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New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

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  • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

    First off, -y's when it should be -ies bugs the crap out of me.

    Secondly, people are pissed off because you don't seem to understand how much it gimps a mage's xp when all we do is cure ... rest for 5 minutes ... cure more ... rest another 5 minutes ...

    Hell I don't even do Campaign anymore because all I have is two mage jobs and the xp/time spent just isn't fucking worth it. If I want to get 1k/hr I'll go farm EP on RDM, at least then I know I'll get drops.

    That being said if I do Campaign I do cure people. But I am not there to fucking babysit you, especially if you're not in my party. EXPECTING people to do so is being a dick, plain and simple.

    Some of you are obviously reading what others are saying wrong, because there is not a single mage in this thread who has said they would not cure people on occasion. It's that whole, "You'd better fucking cure me" attitude that we don't like.

    No one who is WHM is saying they don't like to heal. They don't like being EXPECTED to heal people. I have done campaign on WAR and BLM before and I NEVER expect anyone to heal me or raise me. If they do, great, if not well then that just sucks. I don't even ask for cures. I'm a WHM main, I know how hard it is to just "guess" who needs curing, or tab through a crowd looking for people to cast on. Unless I can suddenly start seeing the HP bar of every person in casting range, I'm not going to fucking know you need cured nine times out of ten. Don't get pissed at me if you die, especially if I can't see your HP bar because you're not in my party.

    A lot of people expect all this shit out of mages, we aren't fucking psychic. If I don't know you need cured it's hard as hell to do so, if you /s "Cure please" I will do my best to /target Name and toss a cure your way. What else do you want?
    Last edited by Aksannyi; 05-25-2008, 04:17 AM.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


    • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

      Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
      First off, -y's when it should be -ies bugs the crap out of me.
      I can talk in my own language without spelling mistakes if that make you feel better.
      You're probably annoyed a lot by spelling in game, as I hardly ever see any americans (or english) spelling better than me.

      Secondly, people are pissed off because you don't seem to understand how much it gimps a mage's xp when all we do is cure ... rest for 5 minutes ... cure more ... rest another 5 minutes ...
      For the last freaking time:
      It doesn't mean you have to go around helping others, it means that IT IS NOT WEIRD TO BE EXPECTED TO HELP OUT ONCE IN A WHILE.
      In every single post I keep saying You don't have to heal full-time.
      Some of you are obviously reading what others are saying wrong,
      Yup, most are only arguing with people when all they read is the replies to those people.

      If I don't know you need cured it's hard as hell to do so, if you /s "Cure please" I will do my best to /target Name and toss a cure your way. What else do you want?
      Perfect, by far. You still don't even have to cure them, aslong as you don't complain about being asked for a cure, as some mages in this thread actually do.
      Last edited by Kittyneko; 05-25-2008, 04:28 AM.

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

        Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
        PS.: You've all fallen for Feba's drama starting tricks with his reply's, congratulations.
        Actually, it was BBQ (or Mhurron's reply) if you want to put the blame on anyone. If you're going to insult people, at least learn to know what the hell you're talking about.


        • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          Actually, it was BBQ or Mhurron if you want to put the blame on anyone.. If you're going to insult people, at least learn to know what the hell you're talking about.
          I'm talking about you, and solely you, regarding this thread, and many others.

          Replying isn't drama causing. Continuing to reply, abusing the poster's words, twisting them in a manner where they could mean something else, when the poster already has problems typing an argument in understandable english.

          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


          • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

            Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
            I'm talking about you, and solely you
            That's nice. You're still dead wrong.

            This debate was started by BBQ and Mhurron. It's right there near the top of page 1 if you don't believe me. Very easy to find.

            There are also plenty of people on other side that would continue arguing with or without my input. Right now, mainly because you're being just plain insulting, but also because they're mages who are fed up with people expecting stuff from them, and melees who are fed up with mages putting themselves before others.


            • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

              The problems in this thread have very little to do with Feba's input. He is to blame for a lot of derailments and endless quote wars on this forum, but this isn't one of them.


              • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                Agree with Murphie.

                In fact, this is long standing disagreement with origin in other threads--threads which predate your retrun, Kittyneko.

                * * *

                To date, not a single melee out in any Campaign Battle has ever complained to me that I shouldn't be hitting stuff and instead should be curing on my RDM. Then again, I already do toss out cures to other players as MP permits, unless I'm reading something on another screen, or busy doing crowd control.

                Well, the point is, whether I'm curing or not, no one complains in-game. Seems like the majority of the population understand everyone is there for exp and fun, and so everything is doing things which gets them the best balance of exp and fun--mages included.

                Only very few thick headed people on this forum seem to have problem with what mages have to do and what they have to avoid in Campaign Battle for exp. It's just unfortunate that they are a bit... loud.
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                  Just to all the "self-sufficient" mages who thought they were clever and pointed out /WHM, /NIN and /DNC subs to the melee:

                  hi2u /SCH, /BRD and /DNC subjob.

                  Got a problem with MP? Those can help out quite considerably. Really, I shouldn't even have to point it out. In fact, its rare that I see most of these subs used, save for /BRD's shameless buff cap exploitation.

                  WHM and RDM can TP for Cures, too, in fact, I've seen a handful of them use it. This is handy for holding back MP to cure other and perfectly viable.

                  If you go /SCH you have Sublimation, subbable B skill Aspir and Alacrity (halves the recast on then next cast of the same spell) to whore out Aspir even more.

                  /BRD is for ballad, same as always. Goes nice with Vermy and Sigil Refresh.

                  As for the whole laughable "I'm soloing this campaign mob, don't you dare touch it" mentality - OK, you're "soloing" and yet, by the system's design, I'm allowed to touch this claimed mob of yours. I don't bitch at people for coming up and meleeing a mob I've been soloing for 5 minutes in campaign, I expect it - the fight has to end sometime. I don't drag a mob off a mile to the side just to solo it.

                  Maybe the failure of this thread is from those who haven't really seen or mained another type of job to higher levels. I've been on both sides and have every right to roll my eyes when you pull the "self-sufficent" bit with me, because that's the crux of jobs like RDM, SCH, BST, DNC, RNG, BLU, COR and BRD. If you can't be self-sufficent in these jobs, you'll never be efficient at them.

                  Do you seriously think a BST/WHM doesn't know about Reraise? It only took 66 levels of soloing to get to the point I could use it and I spend hundreds of thousands of gil on RR items and burned CPs just to have it ready for each outing. Even then I've had my fair share of home-pointing. Sad thing is, I see more BSTs Raise people than WHMs.

                  Think a RNG is seriously going to Campaign without his crossbow and Bloody bolts? I actually do /SAM and /NIN here quite a bit and when I'm hurt, I back off and start peeling off those bloody bolts.

                  But apparently, as a melee, I'm really just all "Raaarrr, I hits the stuffs!" We're really just mindless peasants


                  • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Just to all the "self-sufficient" mages who thought they were clever and pointed out /WHM, /NIN and /DNC subs to the melee:

                    hi2u /SCH, /BRD and /DNC subjob.
                    So when a melee has to change their subjob so they can fight for themselves, it's a bad thing, but when a mage is impacted by curing a melee, they should go out of their way to serve them better? Also, newsflash, MP running out isn't the only downside.

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    As for the whole laughable "I'm soloing this campaign mob, don't you dare touch it" mentality
                    It is pretty laughable.

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    OK, you're "soloing" and yet, by the system's design, I'm allowed to touch this claimed mob of yours.
                    This however is not a justification. Many, if not the majority, of MMOs allow you to fight a monster that someone else is already engaged with; and again, in many if not the majority, fighting a monster someone else is engaged with is considered extremely poor etiquette, in the same way we would look at following someone around and provoking monsters right before they swing at it or cast on it. The reason it's silly is because Campaign is so obviously oriented to beating shit up alongside other players.


                    • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                      Come up with some valid reasons as to why:

                      1) Melee/Tanks can't make parties and invite mages if they want backup.
                      2) Melee/Tanks shouldn't sub the appropriate subs if they choose to go solo.
                      3) Mages should take time away to cure/raise people (other than pt members) and get less exp than melee/tanks just because you say so.

                      Still waiting. If all you melee want us to do your bidding, the least you can do is address these issues that have been asked over and over.
                      Originally posted by Feba
                      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                      Originally posted by DakAttack
                      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                      • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                        If the DDs didnt kill the mobs for you, mages, you'd be posting about how much that annoys you.
                        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                        • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                          No. They'd be posting about how they're getting more EXP by bashing on things longer, most likely.


                          • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                            I find it funny that this argment is still going on -.-

                            I respect all who take their time to heal me, in PTs or what ever I am doing, dont take this as me taking healing for granted, I know that with out you guys, I would suck.


                            this is fact, not some made up BS

                            WHM = healing/buffing
                            BLM = nuking/debuffing
                            RDM = healing/buffing/debuffing
                            other mages = mix of dudies
                            BRD = buffing/debuffing
                            PLD,NIN = tanking/DD/DoT (depending on PT setup)
                            all other melee = DD/DoT

                            note: for Feba dont take the above at a set in stone absolute thing... its a general and I know the classes listed don't have to fit in these role 100% of the time...... because I know some of you will twist this and say I am wrong, because you take it to literal.

                            and in War time, this is more relevant then in PTs

                            Do your job......
                            Do it right......
                            be prepared.......
                            server your nation......
                            dont drop the soap......... oh wait that prison.... never mind
                            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                            • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                              Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                              note: for Feba dont take the above at a set in stone absolute thing... its a general and I know the classes listed don't have to fit in these role 100% of the time...... because I know some of you will twist this and say I am wrong, because you take it to literal.
                              No, Kailea, I never take you seriously.

                              If you want to argue about you needing to cure people because "it's a war", and "it's important", you have better also be arguing for SE to create a RP server, because that's what that is. Hardly anyone in FFXI RPs, and even if they are RPing there are reasons they might not be helping out (for example, the somewhat cliche 'helper mage who's kind of a dick that doesn't like helping people.'). Campaign is not a war, it's a gameplay system; and unless you want to force RP logic on people elsewhere (gear swaps, for example), it's not a valid point.


                              • Re: New Additions and Changes to Campaign (05/22/2008)

                                RP... I never brought RP into this -.- good lord stop pulling things out of thin air

                                its a mass battle, everyone needs to do what they are supost to do, so we can win. Thats not RP... thats logic.
                                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

