagreement yet no actual useful statement in reply?

                      What is the point? You already showed that you have either very low reading skills, have INCREDIBLY small brains or are an ass in general.

                      You keep mentioning "fulltime healing" so.... It's ok. You just can't handle the truth. But that's fine, in game i'm used to a load of spam of dumb insults about mothers and such when you run out of arguments, instead of the same actually dumb talk being repeated over and over.

                      Fun fact: I was one of the mages who went out of their way healing and raising and resting a lot, but this thread made me realize the mistake I was making. Now I'm gaining more xp and notes than I used to.
                      IQ Test results.... 0.

                      Yea.. don't argue if you ain't got nothing to argue about.

                      This is my last post regarding this particular issue. If you will not understand, you can keep being a noob. Being a noob is not against the rules.

                      Least the experienced linkshells won't accept your melee behavior.

                      Besides, I personally rather have you messing around in Campaigns, than having either of you in my linkshell.

                      You're entitled to your own opinion. Even SquareEnix won't deny the fact White Mages are the main healer of the game, aka in any multiplayer event.

                      If you deny SquareEnix's own facts, you're not even worth talking to anymore.

                      You are a very bad Final Fantasy XI player.
                      Last edited by Kittyneko; 05-27-2008, 08:34 AM.

                      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                      • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                        Indeed it is. In a party.

                        Again, why would you feel any more entitled to help from a white mage who isn't in your party than you would feel entitled to get gil from someone else?


                        • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                          Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
                          White Mage's main purpose is to heal.

                          Stating that is not true, or all the other bullshit over and over, does not make it less true.
                          Yes, it's their purpose. When in a party. Ignoring that point over and over again doesn't make it less true.

                          Big words and he doesn't even have a character. Isn't there "I quit an MMMORPG but I still want to pretend I know anything about it even though I never did" forum?

                          Or a forum just for one-liner posts, that show disagreement yet no actual useful statement in reply?
                          If regular members have been asked to not use the fact of someone's not having a current character in the game against them, then I'm pretty sure that this applies to moderators as well.

                          It has no relevance to the discussion at hand, and amounts to little more than trolling for a reaction.


                          • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                            Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
                            White Mage's main purpose is to heal.

                            Stating that is not true, or all the other bullshit over and over, does not make it less true.

                            That's too bad.
                            Campaign's main purpose is obtaining as many xp and notes as possible.

                            Stating that is not true, or all the other bs over and over, does not make it less true.

                            That's too bad.
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                              Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
                              White Mage's main purpose is to heal.

                              White Mages are the premier healers in the game.

                              It won't affect your exp by playing your role and using a Cure once in a while.

                              Get it in your system, or find a game that requires even less intelligence.

                              Stating that is not true, or all the other bullshit over and over, does not make it less true.

                              That's too bad.

                              Big words and he doesn't even have a character. Isn't there "I quit an MMMORPG but I still want to pretend I know anything about it even though I never did" forum?

                              Or a forum just for one-liner posts, that show disagreement yet no actual useful statement in reply?

                              What is the point? You already showed that you have either very low reading skills, have INCREDIBLY small brains or are an ass in general.

                              You keep mentioning "fulltime healing" so.... It's ok. You just can't handle the truth. But that's fine, in game i'm used to a load of spam of dumb insults about mothers and such when you run out of arguments, instead of the same actually dumb talk being repeated over and over.

                              IQ Test results.... 0.

                              Yea.. don't argue if you ain't got nothing to argue about.

                              This is my last post regarding this particular issue. If you will not understand, you can keep being a noob. Being a noob is not against the rules.

                              Least the experienced linkshells won't accept your melee behavior.

                              Besides, I personally rather have you messing around in Campaigns, than having either of you in my linkshell.
                              I feel obliged to point out that all you are doing is throwing insults at everyone that doesn't agree with your particular take in this discussion. Which in essence means you are doing the exact thing you are accusing others of doing.


                              • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                                Seriously. Really fantastic trolling there, from a representative for this site.

