As a part of our continuing efforts to improve the convenience and enjoyment of life in Vana'diel, we plan to introduce several changes that include the appearance of nomad moogles in Selbina and Mhaura, as well as adjustments to the supply quests.
Read on to discover what the upcoming version update holds in store.
Nomad Moogles in Selbina and Mhaura
After considering the continuing influx of new players, the changes made to the offer requirements for several quests, and the special task force's efforts in maintaining a fair and balanced playing environment, we have decided that the inclusion of nomad moogles and delivery NPCs in Selbina and Mhaura will prove to be a beneficial addition to the game.
Look forward to these new arrivals in the next version update!
Supply Quest Records
As you are no doubt aware, in order to make use of the regional teleport services, it is first necessary to complete a supply quest to the outpost in question. We will be implementing a change wherein along with your mission rank and conquest points, a record of completed supply quests will now be retained even after transferring your allegiance to another nation.
Item Autosort Function
This particular function has been requested many times by the community, and is scheduled to be implemented along with the various other adjustments introduced in recent Topics.
As well as the difficulties encountered in preventing potential misuse, we have avoided the implementation of this function in the past in order to prevent confusion for crafters—items carefully separated for synthesis would have been forcibly stacked.
However, with the same consideration given to the placement of nomad moogles in Selbina and Mhaura, we believe that the current stability of FINAL FANTASY XI allows for this feature to be introduced without adversely affecting gameplay.
Players will be provided with the option to deactivate automatic sorting as part of the new function we have planned.
Read on to discover what the upcoming version update holds in store.
Nomad Moogles in Selbina and Mhaura
After considering the continuing influx of new players, the changes made to the offer requirements for several quests, and the special task force's efforts in maintaining a fair and balanced playing environment, we have decided that the inclusion of nomad moogles and delivery NPCs in Selbina and Mhaura will prove to be a beneficial addition to the game.
Look forward to these new arrivals in the next version update!
Supply Quest Records
As you are no doubt aware, in order to make use of the regional teleport services, it is first necessary to complete a supply quest to the outpost in question. We will be implementing a change wherein along with your mission rank and conquest points, a record of completed supply quests will now be retained even after transferring your allegiance to another nation.
Item Autosort Function
This particular function has been requested many times by the community, and is scheduled to be implemented along with the various other adjustments introduced in recent Topics.
As well as the difficulties encountered in preventing potential misuse, we have avoided the implementation of this function in the past in order to prevent confusion for crafters—items carefully separated for synthesis would have been forcibly stacked.
However, with the same consideration given to the placement of nomad moogles in Selbina and Mhaura, we believe that the current stability of FINAL FANTASY XI allows for this feature to be introduced without adversely affecting gameplay.
Players will be provided with the option to deactivate automatic sorting as part of the new function we have planned.