The next version up date will usher in a number of new additions to the Campaign system, as well as several changes to existing elements.
A new group of NPCs known as physicians will be introduced to both sides of the Campaign lineup, serving dutifully to heal and tend to their battle-wounded allies. Various oaths of non-violence prevent the physicians from engaging in open combat, and they will resort to fighting only as a means of self-defense when attacked directly. Otherwise, they will patrol the field of battle, seeing to the needs of combatants by bestowing upon them various spells of healing and enhancement.
Currently, the most distinguished medal available in commendation of a character's meritorious service in the name of Altana is the "Emblem of the Holy Knight." The next version update however, will see an expansion of the medal system, and with it a total of four new medals to recognize even greater prestige. Accordingly, new and more difficult Campaign Ops will also be introduced, as well as several new items obtainable through exchange for Allied Notes.
Exchanging Points for Wares from Other Nations
Until now, players have only been capable of exchanging their Allied Notes to procure items offered by the nation with which they are aligned. A modification to this system, in the same vein as that made previously to the Conquest system, will now allow for the acquisition of wares from any nation. Players can, however, expect a slight markup in price when dealing with a nation other than their own.
In addition to the changes outlined above, a number of other features will be implemented, including new quests involving Campaign freelance NPCs, technical adjustments to the army units of both the Allied Forces and Beastman Confederate, and the addressing of various other minor issues.