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Wings of the Goddess Missions! (05/09/2008)

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  • #46
    Re: Wings of the Goddess Missions! (05/09/2008)

    Uh... Jalzhan's is the next best thing to a Bellona's for RNG or COR, really.

    +4 Magic accuracy from Balrhan's is not shabby for RDM or SCH, especially if you do assault, Nyzul or Salvage often, from which you get MND/INT/CHR boosts and Refresh effect as well.

    The melee ring might be underwhelming, but its still pretty nice to have. Basically, you get two rings slots to fill from completing CoP and ToA that some jobs arguably may never have to fill with another ring at 50+

    But then, I specialize my characters. Not everyone does that. Hell, I'm considering going back on Beastly earing for Abyssal from DM on my Taru. Sucks for my BST, but it won't suck for my RDM and SCH.

