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Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

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  • #16
    Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

    Originally posted by Amberly View Post
    -Fellows will no longer use the white magic spell "silence" on monsters in the crab and beetle families.
    But they'll still cast it on Goblin Muggers, right? 'Cause otherwise I want my money back.
    Originally posted by Amberly View Post
    A wyvern’s attributes will now increase in correspondence to the amount of experience gained from the moment the wyvern is summoned.
    *This increase will not be affected by experience gained from Campaign, Besieged, or items.
    **A wyvern’s attributes will be reset to their original values when the wyvern is KO’d, dismissed, or changes areas.
    That's... kind of weird, and not the DRG buff I would have expected. But... nifty?
    Ellipses on Fenrir
    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
    . . .


    • #17
      Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

      Originally posted by bikkebakke View Post
      I'm not too familiar with SCH but what does Light and Dark arts do for them? I see SCH switch between them alot, but now it looks like they will be stuck in one or the other for 2 hours? Or are they some sort of boost like Divine/Elemental Seal?
      Light and Dark Arts are best described as economizers for Scholars and /Scholars. Healing, Divine, Enhancing, and now Enfeebling are raised to a capped B+ rating with Light Arts. Dark Arts does the same for Enfeebling, Elemental, and Dark. It also reduces MP cost for appropriate spells by 10% and increases opposite spells (i.e., Cure in Dark Arts) by 20%, and has a similar effect on cast and recast times. Each Art has a one minute recast timer, but the duration was unlimited. They'll both still have the one minute recast, but now the duration will be two hours.
      Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
      How to ask smart questions:

      Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


      • #18
        Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

        It will depend upon what the Elemental Siphon does for SMN to be useful. Doesn't it cost MP to cast a Spirit? How much MP does a Spirit have? How much can I absorb?

        Stay tuned! Questions will be answered right after the break! News at 3pm!
        Hacked on 9/9/09
        FFXIAH - Omniblast


        • #19
          Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

          Originally posted by Ziero View Post
          *reads post*
          *looks at first post*
          The detail did not appear in the OP at the time I posted the requested..... Check the timestamp...

          Thanks for the detail.
          Server: Quetzalcoatl
          Race: Hume Rank 7
          75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


          • #20
            Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

            Who else is curious about Sublimation?! I can't wait to try out all of these changes to SCH!

            WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
            WorldSlayers ~ Asura


            • #21
              Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

              Originally posted by Truece View Post
              Who else is curious about Sublimation?! I can't wait to try out all of these changes to SCH!
              I'm actually seriously wondering how much it is, if Stoneskin mitigates it, and if Regen (2?) is enough to offset it.

              Also wondering what we actually get from the Addendums. Really excited, but shit, this and Smash Brawl in two days, and a test this week? I'm so screwed this week...
              Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
              How to ask smart questions:

              Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


              • #22
                Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                Doesn't it say what spells Sch gets by showing exactly what spells were changed? Or is that just a partial list?

                edit: yea, nvm, it's just a few glitched scrolls.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #23
                  Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                  Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                  That is you quoting the thing wrong.

                  See, it's just them listing Sch and Dnc Af's and limit break quests.
                  Ya, I may have been.
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • #24
                    Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                    Just a partial list in the Update details - those were only the ones they forgot to update the description on or erroneously changed.
                    Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
                    How to ask smart questions:

                    Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


                    • #25
                      Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                      "Holy shit" at the SCH changes, that's way more love than I thought the job needed. New Flavor of the Month confirmed? Light arts boosting Enfeebling is sort of a lazy way out IMO, but welcome nonetheless. I swear on my Mortar and Gown I shall be the first to die from their own Sublimation!! GIVE ME THE PATCH, I NEED MY FIX.

                      Also, if it's not obvious, Klimaform has something to do with weather.

                      Emperor band continues the fine SE tradition of giving players something they want, but gimping it it some critical way. It's still awesome for players who don't spend every day of the week grinding though, myself included.

                      Originally posted by bikkebakke View Post
                      I'm not too familiar with SCH but what does Light and Dark arts do for them? I see SCH switch between them alot, but now it looks like they will be stuck in one or the other for 2 hours? Or are they some sort of boost like Divine/Elemental Seal?
                      Gives us B- skill with three of our six magic skills, and gives a bonus to one color of magic and a penalty to the other. The 2 hour duration is fairly meaningless, since they have a 1 minute recast and overwrite each other. This may mean that we can now remove the ability like it were a buff though.


                      • #26
                        Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                        @ the bottom they list some (hopefully not all) of the spells SCH gets with Addendum.

                        And WOOT Skillchain update!

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #27
                          Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                          Wow, nothin I can really look forward to ATM. Going to order some pizza.

                          Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                          • #28
                            Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                            Started a new thread in the scholar forum specifically on the scholar changes, since there are so many.

                            Of course they don't say what the new blue magics *are* - but since they're in the autotranslator, it won't take long to figure out. Probably from WotG mobs.

                            The chance to resist damage from skill chains has been adjusted.
                            Cool. A much-awaited change, although (IMO) not enough by itself to overcome the melee-zerg dynamic.

                            "Brygid the Stylist Returns" quest is now available for dancers and scholars.
                            I wonder if they get a new piece, or one of the existing ones? The Glamour Jupon would fit SCH great; Duende Cotehardie wouldn't suck either. For DNC I guess Cerise Doublet, or maybe Rapparee Harness (they wouldn't benefit from the racc, but the haste would be very welcome).

                            The new summoner job ability “Elemental Siphon” has been introduced:
                            Elemental Siphon: Drains MP from your summoned spirit.
                            *Only effective on spirits summoned by the summoner.
                            Interesting. It could help pay the cost of keeping the spirit out - or you could just dismiss right after it and use the MP for an avatar or subjob spells instead.
                            Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                            RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                            All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                            • #29
                              Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                              << first time ever being first poster. "I'm Lovin it!"

                              Cant wait for a war/nin burn now with the counter helping out with shadow casting and war starting to lean towards tank. Never saying it will be but now a party of 4 war/nin, 1 brd, and rdm..... *drool*.

                              Hope this helped and im very happy about getting this up first.

                              PS Sch is now pimp.
                              Originally posted by Raydeus

                              Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


                              • #30
                                Re: Version Update Complete! (03/10/2008)

                                WAR/DNC tanking ftw? yahoo~ XD

                                /SCH is very useful now, alongside with /WHM. And the SCH updates is so awesome!
                                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                                Race: Hume Rank 7
                                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU

