Re: The Myriad Arms of Balrahn (02/05/2008)
As "epic" as CoP is, how many people have CoP rings?
I'd love that too, but that's because I love missions, especially the ones you can solo or do with small groups.
While not a bad idea, it's still grinding. I don't see how changing it from one grind to another really helps any. But if it would give the illusion of being a lesser grind then I guess it's better.
All relic weapons have the best stats for their class in game, a special WS with bonus effect, and an ability to do triple their dmg on any hit including WS. As weapons, what should they do besides Dmg?
You insult me but I'm going on your ignore list because I disagree with you? There's some logic. But then again you are saying you'd rather fight an unwinable battle and hope that you can lot on item that has a tiny chance of even dropping in the first place.
So wait, you don't even think these weapons are that good? So why the hell are you making such a big fuss over them? If you don't think they're worth it then don't worry about them.
Oh and btw, SE has added *tons* of new, awesome gear without outdating their old stuff. Joytoy and Ridill are still awesome weapons, Adaman Haub is still a great DD piece and Scorp Harness is still a staple for most jobs who can use it. Infact they already said that the Nyzul ones won't be as strong as the Dyna ones, and that the Dyna ones might even get an even bigger boost to keep them the best.
Honestly, that's what I see happening too, as it should. Infact don't the base parts for the Nyzul relics only drop from the top floor's HNM bosses? And much like the Salvage and other ToAU gear, I expect that crafting mats will also be needed, en mass, for these new Relics. But then again people like to ignore the fact that you have to buy things to make the Salvage armor also. Because they're not *as* expensive, it's not as big a deal.
Edit: For all the bitching and complaining that's been going on in this thread about the old relics, I still haven't seen anyone say why these items should be easier to obtain other then "I want them". Oh, and "they're not that good" but I'm not counting that excuse.
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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I'd like to see long, job-specific mission-type quests pertaining to the completion of these weapons. These should actually be extentions of AF storylines. I don't care if it takes a long time to obtain them or if the quests are insanely hard, but simply buying them seems silly to me.
Originally posted by Lmnop
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These weapons need more than damage.
Originally posted by Malacite
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EDIT: I Forgot to mention that by making these the so-called "Best Weapons" in the game, then you just end up shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to creating new ones. SE already has in some respects, I mean look at the Destroyers for Christ sake! They parse very closely and yet Destroyers are much easier to obtain. Don't forget about Joyeuse either. While I'm confident Excalibur should come out on top, it'll be an even closer match up than Destroyers vs Spharai.
Oh and btw, SE has added *tons* of new, awesome gear without outdating their old stuff. Joytoy and Ridill are still awesome weapons, Adaman Haub is still a great DD piece and Scorp Harness is still a staple for most jobs who can use it. Infact they already said that the Nyzul ones won't be as strong as the Dyna ones, and that the Dyna ones might even get an even bigger boost to keep them the best.
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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Edit: For all the bitching and complaining that's been going on in this thread about the old relics, I still haven't seen anyone say why these items should be easier to obtain other then "I want them". Oh, and "they're not that good" but I'm not counting that excuse.